Why do people bully?

Why do people bully?

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They hate because they can't equate.

because it's fun to do


To curtail socially unaccepted behavior.

This 2be_honest

We don't bully, you bully us infidels.

It's all fun and games until you're a janitor and the person you bullied is the Chairman and CEO of the company who owns the building you're cleaning and paying you at minimum wage.

Natural competitive drive. Humans are social creatures, in social groups leaders are naturally established through either physical, emotional or psychiatric means.

Alpha males/females are like gas giants, having the capacity to pull people off their trajectory into their own personal orbit.


Because it's a necessary sculpting behavior humanity has evolved to tamp down unacceptable behavior.

Maintain social order and determine hierarchy.

Bullies usually have problems of their own, and they solve their frustration by taking it out on someone else. And by bullies I mean real bullying, not saying mean words. That shit is just natural and often good because it corrects retarded behaviour.

Literally because the weak should fear the strong

If someone is a douche, you bully them. Then they stop being a douche. Literally everybody wins.

because as humans, with some but not a very large portion of exceptions, want to like each other. there's just something about a kid who is in 6th grade and still watches barney that makes other guys have to bully him into being their friend.

Bullies keep the low hanging fruit in check. Bullying is a reason for your child to have pride in their physicality and wit. If they can walk the walk and talk it, no one will fuck with them.

The social Darwinist mindset in this thread is making me sick. Bullying has been linked in many studies to significantly higher risk of developing mental illness later in life. A lot of the stuff you see on Tumblr is the result of bullying and targeted harassment. Bullying is inherently destructive to society.

edgy non conformists who don't understand the value of social conformity to themselves and society

Because the weak must fear the strong

They're just retarded. A lot of outsiders reside right here on this board. Place is notorious for it. And now we've taken the red pill and shit post the planet back to health.

It's in their genes.

You can't save everyone. Until you accept that you'll suffer a lot m8.

It's a rite of passage.

But what's even more hilarious is all of the anti bullying campaigns poppin up and they are literally run by female bullies.

>developing mental illness

Those are biological defects in the brain, which happened in gestation, not post-birth. Certain factors trigger/exacerbate preexisting defects and cause them to come to fruition. Don't make excuses for birth defects.

Because they have fun doing it, anyone who says otherwise is trying to justify their own actions or someone else's.

Those retard "parents" who say bullying gives character are actually just looking for an excuse to not be arsed to help their offspring.

Because weak should fear the strong

>Bullying Strongly Linked To Mental Health Disorders


Because people are worthless.
Nobody ever got anywhere being nice.

This is real life. Not some fantasy world

>That hot blonde girl
Yeah sure

If you are bullied you are either:

>Too thin
>Don't brush teeth
>Don't shower
>Smell like semen
>You had the period on the class one day
>You farted on public
>You had a hard on in the pool
>You had a little dick
>You don't have tits
>Your tits are too big
>You are the worst at sports
>You study too much
>You are a fucking idiot.
>You try to buy friends by buying chips
>Your father is a teacher

Because little faggots need to toughen up

>>Your father is a teacher

>That hot blonde girl
You may want to rephrase that, spaniard-bro.

As a Biologist I will tell you, the jist of that article is: bullying can cause people - who are already susceptible - to develop a mental health disorder.

For a healthy, 'normal' type person it won't. Just those that have the predisposition to develop them later in life anyway.

Except this doesnt happen in real life.

The kid everyone used to make fun of in my school (he was dirty, awkward, and poor) now works as a manager at the local Burger King.

Yes he went further than some of the kids in my class, but mostly because they were drug addicts

sure buddy.

>little faggots toughen up
>become dangerous faggots and give homophobic cowards a beatdown to put them in their place

Now what?

its called natural selection

Sure what?
Are you saying kids aren't bullied for that?

fuck off little faggot toughen up

Because they are Subhumans.

human nature, also kids are cruel because they don't care

They're bullying her because they're jealous of her, so they want to do the best they can to make her life miserable so they can feel better about themselves.

It builds character.



not usually

not usually



no, people in school respect sluts because they think they can get with her


yes, only if female though


is spain full of queers? why are you looking at other kids' dicks?


lol no

yes, only if male though





Humans are cruel and generally vile creatures, kids especially so.

>muh homophobia
Go back to ręddit

What about the hot girls making fun of the ugly girls?

This guy is a cringemeister. I guess he doesn't go by Milo Wagner any longer, but his "gun phase" is about as cringy as his i-like-nietzsche "poetry phase" and "nazi phase"

I was bullied for being a Nazi in school. I was upper-middle class, handsome, aryan, perfect shape, took care of hygine, and pretty much didn't do anything on your list.

All it did was ruin my self-esteem and convinced me to withdraw from society and spend the remainder of my dead social life on an anonymous Thai kayaking forum.

Some kids grow later in life and in the gym they make fun of them cause they still haven't got any pubic hair

what the fuck type of shitty reasons are these.
you can be bullied for absolutely anything you fucking retard it's up to the bullies discretion.

Girls do make fun of those that have tits too big out of gealousy making up stories about her.
This happens.

You were just autistic and antisocial

The ideal world is one where we are all meek subordinates to an authoritarian "bully" figure.

How was I anti-social? I loved hanging out with people?

Ayn Rand and goosebumps are you kidding me?

Did you had friends?
If not you were antisocial regardless if you liked people or not.
You just weren't fun to be with.
You were just weird.
Some people have different types of humor, maybe you were to grown for your age and saw other as normie already in school days.

t. faggot that got bullied

kek he looks so beta and limpwristed in that pic, was that picture taken before or after he called gamers beta males?

gotta give it to him though he is a fairly good public speaker and he transformed himself fairly well

I did have some friends

straight up gay shit spain. keep your eyes on your own dick

It's your fault for being a fucking pussy and not standing up for yourself.

Pull a Columbine and an hero, fag

>muh "people only get bullied for being degenerate"

How many girls are bullied for not losing their virginity by age 16 and/or waiting until marriage?

How many young Trump supporters are being bullied for being against illegal immigration?

How many young white kids are being bullied just for being white in a diverse school?







>The social Darwinist mindset in this thread is making me sick.
Hello CNN

Americans have a terrible problem with nudity and sex, everything is gay too you, you create faggots because of this.
You make some normal behaviors as gay and then some people that have them become gay cause you tell them they already are.

you make me sick

everything is gay to Spanish

Then you weren't really bullied.
By bullying I understand that everyone makes fun of you and you are the only one of the class without friends.

I remember one that tried to kill himself by jumping from the top of the school.

Almost everyone in the shcoolyard start yelling JUMP JUMP JUMP haha

The funniest thing is that most people here know very well its true and 99% of the americunts here were bullied but now they play it the tough guy. Its really entertaining.

Bully is apart of regular day life bro. People fuck with each other all the time. The way you get treated is determined by a number of things: social status in the group, looks (clothes, hair), tone, and how you handle in day to day life situations... a major component of this is shit testing. Men and women use it, just in different ways.

Some of you seriously need to go socialize and get a fucking grip of yourself.

I'm short and very underweight and always have been. I have a condition that makes gaining weight very hard to do. If I stood up to those big and buff bullies (there were many and they bullied me as a team), I would have been ganged up and ground to a pulp. Some of them were actually on steroids they illegal obtained. They've been in juvie repeatedly. I was no match.

My house was districted to a predominantly black school and a lot of my classmates were in urban street gangs. I just didn't have the power to deal with that kind of thing.

Oh no I had friends but there were these two kids who kept calling me a faggot all the time.

because they're secretly insecure and/or are dealing with underlying personal/family issues. believe me ive seen several american high school movies

>absolutely no reason to check out another man's dick
>do so anyways
>not gay

yeah, ok

sure buddy

Are you a fag?
If not, maybe they were and wanted to fuck you.

Only proves my point: bullying exacerbates and brings preexisting mental illness to the surface.

Opinions of walking recessive genes = null and void.

They enjoy dominating others. It gives them a rush.

The bs about bullies having low self esteem is horseshit. A lot of them have narcissist tendencies.


This. That weird autistic kid in your class most likely stayed weird and autistic without a fortune.

Most if not all the bullies I knew back in school turned into drug addicted unemployed wiggers with criminal records. Even the uncool kids succeeded more. Most of them work minimum wage but it's better than being worthless criminal trash.

>Implying I give a fuck.
Pretty sure I've actually helped society cause i bullied some kids so hard one of them killed themselves. The weak deserve to die.

No I'm not a fag when I grew up faggot just meant someone you didn't like

You sound like a faggot though

>The weak deserve to die.

If my razor was as sharp as your edge, my face would be baby smooth from the closest shave known to mankind.

Bullying is a natural response to poor genes. Good genes were necessary to the long term success of the tribe, and thus the poor genes needed to be bullycided out of commission.

An unconscious response takes place to a poor physiognomy that suggests that person has poor genetics. There's a myth that the jocks are dumb, but in elementary school, the best athletes are often the best students and are often the best looking. These kids are never bullied, the kids with sickly mannerisms and poor facial ratios are bullied because those things are signs of genetic weakness.

Yeah no surprise youre getting replaced by niggers and spics, youre just weak.

>says the Spaniard who checks out other people's dicks by choice in the locker room

This is the black pill

Natural instinct to weed the weak out of the tribe

This, can we bring back Tribalism?

I mostly just did it for fun when I was a kid, but also to impress my friends

It's a way to express dominance and get a rush of enjoyment at the same time, sort of a quick and impulsive version of the high politicians and leaders get from being in charge. It's certainly sadistic in nature but nowhere near torturing or killing someone.

My friends and I used to bully in school, not in a constant or aggressive way like a group of "alpha" chads or something, just throwing food at people in the lunchroom, provoking confrontations, sparking controversy by insulting people, pulling peoples towels off in the showers, shit like that. Alot of the time we bulled the odd, autistic types and edgy tumblr girls who thought they were special snowflakes.

None of us had self esteem issues or anything. I mean I had anger problems but that had nothing to do with it, in fact the occasional joke at someones expense helped keep me calm and in good humor so it was beneficial actually. We all ended up joining the military and getting good jobs, we were a smart bunch. I find alot of the social darwin stuff sort of nonsense, I just think it's people having a good time and a little rush at someone elses expense.

Bullying is immoral. It's fueled by hatred of others, and hatred of others is immorality.

>physical features
>bad genes
I know that american education is the worst but this is just retarded. I'm sure Terence Tao should been bullied to death too because he looks like the stereotype of nerd and stutters, right? Doesn't matter that you will never achieve even 1% of what he did.


>to teach other kids not to be faggots