Was it real? This seems like a plot to make us feel sorry for those savage brownies

Was it real? This seems like a plot to make us feel sorry for those savage brownies

no it was propaganda to get the Russians to stop bombing in one particular area

I didn't feel any emotion whatsoever looking at that face. Although, I'm sure it worked on the target audience.


lol dead children

Can confirm, my sister mentioned this kid when she was talking about letting in refugees

ISIS were losing so they had one of their cameramen go out and take photos of chilluns because they know western women are easily manipulated by such jewish propaganda techniques.

godspeed, Putin, CRUSH the al-qaeda jihadists that Obama and Hillary have working for them.

this, also, rebels love using pictures like this, because it helps the public support them

literally every single person who reposted/shared this picture on my social media was a woman. why are women so easily manipulated?


Really convinces me to contemplate

It's a ready-to-use template for a "make your own political statement" poster. It's a symbol that everything you don't agree with is awful and that you are morally justified in whatever random position you take.

No it was propaganda. They took this kid, put him on the bright orange chair. 10+ camera men took pix vids and a US official in the CIA chose the best one that would be put on every single newspaper in the world.

Kid was fine.

then they lied and said his brother was injured/fine/dead/fine again

Every single thing you hear about the syrian war is a lie. Assad is a hero. The rebels are all alqaeda and the US supports them. Long live Syria Assad!!!!!

Reposting this classic

its real...
>specially designed for Muh Feelz
and for you to hand over your country

>here is pic source.

>Russia is good
>Russia does not wrong
When will the paid Putin shills leave?

terrorist sympathizer detected

No the lolis pls ;-;

>they are so cute when they are sleeping



Staged propaganda. At this point assume EVERYTHING in the media is a lie or at very least a distortion

Russia is literally supporting a terrorist dictator. The people who did this aren't ISIS. Please tell me you know that the resistance isn't ISIS? Did you swallow the Russian propaganda blue pill?

or just a blog of the (((chosen))) persuasion.


Total psyop. Not even a question.

>it's a conspiracy thread

>he swallowed the moderate rebel pill

just a prank bro there isn't even any war in Syria

Its fake. Here is the real one.

who cares? there's 8+ billion people in this world.

You fags do know that there is such a thing as "white" propaganda, which is the propagation of a true event or fact, right?

>Propagation --> Propaganda

fuck me I havent laughed this hard in a while

>really makes you think

I don't even now how these guys can distinguish each other. They all look the same and there are hundreds of splitter cells.
We need to ask Barrack how he thinks Syria will be governed when Assad is gone. It's a mess and it will get even worse.

>the resistance isn't ISIS?

the only difference between ISIS and the rest of the rebels is that ISIS advertises their atrocities while the others usually try to hide them. sorry i'm not in favor of another terrorist islamist regime in the middle east.

Are yo userious nigger didn't you see the video of the war torn city? are you telling me they will bomb a whole city making it look post apocalyptic like just to make us feel bad for a kid? lol

Wow.. That obliged me to cogitate.

It's almost like they want destabilization, isn't it?


>see pic and video please
and yes, white house helped the start of isis..

There are many differences. Such as ISIS expanding into other countries while the resistance focuses on domestic territory, and ISIS enforcing brutal Islamic laws, the same as the regime while the resistance fights that. And how Russia supports the regime and ISIS, through their corrupt pro-Russia Turkish contacts, while the resistance fights alone.

That looks nothing like him. Heed the advice at the end of that retarded "source".

I'm vary wary when it comes to Arabs.


I don't even think the people care, honestly.

It's just par for the course at this point.

>they totally fell for it, kek
the whole thing is an elaborate Meme

oh my fucking god that webm

Yeah clearly the White House is responsible for what Russia did. Russia supports the brutal dictators and gives money to ISIS and yet somehow it's all America's fault. Just like how when Russia invaded Afghanistan that was America's fault. And when Russia tried to take over the Ukraine that was America's fault. And when Russia tried to use their hackers to steal the American election for their own puppet candidate, that was America's fault. Clearly Russia is good and America is evil... If you don't agree you will be assassinated by Russian agents.

Thanks for the pic user.

>Such as ISIS expanding into other countries while the resistance focuses on domestic territory
except most of the "rebels" (aka terrorists) are foreigners fighting in a foreign country to tear down the lawful internationally-recognized secular government

>ISIS enforcing brutal Islamic laws
lol go visit Idlib and tell me how much freedom you have there if you aren't a good Sunni muslim. it's the same sharia shit there as in Raqqa.

>while the resistance fights alone.
"alone" with the not-so-tacit support of the West and the Gulf States including KSA, and btw many thousands of rebels + weapons ahve flowed through Turkey's borders to Syria since the start of the war, and saying Russia is pro-ISIS is ludicrous when they drove them out of Palmyra

>supports the brutal dictators and gives money to ISIS and yet somehow it's all America's fault. Just like how when Russia invaded Afghanistan that was America's fault. And when Russia tried to take over the Ukraine that was America's fault. And when Russia tried to use their hackers to steal the American election for their own puppet candidate, that was America's fault. Clearly

ISIS was LITERALLY created by the CIA to destabilize the region.

ay yo mang lee dem po chilen alone dey dindu nuffin

>they all look alike.
there is no way that is John McCain

Why do you sound surprised? This is what's coming to our shores... Actually, it's already here, embedded in our cities... Get used to it and get ready to fight

>Russia supports isis?
they support asad... they bomb threats to assad

I'm muslim background though not religious myself, I get it's a meme on Sup Forums that Islam is the reason for this but I know it's not because I've been around devout muslims my whole life. I don't get where these people are raised or their background which led them becoming as psychopathic as they are. Beheading your enemy is one thing, as brutality of this nature crosses cultures and nations. But beheading children and gleefully smiling through it? holy fucking shit.

ISIS is literally created by Russia. ISIS is a reaction against Russia's pet dictator in Syria. ISIS is funded through Russian contacts in Turkey. Now there's a fake "American" coup in Turkey supported by Russia to help funnel more money to ISIS and end American support in the region. Same thing that happened in Ukraine. It's so predictable. You can trace all these things back to Russia.


>oh boy we have a lot of material to discuss here.

so when Hillary fucks up, repeatedly with classified information and corruption.
Its Russias' fault?

see leak attached, its about Syria.

You guys need better spinners.

It isn't working.

>I get it's a meme on Sup Forums that Islam is the reason for this but I know it's not\

yeah i'm sure the reason they're all shouting "TAKBIR! ALLAHU AKBAR! ALLAHU AKBAR" ad nauseum while beheading captives has absolutely nothing to do with Islam, it's just a weird coincidence for sure

Yeah it's just a group of people, of the exact same number that look exactly alike and one of them is even wearing the same shirt. lmao

>this level of self-delusion

please share with Normies

>ISIS is literally created by Russia. ISIS is a reaction against Russia's pet dictator in Syria.

so Russia created ISIS as a reaction to Russia's pet dictator in Syria? fuckin flawless logic you have there.

ISIS started as anti-Assad. Now it's a puppet of Russia pushing against American territory in Iraq and supported by pro-Russian elements in Turkey. Doesn't take a genius to see what's really happening. ISIS doesn't even fight Assad anymore. They just fight against America and get Russian supplies.

Who's Cass Sunstein?

That feel.

I've become way too cold.

Was Al-Qaeda a russian backed organization too?

>not related to islam?
I may just have read more Q'ran than you...

Wahabi inspired isis, vs Shia sponsored millitias, and alawites.

ReligionOfPeace = meme

> (You)
ISIS started as anti-Assad. Now it's a puppet of Russia pushing against American territory in Iraq and supported by pro-Russian elements in Turkey.

you realize that ISIS will probably be kicked out of Mosul before Raqqa, right? meaning that they will linger in Syria longer than Iraq. and you realize that ISIS has been a major opponent of the Russian-backed Syrian regime? your theory makes no fucking sense

Wow, you're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?
When and how exactly did Russia ever helped ISIS?
And there are a lot of evidence pointing out Ukraine's situation was sparked by US and EU interference (remember Nuland's statements? And what about the infamous snipers?)
>Russia tried to use their hackers to steal the American election for their own puppet candidate
Don't even know where to start with this one.

Why do you think they weren't allowed to vote for the longest time

>sorry missed one part:
Devout Muslims.

...devout to... jihad, jizyah, cousin marriage, slavery, killing infidels.

strict adhearance to 1500ad islam (medieval) is the problem...wahabi fundamentalists

>ISIS doesn't even fight Assad anymore

someone doesn't follow the war that closely...ISIS still fights the regime on the outskirts of Palmyra and in rural areas of Hama/Homs provinces regularly

Does anyone notice nobodies talking about this kid anymore? Like he gave the West it's fifteen minutes of shame to make them want refugees and now he's suddenly gone, and no one remembers him.


It was just a virtue signal to remind normies that the middle east still exists, and that we should feel bad about it.


they were just following the teaching of the prophet (pbuh)

95% of those people have never read the Quran or lived particularly devout lifestyles and you know it. The causation is complicated and has a broad range, no doubt some are legitimately doing so for Salafist reasons but this won't apply to a majority, who before joining these groups were drug addicts and losers

All the books say the same shit. The old testament is far more violent than the quran. Actually the Quran specifically says Christians are people of the book and go to heaven if they're good people, but terrorists are wiping them out anyway using the Quran as justification. You could really argue any position using the book. It also clearly says there's no compulsion in religon yet a lot of muslims believe Islam can be justifiably forced on people.

Creepy academic who studied mind control, real-life forcememing, Obama official during first term, wrote the book "Nudge" (essentially an update of Bernays' argument that you cannot make your own decisions and benevolent experts should "help"), wrote a paper advising that administration critics be gaslighted as crazy conspiracy theorists.

I literally felt nothing, that little faggots life means less to me than a stray dogs.

>benevolent experts

Do those even exist anymore?

Honestly? I'm having trouble thinking of one.

>95% of those people have never read the Quran or lived particularly devout lifestyles and you know it

lol no, i bet they know the Quran/Hadiths better than you and practice a more devout lifestyle than you. calling them "not real muslims" is the biggest cop-out excuse.

god i fucking hate the middle east

please see:
Christianity doesn't teach the old testament as a how to violent guide.
>they teach peaceful/loving jesus (new testament)

islam (suni/wahabi) is still to this day: Stoning, Beheading, And honor killing... not to forget Jihad

The guy's full of shit. Either intellectually dishonest or simpy retarded.

>if it helps any...
it is actually a quick death, 5 seconds and your brain shuts off.
(just like a special jujitsu choke)

>its hard to change your entire world view on a dime.
red pills need to be administered slowly.

I don't even blaim Mormons for being so steadfast with no evidence whatsoever.

the problem is, islam needs some Introspection. because they are honestly dangerous.

You're making us look retarded

Stop posting on the internet and gtfo you nigger


i had an idea about pictures of this kid, and the others of other kids from Syria.

maybe if we make the american populace too distracted by simple guilt/feels to realize it is their own government responsible for the destability and bloodshed we see in Syria today...

Does it matter? There are casualties in war, and no matter how much you might try, you won't save all of them, and most of the time it will come at a great cost to you.
Better for you to tend to yours.

Doesn't jive with my personal experience around muslims my whole life. Particularly death for apostasy, which to me always seemed pretty uncommon. I've come across a few through work and I had a Jordanian friend that was reading a book near me and he was shocked at this book he was reading where the author suggested people shouldn't be killed for leaving Islam. And I said I agreed and I'm not religious myself and he didn't really know what to say. Didn't really change our relationship at all

I don't think the poll is accurate though, more than a third of muslims wanting death for apostasy is just nonsensically outrageous. People generally don't give a shit about what others are doing

>it is their own government responsible for the destability and bloodshed we see in Syria today...

how is it america's fault? all we did was send TOWs to some rebel groups and train a few small, shitty groups that have done nothing significant.

nations like Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey are far more to blame for the war in Syria than America

>I don't think the poll is accurate though, more than a third of muslims wanting death for apostasy is just nonsensically outrageous. People generally don't give a shit about what others are doing

"my feelings tell me that this poll is inaccurate, so i'm going to disregard the results because i'm sure they can't be right" lol okay

>well... (you) sir are the exception, not the rule.

I hope you can share your peace, and compassion, with your fellow angry muslims.

>I'll stop tryng to make you mad now.
but really, isis backfired, was US started.

because polls are never misleading or inaccurate

At the end of the day, the poll would have me believe Tunisians are fanatics yet they elected a secular government. Same deal with Egypt, poll shows them as religious fanatics yet the religious faction yelling for Sharia only got 25% of the vote, basically equivalent to what the secular party got.

Polling methodology was probably questionable,

>well Sup Forums isn't one to talk about polls.
brexit, and ours are currently being very doctored...

brexit was pushed down ~10%
lets hope same right now...
otherwise expect a million rapefugees, and 80% of them angry, and entitled.




what did the kid do? I mean god damn that is some psychotic barbaric shit right there


>Syrian soldier with a gun to his head