So, I'm visually impaired, to the point where I can't legally drive. This obviously affects my life in numerous ways

So, I'm visually impaired, to the point where I can't legally drive. This obviously affects my life in numerous ways.

But, I'm white and the media and blacks everywhere keep saying I'm privileged because of it.

I'm not seeing any of this privilege.

Other urls found in this thread:


White privilege means Rich privilege.

They are displacing the poor peoples hate from the rich to the whites.

Who's that footslut?

The answer is always Jews, isn't it?

>hurr durr muh privileges xd

>I'm not seeing any of this privilege.
Pun intended?


I sure fucking hope.

Someone got it.

If you're blind how are you posting on here?


>is a genetic defect
Blame your parents for not aborting you

>visually impaired
>not seeing your privilege

Top kek

I never said I was blind, dumbass.

I live in Appalachia. Anyone who really believes in white privilege should come here for a week. In fact, fuck it, I don't need a week, give me a couple hours of driving around and I'll have them doubting everything their freshman sociology professor shoved down their throat.

>I'm not seeing any of this privilege.
ALMOST as funny as the time Deadpool stated that he and Nick Fury don't see eye to eye.

Who's the whore in pic related?

your mum fagget

Seriously though who wears toe rings

>Not having your vision augmented

What a shame.


I actually have artificial lenses in my eyes. Still fucked, though.

That is pretty neat. Why so fucked though? Any hope of improvement?

Jew Theodore Allen invented the term 'white privilege'.

Was born with cataracts, but at the time, they weren't sure what to do with it. Now, they operate after about 6 months so the eyes and optic nerves develop normally.

Because I grew up with cataracts, though, my eyes and optic nerves didn't develop correctly. You can't tell by looking at me or anything, I look normal, but my eyes aren't quite right, so until they have eye replacement surgery, I'll be fucked.

>Those legs
>Those feet
>That nail color
>That slightly orange skin
>Those feet rings

Disproportionately so, yes.

cause you blind nigga... baka