Shattered hope

Shattered hope

That scene is useless.

>how to make your white children raped by rich jews

It's actually the jews and not the catholics who rape kids just trust me on this guys

but why did they give the ice cream at the end of a scene where afterwards theyre in gowns?

I wonder how many people would pay a good fortune to see Finn reenact THAT scene

This new Pennywise has to be the scariest movie monster we've seen in years. Literally years. There's two scenes in this movie that absolutely sent shivers down my spine. First when Pennywise possesses the slideshow and we finally get to see his very creepy and mental face in the final scene. What a build-up! I nearly pissed myself.

The other one is in the basement, first we see the excellent performance by Georgie's actor. You'll float too never has sounded more epically scary. And then Pennywise rises from the waters. I jumped in my chair and still do when watching this. I can tell I will be on the edge of my seat in theatres this september.

Reminder that calling it an orgy is inaccurate.


No. It's not something I want to see in a movie, but I don't mind it in the book. It made sense and was in line with the historical magic rituals King was using as inspiration.

not even that, it's a succession of one-on-ones.

Nah they took turns one at a time. It's called running a train.

me in the background

How long has it been since the script leak

We already knew there's no gangbang, just Bev making eye contact with every boy one by one saying some generic I believe in you shit.


Where's the black kid?

What black kid? There's no black kid in this movie.

they filmed the scene but it's only being distributed in elite circles in hollywood

Yes there is, he comes in later in the film.

Not at all. It's just out there for King to do his usual, smug "hehe look at how casually I handle these topics truly I am enlightened and ascended".


they know

Cute froggo

how much do you get paid to shill this stuff genuinely curious?