((They)) have been called out!

Holy mother of God!

Look what's trending on facebook!

Other urls found in this thread:



Come the fuck on, dude.


He's right you know

This is really pushing the limits of a credible run for presidency....

Then where's your evidence that ovens CAN, in fact, burn thousands a day?

fake und ghey... the ovens weren't used to kill they were for disposing of the dead to prevent disease spreading.

suspiciously media-like language there, user

What outfit you with?

>saying the truth is taboo nowadays

wew lads

Are parentheses suffering deflation or something? It's ((())), not (())

A body takes seven hours to burn. Multiply that by six million.


Trump is a disgusting antisemite and anyone supporting him should be ashamed.

how is that remotely relevant to running for president

I'm not saying this guy is wrong but normies are going to associate that statement negatively in their heads.

It's not even a real article you retards.

Prove it.

Pro tip: you can't

Sad but true.
We must push the normies to discover the truth.



no one ever said all 6 million were killed in ovens

Normally I would agree, however, it seems as if there is nothing to worry about.

It's from a barely credible news source that panders almost exclusively to die hard leftists.

>burning jews one at a time

If guys like you ran Auschwitz, there'd be enough jews still in the queue to prove the Holocaust actually happened

a CLAIM was made in an unsettled civil case against a dude who is married to a Jewess

pretty weak desu senpai

Wasn't it because of Typhus?

Old news, it was out few days ago

Pretty sure they did they did not die in the ovens they were gassed then put in the ovens

He would have been a cool president if he would have wanted to do good instead of scam everyone

If anyone wonders why his poll numbers will drop again, I can guarantee you it has nothing to do with all the Jews who were supporting him before.

How the hell is he possibly scamming anyone?

God these shills.

to be fair, this can ruin his run. a lot of people outside these deep realms we reside blindly believe everything about the holocaust. saying anything against it is pretty critical

Where is the giant fuel pile that would have been visible on allied fly-over photos. The one that would have been needed to keep ovens running.

meme magic is becoming stronger, Kek is coming

Did every camp have ovens? Did all ovens appear before the inmates arrived? No many who died were buried in mass graves.

They never knew how many would eventually die so the ovens weren't expected to be used to dispose of every dead prisoner

They were an effort to work on the body disposal problem.. but they weren't used to burn people alive to kill them.

Oh god i don't even care if he wins Sup Forums memes are now national debate.

right the well known mass contagion which spreads around large numbers of corpses not properly disposed

it could become an epidemic plague killing everyone like a wildfire.

the ovens are tiny you dumbass they won't function if you shove ten people inside



You might want to google some Holocaust oven pictures.

>Germoney, son. You are 1000 year reich now.

>You must decide whetever you use limited fuel reserves to destroy your source of free labour or whetever you want to win the war

>choice is yours

How much fuel would they have needed to burn corpses in a giant oven, in order to burn 6 million jews?
>inb4 maybe not 6 millions but 1.5M probably, the number is irrelevant, holocaust happened, my history book based on jew witnesses says so, nazi alt-right

given the media has admitted they are justified in lying to get Hillary elected, I'm going to go ahead and disregard anything Trump supposedly "says' unless I hear him say it directly, unedited, with full context intact.

but that would be the logical and rational thing to do. thats boring and gay


Unless it's spun by MSM I don't buy it

I don't believe you

This is idiotic. 6 million Jews dying and 6 million Jews getting cooked to perfection arent one in the same. What about all the trenches full of corpses or the piles upon piles of dead Jewish bodies that were discovered? The ovens were too small to burn six million jews. Thats why the nazis didn't kill them all the same way.


>What about all the trenches full of corpses or the piles upon piles of dead Jewish bodies that were discovered?
starvation and disease at the end of the war due to lack of supplies, in part from the near complete destruction of german infrastructure by allied bombing campaigns.

Here's one in english.



I don't mean that, I mean the corpses with big fat bullet holes in their face

>How much fuel would they have needed to burn corpses in a giant oven

they already had plenty of gas

ITT: People who can't look up things themselves to find out if this actually happened




>implying every jew was sent to an oven


>free labour

Yes. "free". A labour force you must feed, pay guards to watch. Waste money to house and cloth. Yes. Totally free at no cost.

Is he going to make the jews pay for it ?


where are the mass graves? the oven stuff was pushed to explain the lack of mass graves. face it holohoax doesn't real.


Do they really want this trending right now? That's a huge can of worms.

>this fucking thread
embrace the counter truth, holocaust deniers

holohoax is the imaginations and projections of kikes about what they want to do to the goym.

>they think every single one of the 6 million jews were cremated

lol, all these shills

Oy Vey Oy Gevalt it's another Shoah

Perhaps comparably inexpensive would be a better term.

At how many millions of heebs does the story stop being ridiculous?

Oh fuck, he really fucked up this time. This is seriously bad, what the fuck. Please tell me this isn't real.

This is kinda old new now.

Oy vey, goy. Hitler genocided all the Jews!!!

actually six million sounds legit if you mantion all casualities related

also, culture of phrenology aka judging jewness by facial features (therefore holocausting whole semito-hamitic tier people)

Killing "too nosey"people without real reason even if it's just broken nose or something

Also, Russian Empire was 7% jewish, so 7% of battlefield losses are statistically...

Oh good god.

I happen to know that executions were mostly gas, so I can accept that ovens aren't for executing, but for cremation.

Wow, it's almost like they were burned one at a time after they died because burying them would increase the risk of spreading disease, and they WEREN'T shoved in massive industrial ovens while still alive.

Isn't it also weird how the transportation to the main gas chamber at Auschwitz was a relatively small elevator that led to an underground chamber meant to look like a shower so as to trick the already naked and defenseless Jews into believing it was just a shower, so the heavily armed, well-fed German soldiers wouldn't be slaughtered by them? Isn't it also odd how the gas chambers used Zyklon B, a pesticide intended to kill lice which would require 1 kilogram per person to cause death? And how there was a wooden door on the show- I mean gas chamber? And how there was no evidence whatsoever of these gassings taking place except for personal accounts of Jews and Soviet soldiers? Isn't it also kind of odd how all of the camps inspected by American soldiers were reported to be concentration camps, with no gas chambers, ovens, or holocoasters, but ALL of the camps inspected by Soviet soldiers, were death camps, where all of the prisoners were starved, gassed, beaten, brutalized, and raped? The Soviets wouldn't have any reason to lie about their sworn enemies, so we should just take their word for it, even though they can provide no actually documentation nor evidence for these claims whatsoever, except for the personal accounts of people who were imprisoned by the Nazis, who watched their families die of starvation and Typhus, and dysenter- I mean rape, and electric floor pads, and masturbation machines, and gas chambers, and mine carts which literally threw people into massive ovens.

What I find the most weird is how the chimney at Auschwitz was not only built onto the building AFTER the war, but isn't even actually connected to anything!

But don't mind me, I'm not questioning anything, because that would be anti-semitic.

kill me

Seriously, this man is a racist, homophobic and a bigot who doesn't have the temperament to hold the oval office.

I know who I'm voting for in November.

>ovens too small to kill 6 million jews
>implies all jews weren't killed by ovens
i dont see the problem here.

i wish