Just started watching. I can understand every redneck but him. Can I not worry about it and mentally skip his lines...

just started watching. I can understand every redneck but him. Can I not worry about it and mentally skip his lines, or do I have to get the gay CC?

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Not understanding him is kind of the point. That's why there's always someone there to react, and give context to what he's saying.

Boom Howard is the best character.


Not sure subtitles would help.

the joke is that he's nigh-incomprehensible.

He makes sense after hearing him for a while.
He's actually saying stuff just like Kenny in South Park.
You get used to it and pick it up.


Are you retarded

while I'm here, when does the show start sucking? Ie. simpsons season 9 moment for this show is season __

It doesn't.

If you don't turn on sub titles you'll miss the whole plot. Boomhaur reveals that Bobby is actually the bastard son of Bill and Peggy's affair.

when it goes HD. the storylines turn to shit and the characters starts feeling weird.

which episode

It's pretty consistent.

wtf umm racist much??? he has had a stroke and he talks a bit funny bcause of that

Even then it doesn't stray too far from its own established principles. It starts to focus less on the mundane aspects of life and becomes a little absurdist but it's handled pretty well.

Dang ol same ol days from the beginning of the office and will be in the past two weeks ago and I will be in a situation where the players slowly turn off the queensborough bridge to make it smaller and lighter than the intended recipient. Please contact me at the diner Dash, Berlin.

Favorite episode is still the Megalomart episode with Dale trying to find an infestation. I lost my shit the first time I saw it where Dale is talking about all the other animals he released into the store and again at the mongoose at the end


boomhaures easy to understand imo, never been able to understand kenny