Islamic Banking dosn't allow Interest

Islamic banks share in the profit or loss. Funny how you never hear about that...

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Of course it doesn't, usury is a Jewish dogma

Why would banks lend money at all if they weren't allowed to charge interest?

Dividends, ownership and corporatism.

for loans they do a type of lease which is functionally the same. you get money now, but pay back more later.

Christianity also warns against usury and tells us to destroy the banks

Muslims aren't the only ones who are redpilled about the synagogue of satan

If I'm not mistaken, it's not about handing out hard cash, but investing in part of the required funds to get some project started.

If the investment doesn't succeed, both parties lose and move on, where in usury, if you fail, you'll be stuck with a huge debt with the (((bank))).

They share in profits and assets. Islamic banking prohibits fixed interest loans as amoral because it's speculation. The lender is under no obligation to make sure the investment succeeds but he still profits if the company defaults.

Personal loans, like for cars, are lent in good faith. The person lent is not legally obligated to pay back, but morally obligated to pay back with no interest. He will pay back with interest if he feels grateful.

Except it's a church decision and not even enforced anymore. The Qu'ran prohibits interest and so do subsequent hadiths.

Islamic 'banking' also doesn't work or help the creative/destructive side of markets as it doesn't give incentive to take risk.

Hence why it is only used in shitholes by sandnuggers.

>The person lent is not legally obligated to pay back, but morally obligated to pay back with no interest. He will pay back with interest if he feels grateful.

Wait, is this for serious? Does that work? Why would any Islamic give out loans in such a situation?

Wtf, I love Allah now

>for loans they do a type of lease which is functionally the same
This. They just do a little dance around the issue and then do something functionally equivalent.


why the fuck should I take the risk in lending money to people then?

>except it's a church decision
Yeah we are not a theocracy like islam is. But our texts and doctrine are against it too. There's separation between church and state in the west. So because our politicians have not been paying attention and doing their due dilligence, usury has happened.

jews were kicked out of europe constantly for their usury practices so it's not like nobody was aware of it or stopped it.. but since they have so much control over the media etc. now then people don't remember that.

>get to heaven
>owe 3.2m
>have to move into shitty apartment
>72 wives
jesus fucking christ do you wonder they are angry

You should do it out of kindness for the community

Naturally, it's no wonder why Western bankers are the absolute fucking worst. Who the fuck could loan money with a heap of interest and then take homes of people?

What's so bad about interest other than Jews?

Jews are well aware that if you control the money supply via the banks and usury practices you can effectively siphon off the hard work of an entire society.. Hence the federal reserve and central banking scheme.

Without jews control over the financial sector they would have never been so influential in western societies because jews are not smart nor are they productive, what they are however are sneaky and manipulative as fuck. At even playingfield with a "gentile"
they would lose 99.99% of the time if they don't have a fellow jew to rig the game for them somehow.

I don't think so that is how it works

you shouldn't, money lending for profit is a sin

eventually, your statement would be like saying: why would i have sex with him if he won't pay

no, that is how it works. you have to get a job there too, and insure property from demonic invasion

Jews have latched onto the incredible work ethic and productivity of european civilization and sucked on it like a parasite.. Without our efforts they would be literally nothing and a joke.. pic related.

It's the same reason why they are scared as fuck of us. Because if we ever decided to toss them out and confiscate their illegitimate fortunes they would be below average status.

This is why they were so scared of hitler aswell who decided he wanted them out of germany.. And why they engaged in a concerted lie of the holochaust where there were apparently knife traps they had to escape and all kinds of indiana jones type contraptions, because the man who almost restored germany and nearly defeated their grip on europe, was too dangerous to remain as a good example so he was ofcourse massmurderer of 6 gorillion jews, the worst person to ever live, and have small balls and dick and god knows what else they thought up post war..

money is a way of storing effort or goods and not a commodity itself.
if i work and save and want to help my neighbour because he's fallen into unexpected dark times.. then i will lend but never expect interest.

the idea of interest is a jewish trick if it wasnt a pound would still be the value of a pound of gold


1 positive doesn't outweigh the 100's of negatives

They also throw gays off of rooftops and cut the noses off of women's faces.

Then why did Barack O'Muslim just pay 1 billion in interest to Iran? I didn't hear anything about those bastards refusing it either-it seems greenbacks > Mohamed after all.

>They also throw gays off of rooftops and cut the noses off of women's faces.

oy vey its like annuda shoah! White nations need homosexual rights and feminism! (but remember to keep that out Isreal goy).

>why the fuck should I take the risk in lending money to people then?
Why should lending money be a normal thing?

The possibility of lending at interest is a big problem for making a monetary system work.

Imagine if lending is forbidden. The only thing you can do with money is spend it. If you want to invest, you have to spend your money on production with no guarantee of getting it back, rather you have to compete on the market to produce something people want enough to pay you. If you buy a productive property from someone else, they're going into the deal with their eyes open, they know they're giving up the property and getting cash instead. Since spending is the only thing you can do with money, it's the only thing people do with money, and the only way to get it is to earn it. Money gets dispersed through the population and circulates between productive people all the time.

Now imagine lending is permitted. Well ho-lee fuck, now you can just put your feet up and let your money grow. You lend out money, they pay back more money. How do they get it? Not your problem! Worried about losing your money? Demand collateral worth considerably more than what you're lending. They'll do it because they think they'll be able to pay it off. Now it's win-win for you. People are sweating blood out there trying to find a way to get you money, and if they fail, they give you something they never would have sold you at that price.

Money lending at interest is a recipe for concentrating wealth in fewer and fewer hands over time, and this has been known since ancient times.

So why is it allowed? Because governments (and factions fighting for control of governments) always want to spend more than they have, and ones that can borrow money win wars and other conflicts against ones that can't.

This right here.

almost everything islam teaches is anti-jew.

they lived and evolved to counter them since they had to interact with them constantly.

You shouldn't, you should build your community and invest in like minded people.

> of kindness for the community
have fun being the town chump

sounds like bullshit

>thinks spending is investing

>pay for a house up front in cash
>wait 60 years to own a house

i can tell you're 14 years old

>build your community
>gibs me dats

fuck your share the wealth nigger shit

He said invest, not give them money. Investing, properly considered, means you and some other people jointly work to support a project. Lending is giving money and expecting more back regardless of what pans out.

kek, people try to defend this by saying that they were just anti-semitic because they were all catholic, but all of these people tolerated the jews for long periods of time. Many on the list were pagans, or completely secular communities which tolerated monotheism, polytheism, and even human sacrifice. Jews are really bad.

that's called an equity investment

>Being a naive fool is giving money and not expecting it back regardless of what pans out.

Why don;t you a free-store with your hippy friends while your at it.

Man lends money to other man.
Doesn't get paid back.
Now nobody lends money.
Nobody borrows.
Got a medical issue?
Tough shit.

>>pay for a house up front in cash
It's doable, and it doesn't take sixty years.

There's a reason usury was forbidden for millennia.
It isn't good for society and only serves to channel the wealth upwards.
If you wan't to invest you can buy equity in a business and share in its profits and losses.
And consumer loans do more harm than good.

>It's doable
its absurd.

people work for less when young and have time to pay down debt.

when older they have higher incomes and have more debt paid off.

If you have worthwhile profession, then your a retard for NOT taking debt early in life.

Also, inflation benefits the credit borrower, so your anti-lending idea actually fucks over the people needing money.

read here

Do you even read the posts you reply to?
Or do you just read the parts you don't like and ignore the arguments?

I don't understand your 75 IQ style street dialect.

Only when dealing with fellow members of the faith.

Nice try Muhammad

Houses would be much cheaper without consumer loans.

Jew detected

Money has a price.

People don't loan without interest in the real world.

You like sharia banking? go move to somalia, im sure its a paradigm of financial wisdom and fiscal success.

See, the real world has something called risk, m'kay?

Thats why money has a price.

This isn't communism where you get free shit.

>don't allow interest
No, but they do charge fees and other bullshit charges that make it essentially the same thing. Money always comes first, and religion comes second.

>islamic intellectuals

None of those are arguments.
>See, the real world has something called risk, m'kay?
>Thats why money has a price.
And that's just wrong.

of course you are trolling

no wonder islamic countries are so fucked financially. If it wasn't for oil there would be no financially stable islamic nation....

and they're be 75% less of them.

houses also get cheaper if you dump toxic waste next to them

your point is irrelevant.

why the fuck would I become a mortgage slave when I'm perfectly comfy in my $500/mo apartment?

>If the investment doesn't succeed, both parties lose and move on, where in usury, if you fail, you'll be stuck with a huge debt with the (((bank))).

But if investment succeeds then you have to share your profits. It's shit

>Thats why money has a price.
>And that's just wrong.
>confirmed for financial illiteracy

interest is price you pay to borrow money.

the money in your wallet exists because of lending.

congrats your an idiot

>comfy being a rent slave like some cucked peasant

good luck collateralizing your car to pay for catastrophic medical bills or legal costs.

Stop being retarded. They don't do interest, but they do gymnastics to claim "additional money on money they have lent."

For instance, David Cameron managed to arrange a substantial loan from Islamic bankers. Instead of interest, the banks have a lease on several Whitehall properties the government uses, which they in turn rent back to the government for a profit.

Allah is surprising flexible when it comes to things other than beating prostitutes with hoses for showing their wrists in public.


Money has a price because if you lend it you can't use it for something else. A.k.a. Time Value of Money. Not because "risk".
>interest is price you pay to borrow money.
>the money in your wallet exists because of lending.
Stop pretending to understand economics when you don't even know basic concepts.

Even christianity says it s a sin ..

Also kikes as well , EXCEPT THEY HAVE AN EXCEPTION : it s ok to trick the goyim into the intrest trap not jews

>having a car
>not living in a walkable city with public transport

>>thinks spending is investing
Do you seriously think there's no way to invest in earning more money that involves spending money? Employers paying out wages never get more back from their employees? People who build a factory never earn more with it than the cost of building it?

>>pay for a house up front in cash
>>wait 60 years to own a house
How the fuck do you think people got houses when lending wasn't allowed? How do you think people have places to live in far poorer countries like Russia and China?

Houses aren't that hard to build. The land is expensive because everyone's bidding it up with borrowed money. Contractors have been able to make building a house expensive with regulatory capture because of the high land prices making the costs look comparatively reasonable, and because of the ease of borrowing money.

People used to walk out into the fucking woods with an axe in the summer and have a place to spend the winter in before the snow started falling. I've built homes and I've built a log cabin. It's way easier and more efficient with modern methods and tools. If you had the land to put it on, you could build a very livable tiny house in a couple of weekends for a couple thousand dollars, where you could live while you saved for and built a proper house.

>Not because "risk".

Bet you never heard of this concept.

>thinks money in wallet is debt free

pretty sure it came from the federal reserve. Monetization of debt is real. Just as real as your breathtaking ignorance of economics.

They can't charge interest, instead they have millions of ways of charging interest without calling it that. For example
>Car normally costs $20,000
>But if you want to buy it with a loan, it costs $25,000, but it's okay because they aren't charging interest :^)

No, the reason Jews are able to take so much success is because, by religious rules, they were the only ones ALLOWED to do real banking (i.e. charging interest). Obvious if Judaisn is the only major religion in the west that doesn't ban charging interest, Jews are going to be the ones charging interest.
Ironically, if Christians didn't try to fix the problem by banning interest, then Jews wouldn't have had a monopoly on banking, and wouldn't be the heads of every bank nowadays.

Without lending the ultra wealthy just buy up the land and turn us into renters, just like it was before lending existed...

you dumb fuck.

Opportunity cost is the phrase you're looking for.

It's hard for people to become ultra wealthy without lending.

That's horribly untrue.

wtf I love toxic waste now

Usually they end up buying the properly when the lease is up for $1. We got machines at work financed like this. Primarily did it because when the lease is up we get the machine without counting it as capital for tax reasons ie completely depreciated.

ok senpai, I'm no economist, so please enlighten me as to how someone could make a billion dollars without borrowing/investing money at some point?

>Do you seriously think there's no way to invest in earning more money that involves spending money?


its like you have no clue what these words mean.

>How the fuck do you think people got houses when lending wasn't allowed?
they didn't you mong.
they were fucking serfs

>Russia n China
lol exactly

>The land is expensive because everyone's bidding it up with borrowed money.
no. its because there are more people wanted acres than acres to go around.

srsly lrn2 scarcity problem.

>People used to walk out into the fucking blee blah blee blah

people used to poo in their drinking water and die of the cold.

Lol people like you are trapped. Easy credit has made the price of everything skyrocket. A perfect example is college tuition. The number rises but the actual product does not, meanwhile kikes collect interest. Kikes are like mosquitoes and they know how to numb goyim like you while they suck out wealth slowly from society.

>hurr I need a loan to buy a house, thats what we have always done since the dawn of time!
good goyim

they don't

he's a retard

just look at the leaf.

Plenty of ways. Invent a piece of software that everyone buys. Become a billionaire.

Serfdom came about because the average person had no way of ever affording land....

You're home ownership fetish is irrelevent in the modern economy. Technology is advancing at a rate that will require people to move every few years if they want to keep working.



other way around. I don;t have to move because technology allows me to work remotely.

Risk is taken into account when lending of course but that isn't why loans have interest in general.
A theoretical loan that has 0 risk and no inflation would still cost money because if the money is lent it is not being used in any other project.
>pretty sure it came from the federal reserve.
It didn't.
Yeah that's a more general term.

I'm pretty sure serfdom was more a class based power-differential than an economic thing. It's not like there wasn't enough land to go around.

How do you think the ruling class got the land?

Jesus you are dumb. Without lending no one would have the cash to buy land, the ultra rich would literally buy it all up. A handful of families would own most of the USA and rent it out to us.

remote working will never be common because it fucks with productivity.

>companies will hire people with lagging production
>low prices are great

go move to africa , very economical prices

lolololol k

>how did the ruling class get land
By forcibly establishing themselves as regional overlords after the collapse of the Roman Empire, then enforcing a system of hereditary power transfer.

Oracle is mostly remote btw.

And when you can do that financially after no one has the ability to buy land in their lifetimes?

You repeat this like every post.
>Go move to africa
is as much an argument as
>Dude it's 2016

are you jewish? you sound like a jewish friend of mine who' accountant.

>Technology is advancing at a rate that will require people to move every few years if they want to keep working.

no for adults like.

I actually own a car and can commute to work. I dont have to live in company housing like a pleb.

>canadian going to lecture about the US economy
>doesn't know who issues credit.

why do you think god shills where against """usury""""""? to keep the serfs working church lands for prof.

It's the end of capitalism if that banking system is adopted.

Hard to get dividends without charging interest somewhere along the line

you gonna commute across the country after your industry collapses and the next hot thing is on another coast? Not even talking about you specifically

These dumb motherfuckers hate jews so much they want to cut off one of reasons western society has advanced so far ahead of the rest of the world.

Before it was oil, it was forcing non-muslims to pay exorbitant tribute payments. Islam was designed from the ground up to expand violently and every level of it exists to foster violent expansion.