I have just come to Heidelberg, Germany for a business trip. Holy shit it's so fucking boring here...

I have just come to Heidelberg, Germany for a business trip. Holy shit it's so fucking boring here. Don't you have any fun activities, events, concerts or at least some people hanging out in a bar? I'm sure Germans have started WW2 due to boredom, literally nothing to do here, plus dull&depressing weather.

t. brazilian

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most of europe is a boring shithole
just fuck their women

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here you should feel at home


seriously how do you have fun? just asking.

nice dubs


I moved to Cologne and have to admit that NRW in its entirety is an absolute dive. It's either post industrial wasteland or current industrial brownfield sites mashed together with grey 1960's commie block buildings.

The biggest attractions here are the cities and, frankly, after one afternoon you've seen everything. There are some nice bars and some reasonable nightlife but other than that none of the cities rate at all compared to France (not paris), Britain, Spain, Italy, even Norway. Not to mention the fact that this is easily the dirtiest, smelliest area of western Europe I've ever visited.

Very sad just how un-aesthetic, dirty and boring western Germany is.

Get drunk in a bar like a normal person

I've just setup tinder, let's see if there are young people.

I live in Cologne as well.
This is by far one of the most boring cities in Europe. Fucking Poland and Ukraine is a billion times more entertaining than this shitfest of a town.
Literally all people do here is get wasted on the weekends.

The town itself is ugly and dirty as fuck and offers barely any fun acitivities whatsoever.

Lmao. Is working the only lifestyle for German people? Life literally ends at 8pm.

>how do you have fun?
By having friends

I'm conflicted as fuck. I've lived all over europe due to work and it's always been a little tough getting settled somewhere but I've never been as utterly fed up with one place before in my life as I am with NRW. It always takes time to settle and adjust to the local way of doing things but after 1 and a half years I'm really at the tipping point.

Trouble is I'm stuck here for the time being and even have a lass so I don't want to be an absolute cunt and trash talk the country in front of her but it's really, truly fucking hard at this point not to lose my shit at this mess of a region.

I've been living here almost all my life now and I still didn't adjust and probably never will.
Germans are so strange and hard people to get along with

Warum geht ihr nicht einfach wieder zurück?

Heidelberg is a student town. So there's only so much you can do.

Should have gone to Hamburg, München or Berlin (shittier)

Gibt kein Zurück Brudi, ich lebe hier

I'm sure it'll get easier, I just have to accept that this part of the country isn't as modern as the rest of western Europe. If I can get over that and the fact that any hobby like activity is controlled and restricted to within an inch of its life, I reckon I'll get by. I hope it's not like this in other parts of Germany and that I can move elsewhere in the future because, truth be told, I like the language and have a good relationship with the gf.

As for the people, I don't actually think I have any Germans I'd call friends and that's not through lack of trying. They just aren't as open as other euros. Funnily enough most of the people I get on well with are either poles or turks and I certainly didn't expect that, kek.

work, lad.

>They just aren't as open as other euros

Perhaps they just don't like you.

That's because non-muslim or let's say non-extremist ones are bro tier. And they actually have a lot of things to talk about, are always eager to do anything. That's the case for people of most mediterranean countries like Italy, Turkey etc.

>As for the people, I don't actually think I have any Germans I'd call friends and that's not through lack of trying. They just aren't as open as other euros. Funnily enough most of the people I get on well with are either poles or turks and I certainly didn't expect that, kek.

Many germans are pretty stuck up and not very social. Even many students just keep their doors closed. Your best bet is finding some students or some club or hobby to get to know social people. I even heard abroad from other people that their experience with us germans are mostly cold interactions without any deeper level.

For most germans, the most important thing is having their job and not much else. On parties "we" tend to speak about work, on social gathering we tend to speak about work and so on. Most people are shallow and just identify themselves with their job and income. Many are way too stuck in the ratrace life because they don't know any better.

I never had a problem anywhere else. I lived in Stavanger, too. Had a great time there

I live in Cologne too. God knows why i choose this shithole of a University to study in. Complete autists, from the students to the professors.
If i was 19 years old and had to choose where to study i would definitlely not choose Germany.

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>Many germans are pretty stuck up and not very social.

I wouldn't say that at all, actually. No, the problem I've found is that Germans tend to have a very tight group of mates mostly ranging from back to the school days. Whilst they've mostly been really friendly with me, they aren't as open to randomly inviting someone out that they don't know so well or that isn't in the immediate friendship group.

Of course, this is just anecdotal but it has been my experience so far. I can't say as I've met any particularly stuck up people, they just aren't as friendly as say the French have been.

good point

Kek, so many people living in Cologne. I had no idea, I thought I was the miserable exception :^). I'd have thought studying here would be quite fun, though. Uni life is always good.

I work here, which is a bit different.

Surely it is different. But the point is that the students i have met are really heavy autists. Just like the other dude said about normal germans talking about work at parties, it's the same with the students, only that they speak about their grades, their projects, their plans for the future, the homework they did 3 weeks prior and so on... which is not a bad thing. But, where is the fun? And you can't be spontaneous, you have to plan your party 4 weeks before its date.
After 4 years here i can't really say that i have a trustworthy friend from the Uni. My friends are my coworkers from the hotel i work part time in. And guess what? They are all foreigners kek.

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What's the carnival like? Eine gute Gelegenheit um Frauen zu treffen?

Karneval is great, lad. It's just binge drinking and fancy dress on the streets. You can do a more traditional thing and book tickets to a sitzung but unless you speak German it's really not worth it.

Best part of Cologne is Karneval and the christmas markets. It's also far cheaper than blighty.

t. brit

You can be drunk for a whole week and the society won't assume that you are an alcoholic. Also, yes, women came to get fucked. I couldn't try my chance because i had a girlfriend until like 2 weeks ago. So i am looking up further to the next Carnival to smash З)

Here I was thinking the German A level is a waste of my time. Is Germany better than living in the UK? For reference I live in East London, a shithole

>you can't be spontaneous, you have to plan your party 4 weeks before its date.

This gets on my nerves, too. Back home I'd phone the lads up and ask them if they wanted to go on a night out on the town and we'd plan it a day or a couple of hours in advance. Trying to get my gf or her mates to do anything without at least 3 days warning is like dragging your arse through glass. They even said I'd not given them enough time to prepare when I asked them to go for a walk along the Rhein one afternoon.

>4 years and still no proper lad mates

This just made my day even worse. I thought after a couple of years things would get better.

>My friends are my coworkers from the hotel i work part time in. And guess what? They are all foreigners kek.

Thank fuck for the immigrants, tb h.

I lived just outside of London. I'll be honest with you, unless you get a transfer through business or have a degree you'll get nowhere in Germany. Everything, and I mean everything requires an "ausbildung" which is a 3 year apprenticeship. Whereas in Britain you could walk into a hotel and ask them for part time work despite not having experience, in Germany that'd be nigh impossible. I know a lass that moved here and had to do 3 years study to become a front desk staff member at the local hotel. This is also the same for any office related work. So good luck on that front.

The second thing to keep in mind is that it'll be like living in London but with less than 20% of the nightlife, hobby opportunities, restaurant variety etc. It'll also be far dirtier. Yes, hard to believe but this part of Germany is far fucking worse than the east end.

The one saving grace is that the cost of living is far lower and you will likely earn far more than you would in the uk for comparative work. Everything from rent prices to a pack of smokes are significantly lower here than in the south east of England.

So you need to decide, do you want to sacrifice fun for money or do you want to keep your plans open. I, personally, would choose to remain in London.

The language, women, alcohol and food is good, though.

Wow the dirty part is definitely surprising, I heard they take good care of their cities. I guess the region with the highest population has its disadvantages. I guess the variety of restaurants is pretty bad but then again a lot of places are off the table here just because of price. Economic reasons would definitely be a deciding factor and I don't think I could move to the southern states just because of the dialect

>Wow the dirty part is definitely surprising, I heard they take good care of their cities.

I was genuinely surprised, too. I mean the city centre is alright but if you go one street away in any direction it's Brixton in the 90s tier.

>southern dialect

You'll be able to understand it after a bit of practice. You don't need to learn to speak it yourself. Also, most business meetings will be in standard hoch and even if it isn't they are hardly going to have some dorftrottel representing the company. If you can get a degree in the UK and find some work before moving here, I'd say it's worth a try for the money but don't think you'll get by just coming here and winging it. This place is nowhere near as accommodating or flexible as France or Britain.

>I guess the variety of restaurants is pretty bad but then

forgot to mention, whilst the variety isn't quite as good, the food here is great. The local German restaurants are brilliant and the turkish restaurants on offer are great. It's mostly cheaper, too so long as you stay out of the Altstadt.

Holy shit I'm living and Cologne and I'm amazed by the shit ton of Maltes and Sörens in this thread

Fuck off you lowlife Hahnreis

Go back to your jungle country monkey boy and stay out of Heidelberg macaco

There's like castles and shit and vineyards around the Rhine. I also think there's the Lindt chocolate factory in Frankfurt but idk. When I was a kid the only thing I gave a shit about in Heidelburg was the air base nearby and the lego store in Colonge.

If you don't like it here why don't you just fuck off to your foreign friends du Kanake

Ooga booga if you don't like it here monkey boy maybe it's time to go back. Adjust to the German way or get out!

Can it be because i want to get my degree first, du autistischer Pimmelberger?
Besides there are also things i like about Germany but fuckers like you try to ruin those good things as well.

Halt dein Maul du verfickter Kanake los Ferpiss dich ich komm gleich und box dich weg trau dich doch

>ITT: Germans react to mild criticism with over the top rage and autism.

You'd think they'd be different irl, but they're not.

Wow a speaking monkey! Which zoo or circus are you in so I can visit and feed you peanuts and bananas

Use your mind for fun you fucking monkey. Learn an instrument, watch movies, listen to music figure it out.

Young people say, "Germany does not have entertainment".

>Surely it is different. But the point is that the students i have met are really heavy autists.

It's pretty simple, Germans dislike foreigners. In this case we are like Swedes, on the surface we are friendly, but deep down we want you gone.

Ferpiss... sogar mit grossem F hahah kek

We've found the white trash. Learn to write correctly in your own language first.. oh, yeah, Realschule isn't that good for this purpose.

At least not all of them are like that, but.. well yeah.

I look more german than the germans, my man. But the strong accent makes the difference.

I don't think most of the germans don't like foreigners, it's just like everyone would prefer someone of their own with a similar culture, language and history like an example.
Or perhaps you are just right, dunno.

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Ferpiss dich zurück nach Reddit zu Merkelnutte. Sonst komm ich gleich zu dir in die Shisha Bar mit meinen Russenbrüdern und spieß dich auf du Kanake

Wir Deutschen sind die größten auf der Welt sie dich um du undankbarer Haufen

Japanese welcome in Germany, living in Düsseldorf, working hard at Renesas Electronics

The women sure aren't like that. I had a gf within a couple of months of arriving here

Sure you do monkey boy

All the charm of Chorweiler, this one

True. German women are the only thing keeping me here desu. Thinking about moving back to Turkey though

Na biste mett? Wetten ich verdiene mehr als du? 55k aktuell und das mit 24 was hast du vorzuzeigen du Türkenschwanzlutscher

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>I have just come to Heidelberg, Germany for a business trip. Holy shit it's so fucking boring here. Don't you have any fun activities, events, concerts or at least some people hanging out in a bar?

Heidelberg is a student town and it's currently semester break/exams season so all young people either returned to their parents' town, studying or they are traveling.

I dont need to talk about my salary but I earn a comfortable amount. I get transferred around a lot by my company due to the nature of my work. I'm merely saying that compared to the other cities I've lived in, Cologne comes in last place by pretty much ever metric. I want to like it here, I want to stay here and be happy but my god it's harder than any other place I've ever lived in.

Stop speaking to me monkey boy, white people will conquer space one day together with white Asians unlike you

This thread is on par with Americans complaining about 'German slums' because they have never seen allotments before.

>going to a college town during spring break

There is your problem.

Think about that, a favela monkey boy complaining about Germany. Europe brought you civilisation, be grateful!

t. youtube.com/watch?v=B_BYAKmZwKs

Steady on, Achim. I'm a british immigrant paying the Hartz IV so you can shitpost.

The Frankfurt resident said, too

Depressing to see all the lowlifes in this thread. Go home.

This. Foreigners living in Germany and still complaining

You are in love with a turk shitskin already? They are all horsefuckers and sure would love an anglo horseface like yours

One day.

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Wenn Achmed kleine Ziegen fickt
Und Erkan oft sein Messer zückt

Wenn Sören seine Freundin verliert
Und jetzt Mabuto ihr die Möse schmiert

Wenn Mahmud kleine Mädchen weitet
Und der Grüne für die Kinderehe streitet

Wenn Neger Ficki Ficki brüllen
Und den nächsten Park vermüllen

Läuft Merkels antideutscher Trend
Im eignen Land bist du bald fremd

>moving to nrw voluntarily

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>dumb ape from Brazil goes to Heilberg
>doesn't go to Berlin where his fellow apes are

Just Untermenschen things.

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What's the best state?

Baden-Württemberg or Bayern

I've had a lot of fun in Heidelberg at student parties. Banged Spanish and a Belgian chick there too.

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Suprisingly, it's not the place Britain used to have control over, after ww2.

You only seem to know Berlin and NRW from the television. You just focus on the bad parts and you are exaggerating.

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Been to Berlin, Cologne and Bonn

Lel, all these subhuman immigrants.
Guess why you are here?
Because your own pathetic peoples are too primitive to create a society as successful (HDI, GDPperCapita) as Germany.

Fucking parasites.
Hitler was right.

And yes, we like it relaxed and quiet.

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Where have you been and how long? I know all of this towns, lived in some of them for quite some years. Even if you go to the worst parts (certain streets in Wedding or Neukölln), it isn't as bad as yellow press wants you to believe.

The Americans did a better job than us?

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Well, sadly, yes. Also, the french parts are better, the only thing worse are the SU parts. Purely eco speaking ofc.

are you that Brit?

Yes, for the most part. You did create Volkswagen after offering the factory to Ford and General Motors and both rejecting it.


>Banged Spanish and a Belgian chick there too.
sure you did

Go to the shot bar there called Shooters and order the Monica Lewinsky. You'll be in for a wild ride if you know what I mean ;)

It's Sunday and Spring break ends tomorrow, bad time to come here desu.

Who do you mean? I know of a couple here