Million Dollar Extreme Thread

Give me one good reason why you don't find Sam Hyde hilarious....

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What's hilarious is that no one finds Sam hilarious enough to throw him a bone here. Sad, and funny!

Lrn to joke Sam.

fuck thats a great drawing

Help a nigga out.

because he's disgusting to look at and therefore I can't be bothered to listen to a word that comes out of his mouth

his life has become a dark comedy. maybe they'll pick him up for a new reality show.

he tries to convince you he doesnt give a shit about anything especially himself, but it's just hiding the fact he takes himself waaaaay too seriously.

hes basically a teenager

who the fuck is that?

the only funny thing hes ever done is the mom sketch

Because he's a failed comedian, and like all failed comedians they are absolutely convinced they are funny.

i liked world peace and think a lot of mde videos are gold but i grow tired of constant shilling on Sup Forums

People watch this fat fuck unironically? LOL

I watched college cunts and masnlave for the first time yesterday, any other shortkimos like that from MDE?

The Silver Bullet

He's show did very well though. The rating were good but adult swim canceled it bc some jew on buzzfeed did lots of articles about him and the bosses are kikes also.

This, and his following I would imagine is mostly made up of teenagers who browse Sup Forums

the thing about Sam is that everyone will laugh along at him making fun of other people but as soon as he makes fun of them they stop watching it's hilariously pathetic and I see it happen all the time when people are talking about him

Because youre unfunny and Just an edgy Tim and Eric rip off, Sam.
Also all the "good" material you did wasnt even written by you. Youre pathetic.

He's hiding under many layers of irony

Stop lying Sam. Your show did mediocre (plz someone post the ratings, there is normally one autist here who has them on hand). And you know why it wasnt renewed. It wasnt the numbers. It was you, youre unprofessional. Also brigading pol virgin autist.

He is Reddit incarnate.

I find it hilarious Sam didn't follow his own advice about education and is now waiting tables and living with his mom

Watched World Peace last night, I hope Sam doesn't just sit on his ass all year and puts some of his savings into a second season, because it's good stuff.

Oh, the irony.


He's entertaining, world peace was good. But that's just my opinion.

>now waiting tables
prove it

Because I'm mad at him for getting facefucked by my favorite tranny before I did

He just put $5000 down on a bounty for whoever could identify the antifa fuckthat attacked baked alaska with acid at the unite the right shit

He looks to pathetic these days to be funny
World Peace was top tier tho

The only thing funny about Sam Hyde/MDE is the audience reactions to whatever he's doing. His actual comedy itself isn't amusing and usually falls flat. He's a real life troll, not a comedian.

Image has way too much stuff on it, completely overdone to the point where most people will fall into at least one of the images on there.

What's this from?

The KickstarterTV series is my personal favorite of his.

Ideas Man, Murder Charls, Tissue Box
They have so much good stuff I could list

This image is retarded, so many unrealistic overlaps
>Yeah I love comedy. MDE, Smosh, the list goes on

Tissue Box. The ending is really good

i showed tissue box to a girl once and she thought it was mean and stupid like all other talk shows
First and last episodes got 1 mill views. None of Eric Andre's first season got 1 mill

except they had good ratings and even after the fiasco were in talks with purchasing writing material

is this what millennials like?

Whether you find him funny or not, he seems like a genuinely unpleasant person who's not happy with their life. Charls and nick must have a lot of patience to maintain a friendship with Sam.


Even 16 year olds don't find Maddox funny anymore.