An underaged child is literally allowed to be in a legitimate relationship with an older woman not to mention it is...

>an underaged child is literally allowed to be in a legitimate relationship with an older woman not to mention it is implied that they had consensual sex several times already in a mainstream television show.

Why the fuck is this allowed? Are the female writers on this fucking show a bunch of pedophiles? I would never allow my wife or her son to watch such a show and give them ideas that this is okay. And this is not even mentioning the implied love making in the taxi from the earlier female pedophile character.

Other urls found in this thread:

you're just not smart enough

considering how many female teachers have been arrested in last 5 years for something that has been going on a long time..

Maybe it's societal. Or maybe our understanding of sexuality is flawed. Why are grown people of both sexes attracted to barely pubescent creatures.

Is it a byproduct of our evolution, is it the devil? Your question doesn't answer the underlying problem.

Where I live it's perfectably acceptable to underages and adults to date each other

how old was morty three seasons ago? hes prob like a highschool senior now, right?



And him getting a job as a stockbroker raises no eyebrows?

she, the character in op pic mentions that she married a 14 year old boy

>Why the fuck is this allowed? Are the female writers on this fucking show a bunch of pedophiles?
a man wrote this episode

Brian is a literal dog and has dated many human women in Family Guy. Its a cartoon dude, who cares

Morty's a teenager. Plus he's already, like, killed people and seen shit most of us can't imagine seeing.
He can get laid if he wants, stop finding dumb reasons to hate this show just because you don't like the guys on Reddit.

Is Morty an underage child, though? In most of the US, the legal age is 16. Morty is in high school and his age is never stated iirc, but if he's 16 and he lives in a 16+ state then there's nothing illegal about it.

>a little girl getting her tight cunt split open is horrible and awful and the guy doing it gets 50 years in prison where he'll probably get killed
>a little boy getting his peeny milked by his teachers soft mouth gets her two years of jail and called a hero

>underage arranged marriage
>first cousin

So stereotypically Muslim. I'd be willing to bet a decent amount of money she's from Pakistan.

Summer also had that relationship with whoever that guy was in the post-apocalyptic universe.

> I would never allow my wife or her son
I'm getting progressively worse at detecting this an illegitimate.

>I would never allow my wife or her son

(formerly chuck's)

>> I would never allow my wife or her son
Is there actually anything wrong with this? I can't think of anything manlier than stepping up to bat to raise a child that has been abandoned.



Why are the pupils splotches and not circles? Is she high or something

This post has to be ironic

All of them have that.

It's not. Is there a problem with being a stepfather? I got to marry the love of my life and start raising a child without having to worry about changing diapers or any of that stuff. Seems like a pretty good deal to me

>those delicious freckled tits


not children lol, adolescents

>Your question doesn't answer

He moved to new york in that scene I think. And his age stated all the time, in this episode she says hes 14

>Your question doesn't answer

>morty without his insecurities can live in sin with literal 10/10s
>gets his insecurities back
>still obsessed with some highschool slut

yeah...that's makes sense


I think you just proved their point

>Are the female writers on this fucking show a bunch of pedophiles?
You've seen how many female teachers are getting done for this, right?

Hey op how you doing buddy? Hanging in there? Remember, it's just a cartoon on television. Everything's going to be okay!

>doesn't pay attention to the show
They're all like that

Sorry kid but Morty would be changed after such an event. He wouldn't just revert exactly back to who he was.

yes, one act destroys the pussy and is potentially very painful and unpleasant

the boy sex is almost certainly pleasurable and has no risk for him

literally a matter of physics


>he didn't catch the wife's son joke

This guy gets it. Yawl posting in a Newfag underage reddit thread

never forget that TV is a satanic device to corrupt you.
they do this all on purpose.
What I have noticed too, now that I believe in God and the bible, is the insane amount of weird nonsensical covetiousness that is being displayed constantly.
The main characters always have 10 ex-partners and whenever these ex-partners meet the main character, they keep flirting and longingly reminiscing etc.
I mean wtf? You are remarried, what the heck are you doing? Why would you talk like this? It makes no sense.
It never made any sense but when you just watch TV without the bible in mind and understanding how wicked the world is, you dont realize how this is slightly warping your mind to think of these things as ever so slightly more normal.
another example: When you keep seeing unmarried people at age ~35 in the movies and Tv, flirting and dating etc.. you are subconsciously being trained to think that being 35 and not married is not a weird thing.

but wait.. it *is*. That is NOT normal. A man should have a woman, that is the natural healthy state of things.
you should have had children a long time ago when you are 35, the bible says that having children young is good.

This stuff is incredibly evil, I didnt realize this at all until I refocused on God. I didnt even understand how it changed my mind without me ever knowing. Sure, you always knew that it was weird.. but years later you still know.. but you suddenly have an alternative view of life that is also normal and expected.
It's all part of their plan to make you accept wicked vile stuff. Like homosexuality, profane language etc.


You're right, I didn't. Put this post just above mine.

Behold, the true face of Sup Forums

is it me or did this whole episode feel really weird and off

This is the true face of Sup Forums

>Why the fuck is this allowed?
You have difficulties understanding the concept of satire, don't you?

yikes this guy looked like the biggest cuck there is haha

I don't watch this spew.

>frequents a board notorious for jailbait threads
>offended by implied statutory rape in a cartoon

Ginger whores are massively underappreciated.

why is /ss/ considered pedophilia instead of NICE?

>another hebephilia confused with pedophilia thread

A hebephile is just a pedophile with a dictionary.

Yes, because it hurts the girl. Unless the boy is getting rammed up his corkhole, it'll be pretty fucking awseome for him

Right? Where's the outrage over live action shows that show rape of an underage person? *cough GOT *cough*

So if someone knows the difference they're a pedophile? Sounds like you know the difference.

>Why the fuck is this allowed?
More importantly, why the fuck do you keep watching this show if it triggers you so much?

>a successful stockbroker

Is this your first time watching adult animation?
One of Xavier Renegade Angel's first episodes features babies being murdered en masse. Compared to that this is nothing.

>I apply the rules of real life to cartoons

Yeah, cause remember He-Man??

14 yrs. is perfectly fine in most of Europe

That's so retarded and makes no sense that I have to assume you're just trolling. Which you probably are.

They have mental illness

epic show

Remember when Rick and Summer got pumped on a bunch of steroids and beat up the Devil??

Yeeeeeeeeeeeahhhh............ cartoon

Just change "Bible" to "Holy Koran" you imbecile.

because it hurts the girl and makes her actually bleed
meanwhile the boy just gets pleasure.

also /ss/ is hot.

Levi is a Jew

>he doesnt want to be on a relationship with a n older woman
get your shit and get out

>love of my life
Youre not the love of hers, though. Tyrone is, and she'd happily take him back if she knew where he was.

Better yet. Remember when Rick and Morty buried alternate versions of themselves in the backyard?

How come you have no problems with Morty killing literally dozens of innocent people but have a problem with him having sex?

What kind of 19th century Puritanical hypocrite are you?

it's not healthy. whether or not i'd want the sex (and i do) i know that it wouldn't be a good thing for me to be with an older woman. there might be exceptions but the rule should be stay away from anyone +/-10 years your age. especially if it's with a woman whose main goal in dating is to look for someone who can take care of them. you'll only disappoint her unrealistic expectations of men.

Fucking this. No matter how important you may seem to her, you ALWAYS come behind her kids, and her baby daddy. You'll never be equal. Baby daddy may have been in jail for 20 years and you've had a successful marriage with full grown kids, that motherfucker can take it all away with a text. If you don't believe me then go date a single mother.

>especially if it's with a woman whose main goal in dating is to look for someone who can take care of them
i should say that i can imagine this is the goal for the majority (99%+) of women

>tfw straight shota gentle femdom is extremely scarce and you never can find anything good

>he doesnt want a mommy gf
back to cunny and /got/ threads pedos


I just want to relive my childhood through visual storytelling.

So Morty's not a virgin anymore or will they pretend this never happened?

living the dream

the retardation on this board surprise me sometimes.

Morty wasn't a virgin ever since he fucked the biobot.

this whole thread is basically pure jealousy
>I hate it because it never happened to me
>I hate it because the reverse is considered bad in our society, fucking double standards! I want to fuck a little girl! Why can women get away with it but not me?!

It's like, it's so predictable. Every thread is just like this. Men are just as bad as women.

it's a nice fantasy but actually I don't want that. I also find my mother cold and unaffectionate maybe that has something to do with it.

it's fucking tumblr today ITT

Everyone instinctual understands child-adult relationships are different when the sexes are reversed. Because the sexes are different. The end.

This. These are the two kinds of posters when this topic comes up.

Except for based NICE poster. He is the chad of these threads.

Gosh it's almost like men and women aren't the same despite everyone screaming and shouting that they should be treated like they are.

>defending children being literally molested and raped
>b--b-but not girls they're different you know!!
Reddit has killed this board.

lol fucking social justice warrior, if you ever even came close to real sex youd know how different it is for sex and for boys...

don't worry, one day youll get laid, of course it wont be a very nice girl, those are reserved for alphas like me, but hey, its better than nothing.

>I sure love little boys getting fucked I am an alpha guys everyone look at me

>complains about degeneracy
>posts on Sup Forums

>Reddit has killed this board.
reddit is for morally outraged pussies like yourself.

>children being literally molested and raped
I would love it and you would too. There are plenty of underage girls who would love to have sex with older men. If you don't think this is true you're kidding yourself.

>my wife or her son

How did everyone miss this? Nice troll thread m8.

Seek medical help.

>children being molested isn't worth being morally outraged
>but these twitter screencaps are!

children are incapable of rational thought, you could convince one that you hung the moon and the stars and they'd fucking believe you, it doesn't justify telling them that getting fucked at 9 years old is good

t. muhammad