Why did the liberal media hate BvS so much? It denounces xenophobia and irrational hatred above all else...

Why did the liberal media hate BvS so much? It denounces xenophobia and irrational hatred above all else. Isn't that what they want?

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because zack synder is a conservative christian male

Because it wasn't made by Disney

It's not a good movie. Give up.

Because it also commits the cardinal son of presenting things in an unbiased, objective manner.

Superman, the "alien," is trying to stay apolitical and just let his actions define him, but it's not enough. It never is, not in his world and certainly not in ours. His silence, his reluctance to adopt a public voice and define himself is what Lex exploits, and what makes it so easy for Bruce to see him as an enemy.

Bruce thinks he's at "war," or at least that's what he keeps telling himself and Alfred, but his real motivation is what it's always been - vengeance. By allowing this unstated vendetta to justify any and all means, Bruce relinquishes any right to consider himself a hero, instead becoming a vengeance-obsessed vigilante fueling his campaign on xenophobia.

But here's where it loses major points: it presents a media that's culpable as well, all too willing to report controversy instead of facts, willing to turn a blind eye to the good, and focus on the bad. That's not just because they're on Lex's pocket; that's just the way things are. The media unwittingly feeds the paranoia and xenophobia by virtue of worrying more about money than what's news. Clark Kent, one of the only guys trying to report real abuse, is repeatedly taken to task for that very fact. It"s not about news; it's all about what people want to read.

I'll stop posting it as soon as you stop whining

why is the background noise making demands?

But the movie isn't even "alt-right". It's literally attacked out of ignorance.

It's a bad movie. It's status amongst alt-right twats is part of their massive victim mentality where everything is an attack on them, even people saying a shitty movie is shitty.

might have to do with it sucking

Nah you just suck cocks. BvS did not deserve its hate considering how much the media cocksucks shitty Marvels.

>villains portrayed are either atheist or Middle Eastern
>Middle Eastern
Fucking retard didn't even watch the movie, or if he did he's a fucking pleb mouth breather that didn't pay attention

The real reason the media hates BvS.

Snyder signed his death warrant attacking the media elite and ousting them for being owned by billionaires.

Or, it's because it's a shitty fucking movie.

I wonder what insular, powerful group could benefit from getting everyone to believe that?


Socialists like Snyder's films too. It's only Centrist Neo-Liberals and the plebs brainwashed by their Corporatist propaganda that dislike these films.

I'm sure you've imagined a few.

and I'm sure by implying its just a shit movie, you're imagining I'm working for one (or more) of them.

Then explain why Marvel movies get good reviews despite being shittier on all fronts?

>Soros has been promoting immigration for a solid 20 years
>Snyder became famous after a movie of white greeks stopping shitskins from invading their country
>Soros has invested in Disney and Hillary in the recent past
Pure coincidence goy, go watch that talking raccoon

The same reason why it keeps fellating Marvel movies even though both the CEO of Marvel and the CEO of Disney used to be in bed with the Trump administration.

Newsflash: The "liberal" media isn't very liberal, much less left leaning, at all. Big Media are a group of commercial enterprises that use social justice and equality as means of advertising, not as things to be actively pursued or even particulary strongly supported.

Because they have nothing to live up to. Everyone has seen better batman and superman movies.

It's just clickbait. These people run out of things to write so they just start shitting these kinds of articles out hoping people will see the headline and roll their eyes and read it to see what it's about. Like you did.

Yes, keeping retards jumping at the shadows of the politics of escapist media is exactly how our ruling masters are controlling the populace.

Is this all a meme? Or should I actually watch this movie? Capeshit had been off my radar for the last few years. But if this movie is legitimately good and being shit on for political reasons I may give it a chance. May.

It's as good as capeshit can get desu. Watch the Ultimate Cut.

I have seen better Iron Man and Spider-Man movies. Yet Marvel's failings are swept under the rug and even considered successes. Civil War reviews said it all.

But BvS producer is now Secretary of Treasury while Marvel's CEO was kicked out of the MCU and now does tv shows so bad that audience laugh when they show them the trailers at comic cons

Very much this. This movie doesn't just pay superficial lipservice to topical issues, it makes them integral to the actual plot.

>claim the "alt-right" has a victim complex and that the idea the movie is being shit on for being "alt-right" is an example of that
>OP posted an entire article proving that to be true

I keep forgetting that SJW whiners basically have IQ's below room temperature.

What did Hack Snyder mean by this?

That even moderate Islam isn't comfortable with homosexuality.

>a background shit only full blown homos would notice
>MCUck bring it up
Based Zack outing these cucks for what they are

This, it is way better than any other capeshit I've seen this decade. Still doesn't make it good, though.

this review sounds like armond white on opposite day