If America is the protagonist of the world then who is the antagonist?

If America is the protagonist of the world then who is the antagonist?

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The humans.

Its always changing
Id say right now its isis

The EU

>Actual protagonist
The people and the environment

>Actual antagonist
Manipulative Governments, Capitalists, and useful idiot Marxists

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ISIS became irrelevant after November

we are the dumb NPC who gets blamed for everything

America constantly does extraordinary rendition

American government spy's on its own citizens and instead of apologizing and stoping they practically say:"yeah?well what the hell are you going to do about it?"to it's own citizens

1960s:America nukes the moon in project starfish prime

1970s:America funds military coops in Brasil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia and Chile un project condor causing 50 mil deaths

Refuse to adopt national availability and standards of complete reproductive health services nationwide.

Refuse to adopt national standards for free internet connectivity nationwide.

Produce nothing, economy based off robbing from other,weaker countries

Mfw,amerimutt asks this shit

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>Russian propaganda trying to make russians think that America and Gayrope is trying to destroy them everyday in all cost
>They are worried about isis
Every fucking time

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Whoever is convenient to American goverment.


America is a fucking cartoon-tier villain

Russia and China? It's not like anyone else can compete with the USA.




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> oink-oink!!
Ukrainian opinion is undoubtedly important for everyone.

The commies.


Reasonable post


>can compete
Let's be honest Russia's economy is Zimbabwe-tier compared to the US, and Russia is inferior to the US at absolutely everything but the number of nuclear weapons. Russia has almost no allies, no soft power and its criminal government does everything to make Russia even more hated and isolated. So Russia absolutely can't compete with the US.
And it seems like for us ordinary russians life will only be getting worse and worse. I think we have the same fate as north koreans and iranians.


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china. Russia and even soviet union were not even at our same level.

that would be Israel