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I predict that op is a faggot

sorry man, no luc

you could try coming here
guy kinda seems legit

calm down serbias child

I predict that another big terror attack is going to happen in the west soon.

It's like edging, you sometimes get a slew of a few knife attacks and maybe a muzzie getting shot before he can commit an attack etc spread out over a few days but if there's a drought like now there is eventually a big 'monsoon' to end it like Paris and Orlando.

big explosion in europe

kek wills it


fucking yellowstone

Okay, if you want predictions, here is one:

Everyone hates mondays.
Shooting tomorrow in France, 4 dead
around noon


Religion of peace attack in France.


1) Conflict between China and Vietnam/Malaysia/Philippines over the South China Sea.
2) New round of grass-trimming in Gaza
3) Venezuelan Crisis develops into a failed state/civil war
4) Coup in Brazil
5) Major terror attack in India originating from Pakistan, and resulting tensions
6) Political violence in the USA elections, particularly voter intimidation in pro-Trump districts
7) Russia solidifies de facto independence of Donbas, Ukrainian government forced out
8) Turkish troops enter Iraqi Kurdistan, promoting international incident
9) Houthis in Yemen decline peace talks, violence continues
10) Iranian fast attack boats sink after approaching US warships in Gulf of Hormuz

Does ISIS have enough balls to attack an NFL stadium when the season starts in two weeks?

everyone will die

ww3 happens

All of you are complete faggots and don't know how to properly praise Kek.

Hoover Dam explosion that'll cause all the water to come crashing through, flooding many states while killing and injuring thousands. By the way, check em.


I guess US really wants some new happening on their clay. You shall have it

Austria, Italy and Denmark leave the EU.

Nuclear launch detected.

Russia pushes farther west into Ukraine in late September.


Technology allowing useless people like me to become cute lolis will start creating loli Kek cults.

Clinton health emergency

Last try.. kek bless us

Hillary Clinton dies in the coming month.

im still kind of hoping for Yellowstone to go

Bombing in Budapest.
23 dead.

Not yet

Ayy lmaos make contact

I guess lord has some sort of plan. Probably he will intervene in case Trump would going to lose.

give the frogs a break

Terrorist attack in Germany in the style of the Paris shootings.

Likely something on 9/11.

It was predicted that Clinton will lose, all the facts are pointing to this. She'll fade into obscurity after bill dies

I'm scared

you never go wrong predicting terrorism in france

Trump wins, that's confirmed. The thing is, he might win thanks to Hillary dying.

You never know lords plan

Coordinated attack in Stockholm City, probably in T-centralen during rush hour. A few hundred killed.

Civil war in france and germany

Hillary gets raped to death by Harambe's friends

400 dead
Religion of peace
Praise kek



ISIS will hit France again.

Leaked sex tape (filmed by slick willy) of Shillary and Monica

Hillary coughing fit first debate.

All black majority cities burn when Trump is elected because niggers destroy their own communities as a form of protest.

Trump will win the 2016 presidential election by a surprisingly large margin.

A few months after he is sworn in, Hillary Clinton will have a serious health issue like a stroke, or even worse, she will die.

This will make everyone in America think they really dodged a bullet by not electing her president.

Terror attack 200+ dead in germany

OP is a faggot confirmed.

shieet, close one Barrage

Kaepernick faggot gets cut and kills himself




I predict an earthquake in Venezuela, forcing refugees into neighboring countries and causing riots from the inhabitants.

i say isis attack in turkey, or a huge wide scale attack in europe plus turkey.

Maduro will face a popular coup

I need to see your filters

I recognize this reference

probably all pol threads happening withdrawl is hard


God this please. I hate Football and football fans so much.

Turks vs Isis vs Pkk vs Turks then its start of the end.

Audio tape of Hillary Clinton saying "nigger" will surface.

start with

alt right/alt-right variants - 11 hits
Sup Forums - 38 hits
why - 22 hits
white - 15
what - 5
would - 6
really - 4
how - 6

just kill ne

Any sources on this possibly happening? Lots of reports of them saying things like this on Google but are there any claims of recordings? That would end her as the audio would be on loop 24/7!

habbening occurs in Toronto. check these.

Trump wins and America is made great again

Attack in germany, france, and canada.

However canadian attack is covered up and downplayed.

Economic troubles begin in november

Hillary wins and America goes into civil war.

We had an earthquake, tsunami and now a typhoon in fukushima.

I predict mount adatara will erupt in a year or two.


Mid to late September. Expect something YUGEEE!!!

finally, I was quited deprived after the week with 3 or 4 happenings in a row.

I post for muslim attack in Germany

Pre-emptive black ops in best korea to sabotage their nuclear plan

WW3 and it will be a front. Millions of soldiers and civilians will die because of a fake war (really most wars have been fake especially WW1 and 2).

WW3 will be triggered by Israel. Marshal law will be in effect and liberties will be taken away. Mass drafts will occur. Will be Russia/China/whoever joins them vs. NATO countries and EU.

Either the nuclear strikes or something at the end of the war will cause the UN to decide the world needs a World Government and a World Army followed by a World Religion (atheism which might be smoothly enforced by fake alien visitation).

OR they will stage a fake alien invasion to get us to band together as a World Government (much like what Ozymandias did to prevent nuclear war in Watchmen). This event can also be what ends the war.

But I think the first option would be done so they can mass genocide all the undesirables for their "superior" race that will be mixed with Satan's DNA.

When the day comes that they announce a World Government and peace and security for everyone and even more outrageous things such as eternal life and transhumanism and all that jazz, please DO NOT LISTEN. GET OUT OF HER, MY PEOPLE.

I will get repeating digits

You are still not white.

you will all be under mindcontrol. and then you die.

am morgen des 23. april 2018 oder 28 wird ein asteroid mit der erde kollabieren.

emergency meeting. hanz is about to wake up. what do we do guys? we need to shut him down somehow. if we dont do that, we must eradicate the whole planet and that would be depressing and shit. especially for your great leader. you dont want him to rape your ass do you?

but user, satan isnt real.

may 20 2013, last chance to depart. i was left behind. those who remained got trapped in a mindcontrol grid.

what follows now is an exempt of the allerwelts crazy hanz. everybody start to laugh at him as soon as he posts, ok? i demand it.

-your great reader, satan.

here are his words:

i need help. the illuminati are mindcontrolling the whole world. we need to wake up now or else... something terrible happens. i dont know what but we must wake up now. please take me serious.

exemp end

remember: laugh at florian whenever you see him. i order you to.


and do NOT believe hes your savior. he will just reign doom upon you all.

silly goyim.

Merkel forms an EU army consisting of Muslim immigrants that rivals the clone army from fucking Star Wars

Eventually invades Britain

Will die to the American, Russian, and Asian alliance

Also President Ivanka will have mind blowingly amazing forbidden sex with President Natalia

Iran will nuke isreal

i ran will walk hezbolla

Some of you are ok, dont go to china tomorrow.


well ufos are flying over yellow stone maybe it will blow

crazy rant continue:

hanz. you cannot possibly win. we control everything. the athmosphere, the planet, the minds, the moon, heck, even the mars.

after we are done here with you and eradicated the evidence, we will spread to alpha centauri and make a new slave colony there. you cannot possibly win, crazy hanz. crazy hanz, sleep tonight, crazy hanz, you might not want to see the next day, crazy hanz. sleep well and eat well, crazy hanz, you will maybe not wake up tonight, crazy hanz. ill see you later.

dude stop fucking with hanz its sadder to fuck with him then being him

>wanting me to say "father satan"
fuck you, satan.

can i fuck you in your pussy?

rollannn this

taped leaked in 2018 during football world cup in russia

eternal sadness. regret. loss. never find love. you will burn forever. die in hell, hanz. you will suffer. YOU WILL SUFFER AHAHASHAHAHAAHA!!!!


Pls be in London.

London, November, gas.

London will fall in November.

why resisting, hanz. you have no hope. no one loves you. no one. NO ONE. no one will help you. no one on the whole world. everyone will just say you are crazy and MAYBE in 1of a million chances defend you with words. over the internet. hahahaha. you are so helpess and poitnless you small tiny insect. you will never see the light. i dont allow it. die in hell. for your sins. die... you will...

>Another terrorist attack in US stopped by CCW

>9/11 part two happens on the 15th anniversary.
>Trump is catapulted into presidency
>Americans go full redpill and ban muzzies from entering the US


wow you really suck at this you fucking DRUNKARD

samefagger exposed.

calling for reichstagsbrand 2.0 in movember this year

Ferkel muss weg!

Shup you before kek sets your town on fire you fucking wankstain.

Jeb wil win