Prison Sentencing 2: Electric Boogaloo

Prison Sentencing 2: Electric Boogaloo

Old Thread >87020668

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Fucking nigger, i really hope he gets shanked and killed for that niggerish behavior.

It's so funny how society tries to find excuses for people acting like maniac assholes. Two hundred years ago that guy would be hanging from a tree.

any good prison documentaries to recommend?

Just going to leave this here

This triggers pol

Lockup on MSNBC is alright

The Farm Angola USA

>Springfield, MA

Yeah, that's about right

Guy was 100% justified though, hope he didn't get into too much trouble

cry me a river

Charged with disrupting court proceedings.

Reposting Gidget goes to Court for the newcomers

If that guy got charged for attacking the guy that strangled his mother, the world is all kinds of fucked up.

That shit was righteous as fuck!

this is america. We arent that cucked in our legal system...yet

Yes, did you know that in the US entire rivers flow from prison drainage systems collecting prisoners and their loved ones tears.

Please select all images with rivers.

look at him licking his big nigger lips

I didn't know cyanide took that long, looks painful

Gladiator days is great. Troy kell is based.

This has always been my favorite.
Sweet sound of justice


God damnit, that grandma did not deserve this fate. Fuck niggers, these monkeys do not deserve to live in the same society as us

This is fake, right?

He's somewhat right in that the system is clearly fucked up and dysfunctional (what parts of America aren't fucked up and dysfunctional these days).

However, I'm not sure what his solutions are supposed to be. Don't lock up people for minor offenses? I guess I could get behind that, but first I need you to define "minor offenses." Don't lock people up for major offenses like rape and murder? Well, I don't think that's what he's actually arguing. But, once again, that's only because it's not clear what he's arguing for. Something, something "behavior correction and assimilation into society." But what does THAT mean?

Also, solitary confinement is often for the prisoner's own safety. Some offenses are considered so heinous even by hardened criminals, that people guilty of those crimes would be horribly killed if left in with the general population. The only real way around that is to keep the violent criminals away from the non-violent criminals. Except, all of the aforementioned heinous crimes are basically violent crimes. No gangbanger is going to get worked up with righteous fury over insider trading, lying on your tax forms, or some other form of white collar crime.

'suck ass long enough, pretty soon you start choking on shit'
How have I not heard this before?

Wait, this happened in my town... How did I not hear of this.

Lol if this happend today the cops would have shot him

I hate it that women's natural instinct on anything happening is panicking and screeching ... Fucking Hell

Watch the minute from 46:30 for the funniest part

Yeah I heard that in the video, don't know how serious of an offense that is though since I am not american. Doesn't sound so bad though

It's one of those phrases I feel like I'd heard before seeing the doc but I can't for the life of me remember where. Seems too good to just slip out like that.

This is what happens when you don't lynch them in public.

Honestly, the niggers in Bakersfield are terrible. But if you stay away from the east side where all the gibs offices are at, you won't have to worry to much.


Can anyone tell me a good sauce of lockup episodes? I have no access to the pay to watch oligarchy.

damn i want to punch that guy

I remember seeing this vid somewhere a while ago. It's the least a father could do

I'm not watching that shit

Go to buy drugs in detroit.
It almost as if they wanted to die

kern county, kek, that place is a shithole


felons are such fucking pussies

When you're dead the pain didn't matter.

Sadly, I doubt it. It's really bad in the inner cities these days.

no it's not.

I ran a nonprofit for drug abuse and criminal rehab.

25% black city

90% black patients somehow magically.

98% failure rate by the blacks who thought it was a get out of jail free card.

they're animals.

please post link to insane nigger snarling in court that was posted in previous thread. shit is unreal


>you racist

they are just one feeling away from screeching chimps.

and just one feeling away from crying babies

remember, they are 90% instinct

kek at picture




fb . com/TeamDontPanic/videos/1105139422900312/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED

not completely related but nigs acting up