"CAPITALISM may not be a perfect system, but it just works y'know?"

>"CAPITALISM may not be a perfect system, but it just works y'know?"
yes of course it works. for (((them)))

Other urls found in this thread:


>Implying we have actual capitalism.

Because they control the banks and issuance of currency, if that wasn't the case, I imagine it would be more equitable. Socialism, Capitalism, it makes no difference when (((they))) are pulling the strings.

>62 people

Including the creators of computers, the creators of the modern Internet, investors.

Meanwhile you shit post on the internet

every system can and will be broken and abused by people.

socialism and communism are not by any means immune, and thinking switching to them would magically fix all the problem and not have there be any is utterly insane, nor would any transition to such a system be smooth.

this is not even taking into account which system is actually better, merely the fact given time you will always find a select with more power then the whole.

while in any system, capitalism or communism, one should try to fix or prevent such problems from arriving, this will only be a temporary solution and eventually someone will find a way to abuse and corrupt the system.


Capitalism isn't just laissez faire let the rich abuse the power riches gives them in capitalism. I'd imagine a better form of capitalism aims to incrementally increase the difficulty needed to become wealthy, therefore is more competitive as it lets smaller businesses and smaller people compete. More businesses, more jobs, better wealth mobility and better wealth inequality.

The issue is (((they))) specifically target small businesses and attempt to disrupt the disrupters.

Capitalism can get better, it'll just require a concentrated international effort to counteract (((their))) international efforts. In the meantime, you can expect more nationalistic policies or unemployment being focused on certain groups.

we have fudalism

And then you retards cry about socialism and the redistribution of wealth. Literally can't satisfy you kids.

You're right, we should kill Soros and Rothschilds and redistribute their collective wealth

more money wont make me happy.

and trust me when i say if were going off a scale i would and probably will be for a long time on the receiving end of any wealth redistribution.

People always forget that the bottom quarter or so of humanity owns negative capital, so it's not really surprising that the X richest people own more than them. We could have totally confiscation of all wealth over a million dollars, and the top 62 would still have more money than everyone who's in debt.

When the 1% uses the power of the state to enact violence in the market through taxation and regulation in order to eliminate their competition, they're no longer participating in capitalism.

It would be like if you were a business owner calling mafia hits on your competitors down the street. This is not ethical. This is not capitalism.

Yeah a lot of people are "unwealthy" but even the poorest in America have decent shelter, easy access to food and water and state-granted access to education. Point being that capitalism raises everyone up to a rather comfortable standard of living that most other economic policies completely fail at.

Capitalism is a voluntary system, you gommie feget!

>Point being that capitalism in western europe the anglosphere and it's peripheries raises everyone up to a rather comfortable standard of living that most other economic policies completely fail at.

>Including the creators of computers, the creators of the modern Internet, investors.

Only thing even remotely correct on that is list are investors.

America has not been Capitalist for well over fifty years.


>Capitalism isn't just laissez faire let the rich abuse the power riches gives them in capitalism.

No. All systems are plutocratic socialism.

It doesn't matter what they call themselves. They just have different levels of leniency in terms of giving the plebs stuff.

poorest in america have shelter, food e.t.c.
but the 3 billion or so humans outside of the global north are basically slaves to the globalist economy so we can have cheap iphones and buy 3$ coffees at starbucks

>more money wont make me happy.

then you have a low IQ

I could spend a trillion dollars in a month

t. communist shill

How the fuck is communism any better? All the wealth goes to ONE person instead and everyone else is dirt poor. At least in capitalism you get a chance to have decent living conditions if you work for it.

nah its low IQ people that think money is the only source of happiness in life.

or at least i should say i mean extravagant wealth wont make anyone happy. theres even been studies on it, where as reported increases in happiness ended well before even a million dollars(annual income if i remember correctly).

poverty obviously sucks as all hell and being able to afford a decent life with spending money is of course a happier one then living paycheck to paycheck.

but even that really doesn't have much appeal to me, but it should be mentioned no one has ever thought of me as normal.

They own 50% of the cars, food, educational resources, consume half of the housing, fuel, and entertainment?

They don't? Well gee. It's almost like a bunch of moron journalists saw that some irrelevant statistic existed and didn't care whether it mrant anything out in reality other than that people would click their garbage. And like a moron, you believed it.

This guy gets it. Not left vs right, but top and bottom against the middle.

You realise anti monopoly laws exist? Next we need anti anti disruption laws, tax exempt status for new businesses and incentives to hire workers. My issue with capitalism in its current incarnation is that it believes unemployment is a good thing or that there's an acceptable unemployment rate besides 0-1%. Unemployment is the real reason wages are stagnant despite increases in productivity, there are simply not enough small businesses to hire every type of graduate and large businesses only hire certain types of graduates.

I don't actually believe in the plutocracy, I believe some people just gamed the system well. I do believe unemployment is a deliberate problem though, especially if you're the wrong race/gender for certain jobs. The "more women and minorities in STEM" thing simply exists to raise unemployment and thus raise standards in those areas, this is so 3 or 4 large companies have their pickings of the high distinction graduates.

In a way, the worst thing about our system actually is a form of socialism, but it's implemented by sociology graduates in human resources. The worst thing in technocracies will always be the people.

Isn't the quality of life raising for people across the world? What difference does it make if some people "own more wealth" than others when everybody is living better than ever overall?

That's not how wealth works. If everyone is rich, then no one is. Prices would literally just shift, and congratulations you've got inflation!

Some people have lots of money because their jobs pay a lot
>"I SHOULD have some of that money simply because I exist"
This is Africa tier
Why are commies so jealous?

I can't think of anything I want other than a house, good food and a computer(plus accessories).

I'd rather create things than spend pointlessly.

The point is that more wealth never decreases your happiness. Unless you're one of those fucks who gets bored easily and gets jaded too easy like a rich celebrity who offs himself.

Me, I'm pretty happy just shitposting and making my own dinners every night and having plenty to read. That alone makes me real fucking happy.

Add a few million, billion, or trillion and I'd be ecstatic. But just because there's rich kids born into money doesn't make me mad, jealous, or hate the world. I don't care. The world isn't fair, and that's fine. Attempting to make it fair is going to cause a lot more harm than just accepting the world as it is.

However: If these people are breaking countless laws and we're catching them, then we can drag them through the streets. But until then, let them live in their fast cars and yachts you commie scum.

>I'd rather create things

Uh, it takes money to create things

>than spend pointlessly.

again, IQ

You can create with spending.
I've done the maths and assuming no one stopped you, you could flood the Sahara with saltwater for only millions, hard to tell the cost of flooding it with freshwater though.



law is nothing more than a euphemism for a system designed to maintain elite privilege

>IQ this IQ that
Did you take a test this month that tells everyone they have an IQ 20 points higher than it actually is?
And you actually think IQ is an appropriate measure of intelligence?

Bette than 20 people with all the wealth that are all government bodies and everyone makes the same low wage, everyone is in the low class, and no one has a chance to make more money. Take your communism bullshit somewhere else.

>he thinks it's a zero sum game

>nah its low IQ people that think money is the only source of happiness in life.

nice fallacy there

>extravagant wealth wont make anyone happy. theres even been studies on it
give a chicken a bicycle and don't expect much

stupid people... hoo boy!

Capitalism is the accumulation of wealth, consequence of the excess of goods and it's exchange for others. Take for example a flea market-
The problem is when people associate with the goal of banishing all competition. That is called C O R P O R A T I S M and it is what people mean when they bash capitalism like it's the boogeyman.
As long as corporations are wealthier, have the law on their side and a militaristic force they will rule the world, simple as that.
What can you do to fight this?
On a large scale fucking nothing.
The only thing that can be done is to be autosufficient, only trade goods at a local level, vote for nationalist/anti-globalist candidates and keep yourself informed about ways to make your life less dependent on urban life.

Cry me a river you socialist cucks

The faster capitalism marches ahead, the sooner we get to a post scarcity society.

>And you actually think IQ is an appropriate measure of intelligence?
Call it what you like.

The bottom line is that people who say money doesn't buy happiness are:

a) rich
b) utterly lacking in creativity
c) dumb

If you think money doesn't buy happiness then you don't know how to spend it

More wealth does decrease your happiness when it's so much your whole life revolves around earning it and keeping it.

>If you think money doesn't buy happiness then you don't know how to spend it

And, anyone with an ounce of sense realizes that the fact that money DOES buy happiness is the reason why we have this plutocratic system of global exploitation in the first place

>f these people are breaking countless laws and we're catching them, then we can drag them through the streets.

These people ARE breaking laws and we ARE catching them. Except there's nothing you, I, or anyone else can do about it because they're too entrenched politically. They use their massive fortunes to circumvent laws and escape justice, the only way to combat this is to strike pre-emptively and prevent any individual from accumulating enough wealth to influence the fate of nations.

If you disagree with this, you're either a kike, or a useful idiot

Money buys entertainment.
It doesn't buy happiness.
Happiness is a product of how you treat your environment.

nice fallacy meme. you watch idea channel or just pick it up from everyone else who started using it right after they talked about it?

but hey man you can think whatever you want. go get yourself your billions. if that makes you happy then whatever.

not everyone is built the same way or wants the same things. like i said in my full post, not just the parts you nit picked, more money does make people happier, just only up until a certain point. that certain point simply is probably much lower for me then it is for the majority of people.

Capitalism and Communism are both globalist cancer. National Socialism is the answer.

There is nothing capitalist about corruption.

Wait, are you telling me that regulations that make it impossible to start a new business actually help the corporate elite???????

The Nazi party could never have done any of the things it did without the massive capital investment by Wall Street banks in the early 1930s.

The Third Way does sound the most promising... until the first generation of leaders dies and is replaced with placid, incompetent, or malevolent powermongers who have lost the national spirit. This inevitably occurs in any autocratic system


Materialism is the spirits cancer

>le capitalism is a zero sum game meme

as long as people's overall standard of living increases who gives a shit if 99% of the overall wealth is controlled by 5 or even 4 people?

The older I get, the more I hate technology. I'm as much to blame as anyone, it's absolutely an addiction, but still.

Maybe Kaczinsky was right.

>100% of these (((people))) are non-goyim


Money buys health, fulfillment, you name it. Money is a tool that people can use to accomplish things. The more they have the more options they have to accomplish things — the less money, not intelligence, is the barrier to accomplishment.

It can even bring people as close as is humanly possible to immortality. (See Rockefeller's organ transplants)

People who don't know how to spend money. It's hard for me to comprehend. I have a list of 30 projects right now that could use several billion dollars quickly.

Right-wing Socialism

>Materialism is the spirits cancer
another fallacy

Only National socialism


>"it's corporatism"
>"it's because of the regulations"
>"it's because of big government"
>"it's cronyism"
>"it's globalism"
>"It's not true capitalismâ„¢ next time it will be different! Lord market promises it will be different next time"

If you count the central bankers, they own 98+% of the wealth.

>1 post by this ID
aaaaand sage

Money is just human labor in dollar form.
It's only the replacement for hunting, gathering and having to create your own inventions to do things.
It's a representation of the amount of energy you're allowed to use on Earth.

Money is human energy and human energy can be used to do anything.

The only thing I need in life is time. Potentially money could buy more time, but I'm not interested.

And they are all donors to Clintons campaign one way or another.

Not just the anglosphere bro.

Asian Tigers, China, Japan, etc.

For all the memes about sweatshop workers and long factory hours, people there want those jobs because they offer a better quality of life than farming rice up on the mountain their whole life.

I don't care. The only ones complaining about it are leftists, and I'll never side with them. I can barely tolerate them when they talk about corporations not paying their "fair share."

Im one of those people ama

That's because you're a mindless retard who has no idea what words mean, and is easily manipulated by marketing campaigns.

>implying there hasn't always been leaders of the pack

This will never change. There will always be higher ups.

>implying communism hasn't been tried

Love to see you capitalist pigs squirm over your own logic

>62 people own so much money! We need to get rid of them!
>Oh, they are mostly jews? THAT'S RACIST!

Pic related.

Give me a break material cuck. You should learn that life is more than just pleasurable consumption and that's a good thing. Suffering is necessary. We rely on it to achieve and find purpose.

You can have fun blowing coke and buying Ferraris until your heart stops while people make hardy and strong families to carry tradition and find meaning and purpose in this world.

If your idea of a future is a world where we all sit down on a vibrator and masturbation machine with a feeding tube and toilet below all while connected to virtual reality then you are a fucking faggot

>everybody has money? better raise prices!
>nobody has money? better raise prices!

I want off this shitty ride.

That shitty ride you're on in is human nature. Deal with it.

>Being a kike is human nature

Next you're gonna tell me there's nothing wrong with being a fag.

>blowing coke and buying Ferraris
Some of us have more vision than your Miami Vice meme-grade attempt

ad hom and ridiculous fallacy that having a fulfilling life thanks to having the resources necessary to accomplish things prevents suffering

so much BS from you people

This nonsense. You will only cause more humans harm by giving them absolutely everything they desire. Humans are not good in nature.

This is very true. Read Anthony Suttons wall Street and the bolshevik revolution for insight into communism being funded this way

Nope. I bet it's mostly just kikes like Soros who game the system they helped create.

This would have happened up any other system as well.

The difficulty is stock. The ability to divide ownership and then sell it partially has created a system where the truest benefactor does nothing but exist within the confines of moving around shares.

It should be about cold, hard trade or service.

Essentially, the infrastructure of a corporation needs to be reworked so that it doesn't allow a snow ball effect of corporate entities literally rising above a recognizable trade or service and simply existing to trade the ownership of business.

To this observation, I always have the same reaction; so what? What is the problem with some people being rich and many others being poor? Why is this a bad thing? I'd like it explained. All anyone is ever to come up with is some variation of 'it's not fair'

Not totally true. Millions of Americans lack adequate shelter, nutrition, or water. I've seen places that literally have no electricity or running wafter.

Not an argument.

Because the ones who are "improving" are often just in another type of poverty. Sweatshop or factory labor isn't that much better than peasant farming unless the workers can bargain for their own futures.

They might be rich, but they don't have the dankest memes out there.

Nice straw man.

How many of the 62 are kikes?

Not really


>created computer


Shut up goyim. Socialism doesnt work.

No you dont. We have but you dont. Its called a welfare state. Best of both worlds.

At least pseudo-capitalism actually works Igor. Go do what commies do best and genocide eachother.

>At least pseudo-capitalism actually works in countries that continue to benefit from imperialism Igor. Go do what commies do best and genocide eachother.

Killing 62 people is hardly a genocide