Chipped cards

>just checked the mail
>got new debit cards
>"What the hell? I didn't order anything."

What's the deal with these chipped cards? My mind instantly went to
>some new way to track us

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Theyre a pain in the ass.

How do you not have a chipped card by now?

Holy shit. So you guys will get contactless in about 10-15 years then?
>first world
Pick only one

Drill a hole in the chip and use the mag strip.

The worst is that tap bullshit, but you can have that de-activated on debit cards.

They force the purchase of millions of new credit card readers.

Yeah break your cards guys

I really had no desire to ever have a chipped card.
Will be drilling a hole in it immediately.
Do you guys think they actually use it to track us via GPS or something though?

No . If you carry around a phone and are worried about this you are literally retarded.

It doesn't break anything except the chip.

I normally keep it in airplane mode unless I need to make a call. Would that help mitigate tracking?

I did the exact same thing with mine. Put a nail right through the little tracking thing. Didn't hurt the card at all, mag strip works fine.

Its gonna be a bitch to stop the tracking when the little chip is implanted in your face.

Not really but nobody is tracking you. Go get help.

You can steal a card number with a slimmer, but you can't fake the chip. It adds fraud protection, but a lot of places still don't require them.

You must be such a high value target user, lmao.

Paranoid as fuck, typical Sup Forumslack

No. Not in the slightest.
And the chip basically does what th mag strip does but it generates a unique transaction code every time, making it far less easy to steal the info.

oh hush. the NSA passively tracks everyone.

doesn't fucking matter though because we're all peons.

If you worry about them wanting to track you,
than why would you believe that airplane mode would deactivate anything?

You do realize that every time you use the strip your location is still logged right? What vendor, and what amount you used. Why is the chip bad?

I meant nobody is specifically targeting OP.

its to add fraud protection, and a pain in the ass because you have to put it into the chip reader and i take fucking 30 seconds for it too work. this shit is like 10 years behind, japan has iris scanners and finger print readers and europe has pay pal systems in rich parts atleast.

HOLY FUCK. how late in the technology game are you?
we even got contact less debit card now. This is so fucking 3rd world
Hell Zambia pays with their phone in staid of debit cards. you are literally worse than a country in Africa when it comes to payment

Has this not been a thing in the US before?

Americans are very reluctant with that, they like how criminals can just copy their account access credentials by reading out the magnetic strip.
That's freedum.

I hate the fact that if a card reader has a slider and chip reader it only reads the chip. When I got my card I tried to slide it at the store like 3 times before they told me about the chip. Plus the cheap reader is invisible and I have to bend down to see where to put my card.

You know what's even easier?


Shops should update their shit anyway. I'm not using computers from the 90's and neither should they.

Supposedly more secure. Fucking pain in the ass is what it is.

the chip readers are slows as fuck to respond compared to just sliding your card.

Literally RFID chips.

New readers will refuse to read the mag strip if it's a chip card

2 seconds here, about 5 for slides i don't know why your system is so slow

>What's the deal with these chipped cards?

You didn't get chipped credit and debit cards 15 years ago.... or was it 20 years ago?

The deal is better encryption and making copying 'em harder. They can track use of cards with just a stripe just as easily and those are way easier to copy and use for frauds.

usually takes 0.5s for it to register..

Airplane mode won't help if the phone is set up to track you (e.g. via a software update) but it prevents tracking in normal operation (signing on and off from cellphone towers).
As a country that has immediately cucked under and sucked up the EU directive of mass data preservation you should know that.
Feels good to live in a country where anonymous SIM cards are very common and saving data without court order is illegal.

You should see in Brazil, some banks require hand biometry.
Thank good my bank doesn't ask for this. I'm really considering to end my account if they do.

What about a flip phoe in airplane mode?


It's like half a second to swipe the card and start putting it away. With chips it's "Place card in chip slot. Stand there as POS machine says "DO NOT REMOVE CARD". Then it authorizes, but the sale can't finish until you take the card out.
Swiping is faster than chips.

>Airplane mode won't help if the phone is set up to track you (e.g. via a software update) but it prevents tracking in normal operation (signing on and off from cellphone towers).
Kek. Airplane mode stops the phone from transmitting, not receiving. It knows the towers it's near, it can easily use GPS to get it's location, it can use wifi networks, etc.

You're not safe.

Guess what idiot cc companies spend millions tracking you and selling your spending habits to marketing companies a full two decades BEFORE the chip was implemented

Christ why is Sup Forums so idiotic

You mean as in not smart phone? They have software too and can be remotely updated.

Are you from Canada? because this shitposting is really triggering me

Do you not have PayPass?

When you get NFC another 20 years later you will have what Euros have now (convenience of magnet strip with security of smart card).

>Do you guys think they actually use it to track us via GPS or something though?

Your bank uses it track how much money you use and where you use it or withdraw it and also they might sell anonymized statistical info to other users like firms that sell shit or build shit like marts to shart in.

which bank?

It's inherently more secure because it is encrypted and you can't clone a card like you can with traditional magstrip card.

I really hate that they don't give the choice, myself. I'll use the chip 100% any day of any year because it is more secure than magstrip, but I realize a lot of people still want to use the regular magstrips.

It depends on the backbone of the credit processor. Where I work, they are about the same time to register. The technology itself isn't slower, the companies cheaping out on infrastructure are.

Don't know if this is a shitpost but receiving is not enough for somebody else to track you.

Probably because the standards for performance are different between a personal computer and a glorified cash register that can make spreadsheets. 90% of businesses have no need for advanced programs or faster performance so they don't upgrade.

lol cashiers in cvs fucking have to press a button on there computer and make it register.

buy an iphone, add ios 9 and get a private phone company that does not release phone records, use your brain.

It is when they have malware on your phone recording everything, AKA what would happen if you were important enough to actually be tracked by the NSA or FBI.

Stop shitposting Australia.

Never says "Do Not Remove Card" here because it's authorizes so quickly unless it's a foreign card.
I just think that your systems need updates. Swiping and chip will be the same speed.

Stop using debit and you never have to worry about fraud. Credit cards are the most secured way to shop. If you're using a credit card like a loan, you're an idiot. APR shouldn't matter, only rewards and annual fee.

I've been paranoid ever since my Firearm Owner's Identification card application was denied despite me having no criminal record beyond a few traffic tickets.

Banks that require biometry? Banco do Brasil and Itaú.
My bank? Caixa.

>its to add fraud protection, and a pain in the ass because you have to put it into the chip reader and i take fucking 30 seconds for it too work. this shit is like 10 years behind, japan has iris scanners and finger print readers and europe has pay pal systems in rich parts atleast.

The thing that takes time with card readers is establishing secure connection to verify card and purchases made with it. Usually delays are caused by whatever network is used for communication.

Chips have been getting used for like a year and half in Massachusetts but the cards have had them on it for a few years

When you have malware on your phone it will just transmit even in "airplane" mode.

thanks huebro.

>how can we secure these cards?

>no, Iwe don't want a two-layer system whereby physical ownership of the card as well as knowledge of the security PIN is required to use the card

>I know, let's just write our names, with a pen

Not in all cases. NSA malware is tailored to the individual. If you have anything that could detect a transmission and alert you to it they'd change the behavior of the malware ahead of time.

You're not safe. The best way to avoid tracking is to just not be the type of person that they'd want to track.

>ome banks require hand biometry.

thats fucking scary hue bro, even your country has advanced banking systems even though its 3rd world.

Which is your bank?

>not having a dank ass signature that makes every document a pleasure to sign

The next step is to surgically implant them in your hands.
>One Chip lasts your whole life!
>You'll never have to worry about forgetting your wallet ever again!

I know I'm not high-value or doing anything illegal. I just want my privacy.

This doesn't work in authoritarian societies like Merkel-Germany, where they just track everyone and save the data, no matter whether you are "interesting" or not.

this is just the beginning m8

>get signature wrong one time
> bank gets googly eyes to it

mark of the beast acclimation

i would jump off a cliff before i used a "chipped" credit card

Revelation 13:16-18
16And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

>Why is the chip bad?

Because you have to stand there for half a minute while it does its thing instead of swiping in a second.

Its always been optional

Go innawoods or else you are just wasting your time.

In what way does the chip track you that the magnetic strip doesn't do already?

I mean, when wireless comes in, then yes, that is another way of tracking you potentially, but otherwise?

You idiots all carry a NSA microphone, two NSA surveillance cameras and a NSA GPS tracker already.

It's called a fucking cell phone.

yeah i remember this shit, the first ones caught cyanide traces in the chips themselves, but i forgot who said this but a whistleblower said that now you have to put it in your hand, then they just remove it. Who knows when the chips become a thing everyone is saying no and voting no too them, hopefully its never.

Why not just pay eveything in cash? This is what I do.

>Why not just pay eveything in cash? This is what I do.

Maybe because you live in a third world shithole, João.

It's a fraud protection thing banks and credit card companies pushed for because now it pushes the liability of your information being intercepted and stolen off of the CC's side and onto the store's side.

That's literally all it is. Banks and CC companies pushed for legislation making chip readers mandatory so that

A.) Merchants would have to get expensive new POS machines and integrate them
B. ) Like I said, with chips, whether the store allows you to use it or not, the liability is on the stores end of the transaction now.

It's typical jew shit. Nothing to see here.

That shit is a meme, they can't track everyone yet. They collect a lot of data sure but the majority of it is discarded without anyone looking at it.

im 18 desu, i don't have a bank account yet.

They're creating a database of everybody. They won't "discard" information.

It has to be saved in accordance to the EU mass data preservation decree. They can't just "discard" it as it is even legal requirement in normal states.

It's basically Chip+Pin instead of Swipe+Sign

Holy shit, I thought I was on /x/ for a second reading this thread.

The purpose of the chip is for 2 step vertification, it's different from a standard swipe card or tap, because those can easily be stolen from a distance. With the chip, you have to physically have the card being inserted in order to use the information. It's not a fucking GPS tracker, that would be far too expensive to be worth putting into millions and millions of pieces of plastic. On top of that, banks already monitor where and how much money you are spending at different locations, as both a means of preventing fraud and protecting you from someone who had stolen your information. If someone used your card in a completely different state, the bank would notice, and could contact you to find out if you were the one who had gone there and done that.

I have no doubt that the concerns of this thread will one day be true, but as of right now, it's nothing even remotely close to that. Once I have to start scanning my irises every time I go to buy some bagels at a grocery store, then I'll complain.

Thank God. Even the mark of the beast is getting latter here.

Go to Caixa. I don't have a credit card and I only have a bank account to get my salary.

they might ban cash as more and more people use the digital system and cash becomes obsolete

then you will be forced into a dilemma

thats the end times scenario

you will have to starve because you cant buy anything without the mark of the beast

>bank accounts
please try again

its so damn easy to get a bank account well in the us or hongkong you can get one. Or is hue land different

do you not use bank machines??
what the fuck
I've had a chip since 2006ish

>tap bullshit, but you can have that de-activated on debit cards
Since when? You can drill through the antenna, but on some cards this also deactivates the chip and some terminals reject the mag strip if it's a chip card (ie. it tells you to use the chip when you try to swipe it).

Yes, not a smart phone, a Samsung Gusto.

How? I'm not tech literate and have wondered if a flip phone with basic shit is just as bad as a 'smart' phone.

what do you guys use now im curious i heard its pay pal systems.

The sad thing is the chip reading tech is old, they shouldn't technically be expensive but they are.

Yeah, see you in fucking 2075. They simply can not handle the amount of data they'd need to save everything. To believe other wise is naive.

We have a similar thing here, it's pretty much just a bunch of hashes connected to your account. If they're doing phone logging that would just be two hashes and a compressed date.

Unless you've fucked up enough to get placed on a watch list, you're fine. Google has more already.

I don't like smartphones in the least, and the only apple product I like are old ipods.

If you're concerned about that, enclose your card in tin foil.

I haven't tested that in a cell phone but it should work.

>It's not a fucking GPS tracker, that would be far too expensive to be worth putting into millions and millions of pieces of plastic

No it isn't. It's just plastic and metal, production processes cut the cost down to nothing.

It's not like people don't carry a GPS tracker and radio for triangulation in their phones already.

Cards that come with RFID or similar technology means they can track you inside buildings and stores.

You're already living in the surveillance world, and you have for a long time.

dude get an iphone its more secure then android and they have ipay aswell, its apples own banking system, you can buy stuff before you walk in the store.


THe euros have had this shit for years, and you guys are literally destroying your cards because you can't comprehend how it works, and bitching about how hard it is when the filthy euros have literally already mastered this shit.

Why are you so resistant to change, you mouth breathing turbo autists?


you mean a figment of gold right?