What's so great about this movie? I thought it was ok but nothing special

What's so great about this movie? I thought it was ok but nothing special

Its spooky

How so

Nothing but it's asian so is lauded here

all korean films are overrated

it's the "foreign movies are better just because" meme

/tv is full of unironic hipsters big surprise.

I think it's because Asian movies tend focus a little bit more on aesthetics and have prettier colors than western movies, generally speaking.

It appeals to people who are just starting to get serious about movies and have an entry level grasp of cinematography.

i like the title. thank you, OP. i will watch that.

demons 'n shit

>It appeals to people who are just starting to get serious about movies and have an entry level grasp of cinematography.
is that what you think the korean filmmakers are trying to do?

because it's pretty deep in terms of its references and because hollywood horror is generally shit, only jump scares.

>pretty deep in terms of its references
Not really. It's just basic Christian themes.

>hollywood horror is generally shit, only jump scares.
But this wasn't scary either. It's more of a thriller than a horror movie. People think just because it has supernatural themes it must be a horrror movie, but it really wasn't.

Thing that amuses me about The Wailing is there are people who praise it who would throw a bitch fit at the premise in a different setting.

Seriously it's a Korean movie where a Japanese immigrant literally turns out to be satan. Imagine for a moment the shit storm if you made the same movie but set it in Cornwall in the UK or Alabama in the US and swapped the Jap for an Afghan, or an Iraqi, or a Ugandan or any foreign minority. SJWs would lose their fucking minds. But it's Korean so not only does it get away with it it's also massively overrated.

Why are Koreans so fucking based? They make the movie they want to make and they don't give a fuck

That's only because middle eastermers have a protected status among SJWs. You could set the movie in America and make Satan a German or Russian immigrant and they would praise it.

Not necessarily, why? A lot of these movies are pretty good

I feel like Sup Forums and reddit barely scratched Korean cinema. There are loads of good or funny films that never get mentioned in these thread.

It was garbage. I watched until just after the main guy cummed in his wife and his daughter showed up.

Didn't know if i was watching an American comedy or a shitty Korean movie. Stop recommending it. It's not good.

People here tend to only recommend edgy Korean films.

I personally loved the conflicts between various faiths and ideologies in it, the lingering sense of doubt that it leaves you with whether what the protag was all real or not, the ambiguous Japanese immigrant, plus great cinematography and acting, overall it was just a really ambitious and cool movie and if it wasn't perfectly executed it at least tried and succeeded in being unique.

Try watching Cure. It's much better movie.