How do we fix the PIGS?

Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain.

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Their main problem is corruption. They can only end this by cutting government expenditure and institutions. They need small government. Now.

Then there is also the euro, which impoverished them. They should just get out. Both Germany and the PIGS made mistakes in this one.

And finally there is also the commiefaggots, especially in Spain and Greece. Luckily all PIGS are still more religious unlike the north of Europe so I figure that the military and the church can clean them up.

low iq, high time preference, genetically admixed

I don't think there's a cure user. you can't cure niggers either. we have tons of italians and greeks here and they act EXACTLY like they do back home and have the same mid 90's iqs.

fun fact: it took 140 years for the irish to "integrate" and they still have lower iqs than wasps. it's why WASP even has a name. non northwest europeans never actually achieved parity with the germans, anglos, and norwegians in america

No European nation can have a small government, for demographic reasons. Roughly 40% of our taxes are spent to manage the ageing of the population.

As for the euro, they'll guaranteed to default on their debt if they devalue their currency. Afterwards, there can indeed be s new beginning, but they'll be going through hell for a while.

>Roughly 40% of our taxes are spent to manage the ageing of the population.

I know and it's unsustainable. Also, considering that pensioners today mostly retired in their fifties, it really is nothing but intergenerational theft. We'll never have a pension anyways

Nuke us and turn Greece into a giant Walmart.

aging populations only require parallel markets to function. they don't require large taxes or a large tax base.

the franchise needs to be restricted to individuals who currently pay net positive in taxes

this is an "unacceptable" solution, which is a problem with democracy, nto a problem with any particular population structure or financial scheme

Indeed, this is a problem, and it is partially a problem of democracy. There are vastly more pensioners than millenials, so its clear who will be favored by policy makers.

Nonetheless, ageing populations are an universal problem, not a specific PIGS one.

Gib jobs back, imperialist dog.

It's easy, out of the EU

this is what a third worlder would say. think about it jose, you compete on a global scale. china is no1 producer of nearly everything, dont blame us for your mistakes.

By ending yourselves

The i is Ireland not Italy

In PIIGS the second I is Ireland.
In PIGS it's Italy.

Source? More like this

When did Ireland become Italy?

It's the other way around

Imagine the red in your flag being slightly more yellow-ish.

There, you have it.


But that's bullshit burgerbro, even statistically and in modern times there are a lot technological and medical advances coming from italians, and a lot of our accademics get stolen by you burgerbros. It's our culture that is nigger tier, especially in the south.

Spain is lying about its unemployment rate. Almost 50% of unemployed people have a real job, but it is paid in B, so they dont declare anything.

We have corruption in the govern, but also in the streets.

Fascism would fix everything

giv more money, we will work after siesta I swear

short reminger luigi. piigs its both ireland and italy.

This is true but it leads to underpaid, overworked workers with very little rights

its your fault you tard the single currency is keeping unemployment at high levels but it benefits germany so germans dont care

germans also spout off about how great the european project is but then when the time comes to transfer wealth to poorer regions (which is what happens in every other real political union) they clpse their wallets

oh and then they blame it on someone else, perhaps the "lazy greeks", or on britain, or whatever

fucking germans

quit EU

>low iq

Some job they did.
They essentially made everything worse.

the fact is that after the death of Franco we kill our industry and let the politics do, would be better be ruled by Europe directly and get rid off that bunch of corrupts

There are still very real differences between the quality if German and Italian or Spanish management and engineering.

No offense, but I think this is consensus

or maybe a nice dictator again

We never received a bailout and we were in fact one of the countries giving money to the pigs and we still are with the EU contributions

>italian and spanish economy was doing good deleting progressively their debts.
>german economy was shit.
>Start EU
>taking moneys from all Europe
>decide to import tunisinian oil instead of funding sothern europeans that are specialized in that sector
>decide to improve solution milk and boycott real one from southern countries because Germany is the first producer of soluble milk
>Decide that everyone in Europe must focus in the same type of import/export economy even if southern countries have different needs
>blames everyone else
Hans, we are going out from this shitty EU, before it's too late

Worker rights are commie boot licker shit.
We ANCAP now.

no offense taken, but there's a limit on what iq influences so it's useless to talk about it every time.

explained perfectly what our core problems are, at least for Italy

The reason they do so poor is because they are so lazy.

They should take an example of us with our work ethic.

Not to mention the bribes, the military equipment and Siemens corruption scandals and most importantly ECB dodging their responsibility to re-finance failing PRIVATE banks and instead rolling their debts on the governments and the people.

By putting Stazi agents to supervise their work

Bullshit: The Post

But the ECB has no commitment to finance private banks?
It also buys Italian and other "risky" government debt, thus helping it in another way.

OP, redpill me on this man

M8 there is only one tiny problem, the church recive a lot of moneys from mobsters.

This meme has to stop some day.

ECB is the one who guarantees the good economic health of these banks, not the govenrment or the people.
So if these banks fail, it's ECB's fault. Simple as that.
The people have no business paying taxes to re-finance banks for their bad investments.

maybe true by now. fact is italy is broke as fuck, same with all your banks. sure you point now at deutschebank...broke too, but who cares.

dumbfuck. we been forced to "take" the damn euro. nobody wanted it! it was part of the unholy deal 4+2 for the reunification 1989.

read a book nigel

Things that never happend.
T. Post

>see germany making money by exports
>try to copy german system
>failing to do so
>blaim germans instead of own incopetence

The never ending story

I don't know but I'll prefer to live in any of that countries instead of Germany

>with money
to work maybe not so good

>after the death of Franco
Oh yeah, the trve industrialist kek
Spain needs to get its shit straight on industry, competent productive sector, R&D and stop it with paguitas and the subsidy culture imperating on our productive sectors.
A technology-upgraded agricultural development would also be amazing

It's rather easy to fix spanish economy to be honest.
Just get rid of so many regional goberments.
There should be only 5 regions in Spain:
Catalan countries, Aragon, Andalucia, Castilla, Galicia, Vasque country and Canary Islands.
That's it.
No more Extremadura, Cantabria, Asturias, Rioja, Murica...

Too many politicians and parliaments, get rid of them.

Stop subsidizing so many things, Spain is a country full of goberment workers, directly or indirectly

If only spanish people accepted the true nature of their own country instead of being french wanabees.

Live yeah, work not. It's the same with all countried excelling in tourism.

Do you know that a lot of German companies hire Italian engineers because you don't have enough of your own in Germany?

Fuck off Klaus, invaded by roaches and mudlisms and still you manage to stay mad at Italians, get your shit togeter

Germans always loved their Turks, maybe they share their hatred for the rest of the european peoples.
It's only the Turks and Germans who have repeatedly tried to destroy Europe, the bond is clear.

The ECB is committed towards economic growth and price stability.

On what instance did the ECB fail to stick to these commitments?

You're right about the bailouts of private banks by tax payers, but they were a sad necessity. The financial system is fragile, banks were lending money they don't own.

>same with all your banks
Except that it's not true, the EU audited all the banks in europe and ours came up on top with the exception of MPS and they are too small to damage the global economy... now, deutschebank, that could destroy the global economy but it wouldn't be a surprise that germany ruins the world once again, wouldn't it?

This guy knows.
Centralized government will never work well in spain, so let's take back basic state competences and rationalize the state budget while allowing the existence of self-funding regions that work.

German socialist sended us his socialist andalucian dog called Gonzalez to break up our industry and transform us into a german client state.
Same thing in Italy, France, Greece... all socialist movements are paid by Germany to get rid of competition.
Reminder that they send Lenin to Russia to fuck the Tsars up.

It's just that you don't have any use for your engineers, so thy come here instead.

When the ECB had us paying to re-finance private banks, and therefore adding the final straw that kickstarted the economic crisis.
Not to say that our economy wasn't shit but all this did start when private debt owed by private banks to other private banks, was rolled into public debt and became our responsibility to pay. What the fuck for?

Oh yeah, wait, I know what for, take a look at how good was Duetsche Bank doing in 2008. That's what for, I guess.

Also this:
>Decide that everyone in Europe must focus in the same type of import/export economy even if southern countries have different needs
Europe's way of developement has been focused on central/nrthern state's profit, while taking no care of what southern countries' systems needed to develop a proper functioning economy.

>things that never happened
>italian government isn't elected since 2011
>Our government is not elected by its citizens but imposed by UE
Hand we are going out, now you and france will be the only one that actually pay to mantain it

Kick us out, take the turks and the albos in.


The german knows what he's saying.
The private bailout was scandalous but was needed for the mainteinance of a stable private banking sector, which in case you dont know, is key and central to a country's economy. Moreso in the convulse period of 2009-2014
Plus, your public accounts were shitted on and on by conservatives and the subsidized culture was all over the place.
Your country was too leveraged and bankrupted in the worst possible time.

That's it.
Only 7 regions with full competences or infrastructure and culture but not military.
This would reduce public debt by 50%

No Klaus, I mean like German companies literally sending their men down here to give speeches and offering jobs to anyone with a degree in Engineering who is willijng to learn German, offering German courses and like free rent in Munich for a while.
This is because you need more engineers in Germany than you can make.

So please stop the memes, we have always be up there regarding science and engineering.
Also, the meme that Italians are lazy at work is just that, a meme.

You give us back our colonies, cunt.


>Their main problem is corruption. They can only end this by cutting government expenditure and institutions. They need small government. Now.


Also, austerity is working. We suffer unemployment, but corruption and clientelism are decreasing. Problem is too much taxes for small-medium enterprises.

Dude all I read there is that I was sacrificed for the german banks to survived.
Now that's not my people's fault. A private bank is no different to any other private corporation. If they fail, it's on them, not us.
I have my own business too, you know. Nobody will come to bail me out when I fail, so why should we do that for the banks?
And give me a break about the fairytale of necessary evil, Iceland let their banks fail and they're doing ok now, and what do they do, they only export fish.
We could have done this too, but Germany did go full nazi on us again.

Yeah, the bailout of Greece was indeed a bailout of private banks, including many German and French ones. Not a secret for anyone willing to investigate. There were still few viable alternatives.

Yeah, I heard about these recruitment programmes. All the while our own engineers are dealing with temporary contracts and sub-employers circumventing union agreements.

What do these Italian engineers receive wsge-wise, any information?

Can't wait to own recreational 100% toledo steel roperas again!

The banks in Iceland weren't systemically relevant. They also suffered from a severe depression, so it's not like they got away with nothing.

Iceland recovered afterwards, but this is because they weren't tied to the euro and had a healthy non-finsncial economy to call back on.

Unite them under a new mediterrenean greco-roman empire

>Israel ranked 60

That doesn't seem right.

It's right, the smart jews are the ones that mixed with german and polish aristocracy and now live in USA, Paris and London.

I dunno about this bro, I'm studying medicine right now and a lot of the super detailed study of biology and human anatomy was laid down by Italians at some point. Golgi, Carabelli, hell, even Da Vinci.

Culture definitely plays a role. I've noticed that actual fresh off the boat west africans are actually pretty pleasant to deal with over their significantly more violent and rude cousins that we've been trying to civilize for a long time.

Spain and Portugal leaves EU.

Spain is the paradise of beaurocracy, with 17 administrations with their own parlaments and legilsations, + the national one.

We need either a strong centralist system or a proper federal state, either way, with very limited goverment.

Also, stop charging 200+ bucks monthly if you want to be self employed. You don't need healthcare, you're gonna die anyway. Healthcare was the only thing Franco did wrong.

how about 0 regions.

How about 0 states?

Castile region abolished, Basque country abolished, Catalan countries abolished, galicia abolished, andalusia abolished, aragon abolished, standardized Spanish enforced, banks nationalized, important industries nationalized, factories constructed, farms constructed, military expanded, churches built, work mandatory.

education workers sent to all provinces to teach proper Spanish.

Shit bait

This should be enforced, there should only exist the crown of Spain everything else exterminated, one language, one state, one leader.

Are you gonna learn chinese?

Spain is either one or it has no purpose to exist with others.

Then stop speaking english and learn spanish.
America should all be the same country.
One nation, one language.

>ask Germany for few more thousands of millions in loans
>wait for Germany to become a islamic republic
>don't pay the debts

America isn't a nation, Spain is meant to be a nation.

America is just a place to get money, that's it.

why is ethiopia so low when they're some of the whitest blacks?

So is every OECD nation.

>whitest blacks

those aren't nations, states/organizations are not nations.

You wouldn't even be able to find us on a map retard

races are nations.