Guys i am starting school tomorrow...

guys i am starting school tomorrow, and i was wondering about creative ways to rebel against the american public education system.

Don't, you autist. Sit down, pay attention, and go home.

but its the public education system? its not like i'm learning anything i don't already know.

Paint on the toilet paper and walls, write messages of you feel like it, put rocks into the toilet. Anything that can annoy the general staff

Draw a swastika using your feces in the bathroom.

Use a black person's shit so when they dna test the poo poo the negros get blamed

depends, what grade?




I genuinely wanted to know what grade Op was, and I would guess 10/11th, but I wouldn't doubt it desu.

get an actual education. They're successfully dumbing down our students and not teaching them anything worth while that applies to real life. Contradict that and make straight A's while being a cunt about it.

When I was in high school, we had this kid called the poop meister.

He would shit on his hand and smear it all over the bathroom stall. All over. He'd leave note cards at the scene of the crime that had a rhyming poem on them with hints of when he would strike next.

The poop meister never got caught. I graduated high school almost a decade ago and no one knows who he is. I imagine at this point, whoever the poop meister is, will take this secret to his grave.

1. Pretend like you have ADHD.
2. Get medication
3. Sell medication to students who want to get high, while dropping the ADHD act.


>guys i am starting school tomorrow, and i was wondering about creative ways to rebel against the american public education system.

>i was wondering about creative ways to rebel against the american public education system.


By becoming successful, wealthy, and influential to society.


Enjoy ban

underage B& get out

>what is an ID

Question everything
Present alternative arguments when a "teacher" force feeds the class a narrative
Be active in your education, don't just role with what you are "taught", do actual research on your own

Then go take the graduation test and start working you fucking child.

> future fry cook


Paste a MAGA sticker and Pepe sticker at your local safe space

Sounds like something an underage would say...

sounds like a selfish little entitled nigger to me.

Bring a gun to school

What kind of statist faggotry is this? Good luck living life as a doormat, just taking the system's abuse.

Why rebel? Just drop out, dumbass. As long as you are over 16 you can quit

take shop class you fucking faggot, but i'm sure you won't because you'd chip a nail or something

I hope you carry that kind of attitude with you to the race war. Figures, /poltards are all talk and no action.

Dont do your homework and then ask the teacher if they believe people should be punished for something they didnt do

under8ed post

Look, if this young fag doesn't value his education then he should gtfo and quit draining resources from students with motivation.

I think in most states if you drop out you can't get a driver's license.

Be intelligent and conservative. That's what I did. My teachers respected me, I thought them shit they didn't know about their own field, and then I redpilled them on the world. Same with my peers.

learn something

>i was wondering about creative ways to rebel against the american public education system.

Try getting an education.

Schools aren't institutions of learning, they're indoctrination centers at worst, daycare facilities at best. Kids need to fix the system, show the "educators" that they will not be robots and slaves to the systems, prove that they are capable of learning and wanting to change society for the better. You all bitch and moan about SJWs, but they complain when a kid wants to break the cycle.

I tried this once. Loss all of my friends and teachers thought I was a fascist scumbag.

>public school
theres your problem. either pony up for good private school that will actually provide an avenue for success and provide you with a good education.

or gtfo. seriously drop out. dont waste your time now that your free. pursue a few different interests, and get some jobs doing something that might have some relation to a future career. if not related to career goals thats fine too.

>get ged right quick
>learn a trade or something
>get certifications in your career field if applicable.
>apprentice under a master of something
>maybe strike out on your own and be your own boss
>make good money doing honest work that you have at least some interest in, if not a passion.
>laugh at berniecucks who are working a dead end job with a mountain of student debt.