Can somone give me a run down on gamer gate please, also, ancap memes thread

Can somone give me a run down on gamer gate please, also, ancap memes thread


autistic tumblrinas throwing hissy fits, nothing new


thats literally everything today, what was it about?


When you post secretly on Sup Forums ancap memes thread but your Full Size Pic subscription hasn't been renewed and all you get is a picture for ants posted and the internet police locates you and forces you to pay the subscription put you are out of bitcoins so you get shot and your organs are donated to the nearest McDonalds

misogynistic shitlords #imwithher

When pollen from flowers in your neighbor's house irritates you so you nuke his house for violating the nap but some rubble flies onto your other neighbor's house and he guns your whole family.

Here are some rares
this is Anarcho-Nihilism/Agorism


When the people dissolve the government and all of its institutions, so the anarcho-capitalist revolution is complete.
Then the NAP's reliance on self-armament and self-protection leads people to live farther and farther from each other until 99% of the population lives in very small autonomous groups. This ultimately leads to an erosion of technology.
So the anacho-primitivist revolution is complete.
BTW this is original someone rate pls.

Heres a guide to the different types




>t. dyslexic Latvian faggot

Depending on who you ask. Pro-Gamergate side says it was about ethics in journalism. Anti-Gamergate side says it's an excuse to hate women.

In total honestly, the facts of the matter are fuzzy, and unironically accusing one side of something without seeing how the other side is guilty of the same thing is nearly impossible. I don't mean this as a meme, it's nearly fucking impossible to figure out what the hell was actually going on.

Boils down to this: It was a culture war, where people on on opposite ends of the political and social spectrum fight each other on the internet using dirty tactics.

It was basically a global experiment in expressing pure amoral power on the internet. In the end Gamergate won in the pure expression of power, and the anti-Gamergate people realized that the only way to have their way is to censor the internet so only people with their views can be allowed to speak.


>Tumblr girl Zoey Quinn makes a shitty video game called depression quest
>She sleeps with over 5 high profile game reviewers
>Suddenly, the reviews for her shitty game shoot way up
>Sup Forums (predictably) discovers the connection and publicly calls her out
>She cries misogyny and sexism
>Gawker (predictably) takes her side, starts writing articles bashing Sup Forums and gamers in general as sexist and misogynist
>Sup Forums fights back, thus creating gamergate
>Eventually, gawker allegedly threatened to file a lawsuit against moot, so the admins started deleting any post even referencing gamer gate.
>Sup Forums (predictably) hates being censored, especially by moot himself
>This only made the tension worse
>Zoey Quinn ends up getting national praise for her courageous battle against the misogynistic community that is gamers
>Invited to speak in front of the UN with that other feminist game reviewer (Anita something) about feminism
>Gamers shut down as usual


Basically it was SJWs vs Gamers over who could whine more. In all reality, it was a non issue

gamer gate?

are you new? (not asking in a bad way)

basically some chicks shitty game got great reviews even though it sucked, turns out she was sleeping with the guy who was a reviewer in the gaming journalism industry
turns out this happens at on and a ton of 'female developers' would do sexual favors for guys who worked for gaming sites like kotaku and polygon etc and

it sparked this entire debate and movement about how corrupt the industry really was

i thnk the game was depression quest that sparked it?

anyways thats that lmao
ut yeah

gamerg ate is a bunch of big gay babies

>games journalists getting paid off
>normal people: "inethical conduct!"
>suddenly, femikikes appear: "muh sojiny!"

Anyone got the pic linking gamergate to bilderberg?

Well you're not wrong



GG was ultimately an anti-SJW movement in video game journalism. Video game journalism is filled with liberals, unsurprisingly, who have an agenda to make video games pander to their regressive views, and any game that doesn't gets a low rating. Liberals labeled it as "sexist" because the one who started the fire happened to be a female.

a huge flamewar that grew larger as different groups joined in to support/oppose the side they liked/disliked and then eventually died out.

can someone please give me a template?

>when you can supply lanterns and oil for half the cost of a lightbulb



>guy somewhere makes a blog post that he found out his gf (pic related) cheated on him with game reviewer to get good reviews for her "game"
>link is posted on Sup Forums and it quickly blows up the way other posters here described
>this is also how the cuck meme was born
>pol joins in. leads to moot censoring, the cripplechan "exodus", shekel-shoa etc.

Also, the reason it blew up the way it did is that it represented things Sup Forums has been getting fed up with for years
>corrupt video game reviewers
>indie games scene being co-opted by sf trustfund kiddies who dropped out of film school
>sjw clickbait stealing the narrative


A girl who writes online articles about video games and claims to champion women's rights and a feminist agenda cheated on her boyfriend with 5 men who were heavily involved in the video game industry. It got found out that Zoe made a shit tier text game called Depression Quest and it got green lighted on Steam with no trouble because she had sex with someone who was able to push her game through the process even though it was a shit tier game and everyone who played it agreed. Additionally, the other guys that she slept with worked for video game websites that hosted video game reviews and op ed articles and constantly shilled for her articles about how awful and sexist video games, their creators, their audience, and the industry as a whole are all sexist and evil for how she feels women are portrayed.

Her popularity, mostly due to the men she had sex with, has so much power behind it that anyone who even hinted at a disagreement with her was immediately outcasted by all of her followers and even mainstream video game websites, then she'd go to Twitter and cry about it and raise even more support. But this is where things get really evil. There was a guy who hosted a non profit competition for women to come up with video game concepts and the top 5 submissions would get made by indie game devs, the winners would receive a portion of the sales and the rest would go to the game development. Zoe was so offended by this concept that she claimed the leader was profiting off of the women's work and eventually doxxed him. Even more evil than that, she once went onto a Disney fanboy image board and started writing terrible things about herself under the guise on anonymity. Even the regular denizens of the board realized the insults directed at her were out of place and unwarranted. Of course she immediately took to Twitter to claim harassment and brought a bunch of hate to a website that clearly doesn't deserve any.


In 2014, there was some video game drama related to some female developers and critics. It started on Sup Forums’s /r9k/ when a bitter ex posted a beta blog, and spread to Sup Forums and Sup Forums. You can search around the web for the full story, but the basic gist is this:
A large portion of ‘gamers’ had become tired of their media outlets constantly pushing identity politics and collusion (for financial gain) in what was supposed to be a journalistic approach to gaming news. Tensions bubbled after it was reported that an indie dev was getting positive press from ‘journalists’ she may or may not have been intimate with. Unfortunately no one takes video games seriously (rightly so) and this was probably why GamerGate was such a disaster. Funnily enough, it was the first major push back against paid media and hyperbolic headlines. The gaming media teamed up and wrote several narratives which they tried to push on people one at time (in order to make those damn gators go away). “Gamers are dead”, “Gamers are misogynist”, “Gamers are pissbabies”, “Gamers are racist”, “Gamers are over”. These are headlines that came from the very people who needed gamers to be their audience. Funnily enough, it’s the same thing you see the media do with Trump. It’s the same pattern, create a narrative and then just constantly harp on it – while gaming SEO and poll results to make it sound true, regardless of the actual facts.

GamerGate was a horrifying reveal to a segment of the internet, anime fans and gamers (which also happens to be the primary audience of Sup Forums – which also happens to be a largely growing demographic which is scaring everyone), that the media was completely bought. To be fair though, GamerGate ‘activists’ went about their not-‘movement’ completely wrong after the first 2 months and in the end no one won. While a majority of “pro-GG” dropped out after 6 months due to the rise of web celebs (Milo Yiannopolous, anyone?) trying to make a buck off of the ‘movement’ and newbies not even understanding what they were yelling about – this jaded disillusionment would fester.
These disillusioned gamers helped create the alt-right. The great irony is that half of these gamers weren’t/aren’t conservative to begin with. They’re anti-propaganda and pro-truth. No one likes when people try to sell them lies. The media and the politicians / CEO’s that fund their stories are terrified because more people keep waking up to it. It’s like kicking a beehive. All they have to do is stop kicking it and the bees will stop coming out, yet they can’t seem to. Part of the problem is that the news media absolutely needs to generate controversy and scandal, because without hyperbole they can’t make money.

So while GamerGate was a PR disaster, it educated hundreds of thousands of users on the web how the media actually works, and when 2015 came rolling around and election season started ramping up – these goobers knew how to play ball.



Is that a man?


This is where the bomb drops. One day her ex boyfriend finds out she cheated on him with the 5 guys mentioned earlier and drops a huge and detailed expose on what happened. All of the back room shady deals where one hand of the gaming media washes the other and special privileges in return for sexual favors came out into the open and people, mostly gamers, lost their fucking minds.

But the media was on Zoe's side. Reddit mods deleted entire threads created about it. Mods on Sup Forums deleted threads. YouTube videos that even mentioned her name were being removed for copyright infringement.

Going into full scale panic mode, Zoe Quinn and her goons all took to social media and began writing articles all about how this was an attack on women and that Zoe's life was being invaded unfairly.

Unfortunately their tactic worked. While the people who were exposing gamergate were being silenced and shut down, Zoe and the SJWs flooded the Internet with the false idea that this "gamergate" was just to slut shame women and drive women out of the video game industry.

Zoe Quinn is an evil person. She makes a living writing about things she has no involvement in and it unfortunately changes the culture for everyone. Oh and she has nudes from a "professional" shoot she did in like 2005 or something.


I'll do it for you ez pz.

It started with some guy and his borderline personality ex who was abusing him/gaslighting him, as they do, but it was revealed the guys she was sleeping with were deep in the indie gaming scene and journalism, and was doing it for favours. Most of them had marriages or relationships and muscled game journalism to help cover them up.

It was then revealed his ex had changed her ((((((name)))))) three times and was a totally different person each time. She also used to be deep in the goons and regularly uses them to stirr up shit on the internet. She's basically a culture hacker and makes a living off stirring up shit and infiltrating welcoming groups and industries.

The trail of money lead to massive journalism groups like Gawker, institutions she's done mouthwork for, which actively had documents put out about using this new form of media to push marxist ideals to children, she's even used those contacts to do a speech for the UN on online abuse, pushing the censorship of the net and this whole thing has revealed as massive ring of people involved in things of this nature.

All the meanwhile she frequently taunts about the nature of her work by calling herself the unburnt witch, and ironically wearing illuminati synbols etc, but essentially she's just a modern age shyster and people keep boosting her publicity.

Same story for Anita and that other tranny.

All from wealthy backgrounds, all change their names regularly and identities, none of them believe what they push, all of them have no real skills to speak of but to be internet shysters.

Dude man ancap LOL
>when you do a bad thing but it's okay because you have a lot of money and NAP
So much funy!

What's her name Sup Forums?

who is this angry white male?


Wouldn't that not be anarchic?

How sould sleeping with pick related(s?) make you feel positive about anything?

I feel confused about the mix of AnCap Memes and GamerGate posts in this thread so i throw in an abstract kind of Pepe to express my confusion in a Sup Forums type of manner

On my desktop now, so here it is.

I see now. Thank you.


Ask a gaming "journalist".

True fax: Gamergate is responsible for the refugee crisis (right-wing sentiment rising as a result of gamergate made EU politicians open the door to refugees to bolster pro-EU support), Brexit, Trump (started the backlash against political correctness and the alt-right memeing him) and the upcoming nuclear race war.

Have another ancap, buddy. This little guy is special, he's a cool meme mash up


a run down?

Whatever happened to cripplechan? It was only popular for 4 months before most of us moved back

This won't work by blocking out the sunlight you kill my plants violating the NAP. I shoot a cruise missile to kill you and your family.

>Can somone give me a run down on gamer gate please

I'm literally gonna copypaste a paragraph i made some time ago about it:

Gamergate was pretty much the Beta Version of the 2016 elections in the internet:

>A group of people dig deep and find out evidence that a certain Person of Interest has been implicated in shady dealings to boost their reach

>The group gets reasonably butthurt because they obviously can't leave that sort of shit fly, so they resort to making it trend so that people can see the corruption that lies underneath

>Person of Interest realizes their integrity is at stake and that the evidence proves their corruption, so it fabricates a gigantic Red Herring along with some neat False Flags so people can play along with their message. This message is obviously "THE OPPOSING GROUP IS SEXIST/RACIST/BIGOTED!"

>People fall for it and start believing that anyone opposing the Person of Interest is doing it because they're simply BUZZWORDS BUZZWORDS BUZWORDS!

>A few newfags take the bait and actually believe that's the reason the whole movement started, so they head on an epic quest involving shitposting, but this time without a purpose, ergo, making it harder for anyone to take the movement seriously

Admittedly the RACIST! sentiment would've remained against the group regardless of if those faggots had jumped in the bandwagon or not. The difference is that in Gamergate's case, the Person of Interest (Zoe Quinn and the other die-hard SJW Queens) nabbed themselves a nice pseudo-win, because regardless of where you ask about it, most people seem to believe that the main drive of GG was "Harassing Poor Strong Independet Wymyn".

Fortunately in terms of the elections, the lies are so big that many people are actually starting to realize that they can't be spoonfed bullshit for THAT long.

simpsons did it