Where did they come from? It seems really weird that a people can go unnoticed for thousands of years...

Where did they come from? It seems really weird that a people can go unnoticed for thousands of years. Did they descend from one of the ancient Balkan peoples like the Illyrians or Thracians?

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_Albania.svg.png (1280x914, 23K)

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>It seems really weird that a people can go unnoticed for thousands of years.

wut??? literally everyone knows what albanians are.

Enlighten us.

Most probably from some irrelevant tribe in the Balkan interiors that no ancient ethnographer bothered to describe, which later moved to the coast of Epirus in the wake of the barbaric invasions

If they are Illyrians, then they are Greeks. Thracians didn't really venture west, either way, both tribes were barbarians and savages so I don't see how claiming them as your ancient heritage is virtuous. Maybe it's because the name is fancy.

From wiki: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Origin_of_the_Albanians
>The Albanians first appear in the historical record in Byzantine sources of the 11th century. At this point, they were already fully Christianized. Very little evidence of pre-Christian Albanian culture survives, although Albanian mythology and folklore are of Paleo-Balkanic origin and almost all of their elements are pagan,[1] in particular showing Greek influence.

Balkanlars are all asleep now so who even are you asking?

Some are of those inbred hill tribes are possibly the original common non-royal Macedonians. Lately, inbred criminals.

>both tribes were barbarians and savages so I don't see how claiming them as your ancient heritage is virtuous.
So were the Macedonians and they conquered Greece and then lead the largest expansion of Greek culture.

You are a fucking Kosovar, tho.

>unironically comparing the accomplished Macedonians who got slandered by the Athenians, to the eternal niggers of Illyria and Thrace.
t. Albanian diaspora

Spongebob is proud to be Albanian.

I don't recall any Thracian or Molossian king having a Greek philosopher as his personal tutor

Attached: 399.jpg (900x635, 48K)

They're like that one cousin you had that thought he was cool because he started smoking cigs at 15 and was skipping class, but he was really just a retard.

Those terms are kind of meaningless, especially when most of are sources are Greek and hostile. I think it's ultimately more about establishing antiquity and territorial claims than necessarily celebrating their achievements as ancestors, though.

They're basically 90% turk at this point, by far the worst European country

Also their culture is probably the most bizarre culture of any country on the planet. It's so full of insecurities and contradictions

good post

Why are Albanians so much darker than their neighbors? Like Dua Lipa, she looks like an Armenian almost

Thucydides worked for one of the Seutes's, but only in a military capacity. Even got paid, in the end.

The Thracians, were restless and barbaric, but left some ruins and tombs behind. The Bulgarians were unironically an improvement though. Illyria spans across the Adriatic cost of the Balkans and is much larger than Albania. However, the Illyrians never built anything, and were exceptionally savage and tribal in Greece and Italy, with a piracy and raiding reputation, even though the Illyrians are derived from Greek ancestors. The Romans were the first to develop that region. Albania as a nation/people, saw development under the Greeks in the south, where Greek ruins can be found, under the Romans/Byzantines in places such as Dyrrachium (venetians too) and Saranda, and under the Ottomans, extensively, as grand viziers for embracing imperial culture, bringing Ottoman architecture and food, as well as religion and culture to the mix.

Thracians gave us the Dionysian half of the classical dichotomy. They invented the god of wine as a chtonic deity. That is an important half of understanding man.

it's really just a question of where their language came from, which is undoubtedly indo-european and contains elements of some pre-roman/greek balkanic languages. bulgarian and romanian have some of these elements as well. genetically they're not very different from their neighbors