This man is one of the founding fathers of the EU

This man is one of the founding fathers of the EU.
Say something nice about him.

Attached: ta34t3t32010.jpg (800x998, 73K)

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he'd be considered far-right nowadays

Attached: 1521185057893.jpg (1150x1266, 134K)

lowkey wwii agressor.
not a good guy desu

sick polka dot bowtie

something nice about him

>impying he wasn't


>trusting anglos

Attached: churchillmm.png (731x300, 292K)

Fat genocidal bloodthirsty piece of shit

filthy anglo

There's not a good thing about him

he's a good orator. he made dunkirk, an objective loss, sound like a win.

What is it with people thinking that waht politicians throw out all day has any meaning besides gaining popularity?

>loves Islam
Sounds like the average EU leader

oh yes.. sweet wehraboo butthurt...

thats a very ugly picture of him

hey how about both can be shit at the same

Churchill liked fascism though. He hated German expansionism and aggression, that's all.

Mussolini was an anglo installed dictator, of course Churchill liked him

never heard of him

Le fat cigar and top hat man

Read his book The River War about the British campaign in the Sudan. Pretty good.

Surprisignly he wasn't bald and fat since birth.

Attached: Winston_Churchill.jpg (800x1050, 259K)
>The first successful operation carried out by the Italian Legion was the capture of an armoured train near Chieveley, Natal. Among the passengers who were taken prisoners there was young journalist Winston Churchill, whose life Ricchiardi spared by pretending not to see him dumping his pistol and dum-dum ammo which had been declared unlawful on pain of death.[1] Upon his return to England, Churchill did not mention having been captured by Italians.