Peter draws energy from the planet core

>Peter draws energy from the planet core
>He doesn't always do this unless he focuses really hard
>Ego needs Peter's 'battery' to move any of the seeds he planted on other worlds, which were the size of a flower
>Ego is somehow able to plant and control a tumor in Peter's mother without being on his planet or using the strength of another half celestial
Honestly, it seems like they got halfway through the movie and went "well lets just scrap the whole xenophobic yellow people plot" and cobbled together Ego's villain backstory.
Why couldn't they just stick with the yellow people? They even teased that the next movie is about them. How about instead of showing another scene where their drones get blown up, they use the villain they're making in the next movie instead?
Ego was pretty weak as a villain overall, and is one of the biggest complaints I have with the movie.

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I really don't fucking get why you put on the whole nice guy magical planet god act only to just blurt out that you killed your son's mom and expect him to be OK with it.

he still destroyed the gold people ships without a half celestial or being on his planet

He saw Eternity, he expected him to understand. He was trying to explain why he had to leave his friends behind.

he had him under his control at the time but saying that snapped peter out of it

Because he was using his power sparingly to maintain his form and do small shit like plant the seeds. He even said he had to return back home to recharge and that's why he had to visit her 3 times to get it done. He knew if he went a 4th he wouldn't leave and would run out of power and he would be cut of from the source.

He gave her cancer, he wasn't remote-controlling a tumor from a distance. He planted the tumor and left.

>Control a tumor
Are you retarded?

WHY did he give her a tumor though?

he was in love with her and didnt want to be, he said if he went back to her a fourth time he wouldve stayed and end up dying

Because he loved her and if he came back one more time for her he would never leave.

I thought that was a lie though. He fucked species across the universe. I thought he didnt actually care about her, just trying to geta celestial child

When he said "...I had to put that tumor in her head" we can assume that he means putting part of himself in her, as it has been shown that the only matter he has been able to manipulate is that which he assimilated into himself. The seeds he planted didn't go on autopilot until he gave them the signal to explode. Similarly, you shouldn't expect a lump of cell shaped ego to behave differently just because it's in another person.
This would mean ego would've had to remotely control it in some fashion just to tell it to grow and blow her brains out. This just raises the question why he wouldn't assimilate one world at a time with his own power instead of trying to do literal thousands at a time with Peter's help.
The fact that Peter is of any use to Ego is a plot hole because they even stated the only reason he had any power was because he got it from Ego, so the fact that Ego needed Peter's power is ridiculous when Ego had his full power anyway at all times and only granted it to Peter temporarily when Peter called upon him.

no he loved her and killed her because he didnt want to give up his plan he says he went to see her 3 times and he knew he wouldnt survive a fourth did you even watch the movie

No, he did actually love her.

Because he saw it as being ok, he lacks any form of empathy.

Honestly, I thought he was lying too. The most notable feature he could even mention about her was her ability to recite song lyrics.
Just because he could also recite the lyrics to a song he heard only a short time ago with Peter's mother doesn't really indicate much when he is billions of years old.

>Ego had his full power anyway at all times and only granted it to Peter temporarily when Peter
ego needed more power to be able to spread himself everywhere and he cant be away from his planet for prolonged amount of time which is why he left pieces of himself in the form of a plant he needed peter to be able to go further and take over the actual planet he was planted on peter was a power up

That's the thing though, there was no more power there from Peter. When the movie ends, Peter's power is 0 because he never had any power of his own, only that which he borrowed from Ego, so to say that Ego's full power cannot do the assimilation is ridiculous when really using Peter only restored him back to 100% instead of whatever fraction he was using to maintain his human form and give Peter powers.
This again only makes the fight between Ego and Peter even more comedic because Ego in theory should've way overpowered Peter because Peter himself was just human all along. If this wasn't true, Peter would've also dissolved when Ego was killed.

I enjoyed the first movie but the sequel was very disappointing, all they did was turn the reddit up to 11.

ego needed someone who could also use the power from the planets core peter was half celestial meaning he could control celestial power but not make any ego needed more control over the his own power ( confusing I get that) so he could use the plants on the other planets his other children was a part time power ups that allowed him to continue to make his body notice towards the end of the movie after his body had been destroyed twice he was gray and sickly that was showing that he was struggling to control what little power he had left and it was even harder because peter started using it too once they destroyed the core peter had no more power to draw from meaning he was just a normal human

The movie tries to have it both ways with he loved her, he loved her not, and fuck it. Why not let it. It's a god damn marvel movie staring Chris Pratt that's about not 1, but 2 cute CGI mascots dancing to chart toping pop music. Who gives a fuck.

Ego>Ronan though.

I enjoyed the film but it seemed like multiple plots of a tv show crammed into one movie.

They could have solved all this if they gave a shit, and without even dropping Ego.

>Ego devours all his children as a way of increasing his power. (Hey look! A free mythological reference!)
>Celestial pregnancy always gives the mother a debilitating illness.
>Ego's just been giving all of his children this same bullshit song and dance.
>The only thing different about Peter is that Yondu allowing him to grow to adulthood made him stronger than the previous offspring Ego had encountered(Wow! Another free mythological reference. It's almost like these stories have resonance for a reason.)
>Peter discovers the truth through a mental link he shares with his father through "the light."
>Peter faces off against his mad sire, and during the battle, Ego reveals that he'd always feared one of his children growing strong enough to challenge him(How about that? Another free mythological reference.)

Hey look, suddenly we have a compelling story.

You dont know how cancer works do you?

>Nebulas leg getting pinned
>Nebula cracking all her robo joints back into place
>Gamoras raspy breathing as Nebula chokes her

Sounds more like you don't know how Ego works. Ego had to will everything on himself into existence by manipulating the matter, and the minute he stops willing it to exist, it disintegrates into a loose pile of matter, as seen during his death scene.
Now explain to me how a tumor, a mass of cells made from the matter he assimilated and manipulated, would be an exception to this rule.

he needs another celestial because he's assimilating all of the planets in the universe not just one planet.

not the user you replied to. ego did not will himself into existence, he stated in the movie that he just remembers waking up. he's shown to be a white light shaped like a brain. the planet around him is made of matter he manipulated into forming the planet layers around his true self (the brain-shaped white light) but he did not assimilate the matter he's just manipulating them. he never used the word assimilate when he narrated how he manipulated matter to form the planet layers around him. the human form they talk to is not entirely matter. at it's core is an extension (as stated by mantis) of ego with the outer layer made of matter he manipulated into a human form. you see the extension of ego when peter shot at him several time blasting off the outer layer of matter and you see the white light form which is the extension of ego. the tumor is just matter manipulated by ego and inserted it's not made up of the white light that is ego.

Good post user, this would have made a lot more sense

i'm already used to mcu having characters/items radically different from what i'm used to in comics canon like eye of agamotto suddenly becoming a infinity stone instead of a powerful artifact created by a cosmic being. so i'm ok with ego being a celestial or that celestials can produce offspring with non-celestials.

what i did not like with the movie though is the overly-long sad funeral scene for yondu. it triggered me and by triggered i mean the traditional original meaning of triggered and not the word being thrown about as an insult on 4chen. it made me very very sad and dampened the feel-good fun-to-watch feeling the movie was giving me. the funny scenes after the funeral scene were not funny anymore because i was still heartbreakingly sad from that funeral scene. i wanted to laugh for days after watching the movie. that was what i was looking for and what the trailers promised and the main reason i watched the movie. but instead i felt depressed after the movie.

>trying to make sense of the random alien thing
Yea you wont find any.

Yeah, let's just remake Chronos story, that 'll surely be good and compelling.

Time for a re-watch soon, I was disappointed with the koala the most his acting wasn't as good as it was in the first one.

Am I the only one who finds Rocket super sexy hot? Every time the camera does a close up of his face I want to frenchkiss his sexy sexy snout.

Is Starlord's father really a celestial in the comics? I vaguely remember he was just a king on some important planet.

No. Celestials in the comics do not have mortal offspring. In the comics, Ego is a cosmic being but not a Celestial.

Bonus round:

>Even knowing the truth isn't enough to free Peter from Ego's mental domination.
>Mantis uses Gamora's memories and love for Pete as a means of breaking through to him and giving him the will to fight back.
>A different Light blooms from Pete as Rocket plays this from the ship's sound system, saying, "Yeah, this seems about right."

>We watch Pete beat the everloving dogshit out of Ego in slow motion while it continues to play.
>Ego, furious, "That Light should be mine! Why can't I take it!?"
>Pete, "There's all kinds of light, asshole. Yours only loves you."
>Ego, who loves nothing but himself, is defeated by a love that is shared as a blinding, powerful light reduces him to nothing.
>As the music continues, Gamora and Pete embrace for a kiss when the music suddenly stops. They look toward the ship and we see that it was Rocket who stopped it.
>Rocket: "I still hate that sappy shit."

his father is was the ruler of the spartoi empire in the comics, still a bad guy, but he did declare earth off limits to the rest of the galaxy because the one he loved lived there

I'd give it to them even on the autistic scale, the celestial simple does not feel things the way we do.
>Celestial's getting wrecked

do you have more?

Extra credit round:

>Ego's defeat is only temporary and he absorbed enough power from Quill to carry out his plan once he recovers.
>Rocket builds the battery bomb with a remote detonator.
>Ego's core is highly radioactive and delivering the bomb nearly kills Groot.
>Rocket hits the remote, only to find that the interference the core throws off stops the signal from getting through.
>Groot's too weak to make a trip back.
>Yondu's link to his arrow is strong enough, but its range demands that he stay behind.
>Yondu waits near the core, talking to Quill on coms while they get clear.
>"You know, it's funny. Bastard lived for millions of years, had who knows how many kids, but never learned what it's like to be somebody's daddy. So yeah, Quill, in case you never figured it out, I love you, you dumbshit."
>Arrow hits the manual button.

MIKE? Can you hear me?
Heads up
Tails up
Running to be with scallywag
Night falls
Morning calls
Catch you with my death bag

It's logical, not compelling. An upgrade for sure tho

The movie was shit. Shit writing. Worse Acting. The only thing it was is pretty. All the comedy in it is based on slander, beratement, and slapstick. It is like an edgy teen just finished marathoning the 3 stooges and decided to write a sci-fi.

>I returned to Earth to see her three times
>and I knew if I returned the 4th, I'd never leave
Seriously, doesn't take a genius to figure out he gave her the tumor the last time he went, doesn't need to control it, it grows on it's own.

>worse acting

detecting dramaqueen shatner or grandpa from silent era film who thinks exaggerated gestures and overdramatic facial expressions represent good acting