Several times on this board I have seen references to this store that was on The Simpsons...

Several times on this board I have seen references to this store that was on The Simpsons. Everyone here seems to think it's funny and clever and I don't know what it is. I even saw the episode and the store itself in the episode, yet I still don't get it. What does it mean?

Sup Forums was a mistake

Chucks seed and feed.

It's only funny if you know who Sneed and Chuck are

formlerly sneeds

the store was formerly called "Chuck's", but after Chuck's lover Sneed died of AIDS he renamed it in his honor and turned it into a feed and seed store. Hope that helps!

But that doesn't make any sense, that's not funny at all

>Chuck's Cheed and Cheed

It used to be a church. Chuck's Preach and Read, Formerly Sneed's Creed and Breed, a pagan worship site.

wouldn't it be chuck's puck and ruck?


Formerly Herb's

Shit meme

>are people this stupid?
Yes. Yes they are. I'll give it a few more posts before I explain the joke. This should be a test to see who is smart enough to vote..

RIP in peace, Sneed

His seed will live on.

There's no context, I just don't get it. Is this a reference to a previous episode?

1/10 made me respawn

Following the "rules" set up by the repeation in the sign: snEEDS sEED & fEED...if one applied the name "Chuck" to that, it would be: chUCKS sUCK & fUCK. Get it now?

this is disinfo

That seems a tad crude for the Simpsons m8

that's the joke

Imagine being SNEED in that FEED and having to be all like "damn, CHUCK, you FUCK AND SUCK, all FORMERLY with your tight FEED and horrific androgynous CHUCK THE SUCK. I would totally SNEED with you, both my FEED and the real SEED." when all he really wants to do is FEED another CHUCK in his SEEDING room. Like seriously imagine having to be SNEED and not only sit in that chair while CHUCK flaunts his FORMERLY SEED FEED in front of you, the favorable SEED barely concealing his FEED and FORMERLY SUCK, and just sit there, FEED after FEED, SEED after SEED, while he perfected that SNEED. Not only having to tolerate his monstrous FORMER visage but his FUCK AND SUCK as everyone on set tells him he's FORMERLY CHUCK and DAMN, CHUCK FUCK AND SUCKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the SNEED who have to FEED AND SEED. You've been FUCKING nothing but a healthy diet of CHUCKS and SUCKS and later alleged FEED AND SEED for your ENTIRE SNEED coming straight out of the FEED AND SEED. You've never even seen anything this FORMERLY CHUCK before, and now you swear you can taste the FEED that's SUCKING on his dimpled FEED as he FUCKS AND SUCKS to writhe it suggestively at you, FORMERLY assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get FEED AND SEED there and revel in his "FORMER (for that is what he calls himself)" SUCK AND FUCK, the SUCK he worked so hard for with FUCK in the previous SNEED. And then the SEED calls for another FUCK, and you know you could FEED AND SEED in this room before the studio CHUCK could FUCK, but you sit there and SEED, because you're fucking SNEED. You're not going to lose your future FEED AND SEED over CHUCK. Just FEED AND SEED. Hide your face and SEED..

Your Mom is crude


I saw SNEED at a FEED AND SEED in CHUCK’s yesterday. I told him how SEED it was to FUCK him in person, but I didn’t want to be a CHUCK and bother him and ask him to FUCK AND SUCK.

He said, “FEED AND SEED?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “SNEED?” but he kept cutting me off and going “FORMERLY CHUCK’S” and FEEDING HIS SEED in front of my CHUCK. I SUCKED away and continued with my SEEDING, and I heard him SUCK AND FUCK as I SNEED. When I SUCKED AND FUCKED to pay for my CHUCK KEK up SNEED I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen FEEDS AND SEED in his hands without FUCKING.

The CHUCK at the SEED was very nice about it and professional, and was like “SNEED, you need to FUCK AND SUCK.” At first SNEED kept pretending to be FORMERLY CHUCK and not SEED, but eventually turned back around and SUCKED HIS CHUCK.

When he took one of the FEEDS AND SEEDS and started FUCKING it multiple times, SNEED stopped CHUCK and told him to FEED AND SEED “to prevent any FORMERLY CHUCK’S,” and then turned around and FEED at me. I don’t even think that’s a SEED. After CHUCK FUCKED each FEED and put them in a SEED and started to SUCK the FUCK, SNEED kept interrupting CHUCK by FEED AND SEED


I fucking love this meme

Oh! I get it now haha

They work for the Feed Man, the Seed.
Get 'em on board, I'll sow it in.


Tell me about Sneed! Why does he feed the seed?

the joke itself is not funny, it's only funny to see how butthurt it gets people like this guy


New card. What do you think?


Childhood is idolizing Sneed. Adulthood is realizing Chuck makes more sense.


>Sneed's Feed & Seed = convenience store = Twin Peaks = patrician
>Baneposting = Aidan Gillen = Game of Thrones = pleb