Redpilling Your Normie Friends

Hello Sup Forums

How's it going with redpilling your normie friends? At first they called me a neo-nazi but one of my friends mentioned the "racist narrative." Feels good to make progress :^)

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Pretty slow because of history and stuff
Any videos/blogs/ etc which are easy for the beginners?

I remember in early 2015 I had a talk with one of my friends who was very pro immigration and liberal. Just had to wait for a couple allauahbars, he woke up by himself.

I don't think it's history causing it for you guise. I honestly believe that your government / leftist / pro immigration propaganda is the strongest in the EU.

It's kinda funny when it's always the Germany flag that starts "muslims are good, immigration is good, proove me wrong u kant m8" threads.

I feel sorry for you guys

I guess you are right BUT we only have this lefty stuff so hardcore because we feel bad about the nazi thing...i mean most people do in germany.

Deeply sorry for destroying europe again...
We just want to be the good guys

>we only have this lefty stuff so hardcore because we feel bad about the nazi thing.

That's the msm's strongest weapon against you, the kikes have been "muhh 6 gorillion" for almost a century by now, they have the whole world persuaded that you were the bad guys, and thus they hold you on a leash.

>be me
>chubby chaser, meat lover, natsoc
>manager is tallish, skinny vegan with glasses, still beautiful
>immediately no bueno

But then

>she keeps inviting me to sit with her, follows me out to smoke
>find out over time she treats the niggers like crap, niggers hate her
>she starts growing on me
>begin to plot dating/redpill scheme
>mfw she just comes out and says one day, "It's hard to get Lamar and Jamal to work, and they creep me out."
I think my work here is half done. Possibly in love.
try this its like a softly inserted redpill

Strongest redpill:
Shame it's 3+ hours long

(How did the Russian intelligence create an anti kike propaganda document in 1905 which predicts today's events?)

Redpilling people is easy.

The trick is not revealing your autism level.

You've gotta be subtle about it, think like a Jew.

Instead of talking about the things you believe and support, talk about the things your friends already disagree with.

Ex. I have a buddy who's a Democrat, but he already hates Clinton and thinks she's corrupt as shit. So instead of trying to convince him to support Trump, I keep bringing up stories I heard about Clinton doing shady shit, which they have fun gossiping about and which makes him less and less likely to vote for Clinton.

2 days ago, I redpilled or at least tried to redpill a good female friend of mine on colonialism and why it was a net positive for the indigenous in areas the west colonised.

I also redpilled her on Trump and socialism/communism.

Pretty well.

Most of my friendships involve frank discussion of ideas as a primary activity. My gf of many years is on the same page.

The other day I convinced my mom and two friends that the earnings gap =/= pay gap and that there is no significant pay gap. Convinced them also about reality of biological race, and that different races have different biological characteristics on average. Convinced them that gov't handouts can be detrimental. Convinced them that gender-dysphoria is a mental illness that should probably be treated by another means than gender reassignment surgery.

Couple days before that I was talking with a feminist co-worker and her boyfriend about:
The danger/absurdity of trigger warnings and intellectual safe spaces
Gender dysphoria and homosexuality as mental illness, but that not all mental illness must be treated, or has the same sorts of detrimental effects as others.
To be skeptical of arguments that assume racism/sexism/etc as the root/main cause of someone's well-being/lack-there-of.

Mostly those two weren't interested in changing their minds much. The guy presented some argument, which I clearly refuted and even showed to be a counter example if it were the case. He then said that he wasn't saying it was true, only that he heard it. So I called him out on using an argument that he knew was not true and presenting it as true. Then he said he was "so confused" as a way of avoiding any personal responsibility or acknowledging that he was wrong.

Intellectually honest people will be easy to redpill. Dishonest, average/low intelligence normies will not be.


GF and best friend have both admitted that they've turned more racist since i came into their life.

my gf doesnt pay any attention at all to politics and just votes for whoever her sister tells her to vote for which of course is hillary. ive been working on her very slowly for years. gonna need to ramp it up soon.

>mfw my friends are already redpilled
>Girl in car is talking about a time she went to a black church, friend asks "did you pull a Dylan Roof?"

No sources, just some guy talking. Why should I believe him?

dude you are more red pilled than me wtf.

how is homosexuality a mental illness?

You shouldn't. It's just an exercise for your mind. A hypothetical what if?


>The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion is an antisemitic fabricated text purporting to describe a Jewish plan for global domination. The forgery was first published in Russia in 1903, translated into multiple languages, and disseminated internationally in the early part of the 20th century. According to the claims made by some of its publishers, the Protocols are the minutes of a late 19th-century meeting where Jewish leaders discussed their goal of global Jewish hegemony by subverting the morals of Gentiles, and by controlling the press and the world's economies.

>how is homosexuality a mental illness
>humans reproduce sexually
>homosexuals are psychologically averse to this
>they cannot choose to just "ignore" the psychological aversion
If it wasn't so politically-charged, it'd be called something like "gynophobia" or "heterosexophobia". Since they cannot choose to simply be heterosexual, and therefore "healthy", that means it's a *mental* illness.

If they can choose (re: "bisexuals") then they're not gay at all, they're just attention whores marginalizing the plight of others.

If this is blocked in your country I am going to be very fucking mad.

I start with something like showing them the same picture but from two perspectives and explain how media can manipulate and push an agenda so easily. Then I'll go on to show how media is controlled by 6 corporations.
Then I'll go on to show them how all these "moderate rebels" are US backed and how they are actually the bad guys and that most of them are alligned with ISIS. I'll explain how the US actually created ISIS through funding AQI.

Basically my goal is to explain to them that everything on TV , particularly MSM is part of an agenda and you can't trust anything you see or hear.

I just want to make them skeptical about everything and to believe that there's definitely another side to each story. It makes it easier to redpill on other things down the line but you have to break their conditioning of believing everything because "the news".

Had repeated debates with a coworker about the evil clique of zionist jews and how they cant be trusted, are not our friiends etc, this has been going on for some months and it was honestly like talking to a brick wall, until i found out about israel selling arms to the argies during the falklands war. linked him an article waited while he readit. His response, 'for fucks sake man, get the gas.'
Also his wife works for the government in some capacity and literally told him not to talk to me anymore. fuckinng kek.

Definitely turned a couple of my friends more red. Thing is, one of my friends is kindof new on the subject. For example "i love trump cause hes not a politician and he speaks his mind"

Yeah i understand but im trying to get him to grip the fine points of the REAL reasons why trump is so great instead of just reading right wing instagram accounts. Anyone get what im saying?

>told my friends I hate niggers

>all called me a neo-nazi

wtf I hate my friends now

Eh, that's three hours I could use to do something else that could be more productive. Why spend so much time on that fabricated text rather than another one? Or rather than something factual? Especially when the message is so clear in the first 5 minutes.

The normal state of the human brain is heterosexuality - which sounds pretty offensive/presumptuous. But the reality is that a homosexual brain will not be evolutionary sustainable. If all people are only banging the same sex, no babies get made.

The thing with homosexuality, and why you should not give a single shit about it (so long as like any individual under the law, they have the same rights and freedoms), is that it only affects the individual homosexuals involved. So long as they consent and are adults, then the action only affects consenting adults. So there is no issue. The grounds for treatment may also not be very strong in the case of homosexuals. Sure, homosexuality seems to be correlated to an increase in the occurrence of other mental illnesses, which may mean that they share some sort of root cause. But most homosexuals are able to enact that lifestyle without invading on other people's rights and freedoms, and with pretty reasonable levels of personal happiness.

That's the thing that lefties SHOULD get, but don't. Just because you have a mental illness, doesn't make you worse, or dictate any sort of reduction in rights or value. They are the ones who are pushing the "respect muh self diagnosed mental illness I am a WARRIOR" narrative. Perhaps there is an argument against deeming homosexuality as a mental illness as there could be stigma in society around mental illness, but there is a lack of necessity for treatment.

>Why spend so much time on that fabricated text rather than another one?
true, what is, in your opinion, the strongest redpill?

> Or rather than something factual?
I think the fact that this was published in 1903 and the fact that the things written in it are currently happening really makes you think

>two of friends are practically alt-righters
>third one doesn't give a shit about politics but hates muslims
Pretty good if you ask me