If women are equal to men then how come they have not created as many great pieces of high art film?

If women are equal to men then how come they have not created as many great pieces of high art film?

bicos men subressed dem :D:D:D:D:D

umm sweetie

Now post the other four


This is categorically true though

Not really

They don't get the same chances.

men don't let them, many producers don't like women
Sofia did it because she is a Coppola

no. it basigally sabed dem

but the woman in OP has created more high art than any modern male director

I bet in hollywood women get fucked just to be able to make movies, but it's rare that a woman can make a good film, it happens a few times like Sofia Coppola for example
But most female directors are always terrible, notice how it's always men who make the kinoest of kinos? I never heard of a female be put on the same level as Kubrick or Tarkovsky

That Kirsten Dunst film was shit af

Now, that is perhaps pushing it.

Because you're a fucking pleb

Her best film is Lost In Translation, her second best film is Somewhere
I say that because those are the only two films I watched of hers

The Virgin Suicides is pure kino and her best movie.


both The Virgin Suicides and Marie Antoinette are near flawless films

Women are men are different, and have different strengths and interests

Is time for feminist to accept reality.


If black people are equal to white people then how come they have to drink out of separate fountains?

So what about all the oppressed and impoverished male artists that managed to make art? And now haven't women in the west been pretty free for the last 50 years to do absolutely whatever they want? Where's the accomplishments?

>Flawless films.

See now you are pushing your credibility.

>Ignoring all the male artists that died in poverty.

This is why women cant into art.

They are much closer to being flawless than they are to being "shit"

one of the great woman directors worked for literal Hitler so it's not brought up that much

For the same reason that neo-Nazi demonstrations are getting shut down and canceled in the wake of counter-protests: it literally doesn't matter how free you are to do the thing you want if society has decided to collectively act in a manner that prevents your success.

Because men did not give women right to produce art film until 2010, you CIS gender shitlord.

>society is keeping women from being successful

How so?

>inb4 a bunch of trivial shit that has no real bearing on an individual's ability to produce art, inventions, or any of the things that solely men have created historically

Women aren't interested in creating shit evidently.
If you think I'm wrong, please look at the inventions by men, and then the inventions by women.

There's a perfectly logical explanation for this, to invent things, or be good at something like film, you need to have a high IQ. The people with the highest IQ's in the world are pretty much all men. (Children don't count, only adult IQ matters) some women are really intelligent but they're rarer than an intelligent man.

I wonder how many intelligent women realise that they have a tremendous amount of control over men solely because of their body, and use that to further their standing in life. (Play your cards right and you get an easy life with no job, essentially.)

Another thing to note is that men and women are just different and have different interests. There's a lot of women in fashion design, for example. (Which includes inventing new styles and creating clothes)

As many?? Just give me one I would be impressed. Filmmakingis a man thing because it's challenging and you can't hide behind your dad when it fails, you have to take risks and have something to talk about, not just your vagina

hollywood began with women and jews

some of the first film directors were women

das righ flimmaking a man thang

i liked generation kill

The preconceived notions about what women are capable of creating are already running wild in this thread.

You see, the thing about oppression is that it's done arbitrarily for the purpose of holding a group down (generally for the benefit of the oppressor) and then the oppressors look around and say "why hasn't this oppressed group contributed to [discipline] in any meaningful way? they must not be any good at it" and in that way use the results of oppression to justify the continuation of the oppression.

Masking that tactic is easy enough - just hold up .01% of that oppressed group as super exceptional. As long as they are allowed to succeed, you can continue to oppress the masses because you have someone to point to that allows you to say it's not being a member of an oppressed group that denies you opportunities and assign a bullshit blanket trait to the oppressed that the oppressed begin to believe they actually possess. In time, even the average person who hates naked oppression starts to believe things about the oppressed group because they've been hearing it their whole life.

Slave owners used to do this to keep their slaves at odds with each other to prevent them from organizing.

define oppression
you're just throwing buzzwords around

Thats a pretty long winded way of saying that women can't compete on the same level as men on average. Lol stupid fucking feminists.

Most directors are men. But it's slowly changing. For example women are becoming more prominent in indie documentaries (mostly short documentaries).

women should just be exterminated

This thread is a good example why this board is a joke.

this is a good accomplishment tho

The funny part is, you're terrified of Jews and niggers and women gaining power and influence because you know what white men have done with their power and you fear your inevitable night in the barrel.

Because women aren't interested in art or science, they are only interested in status and attention. It's why they complain about the lack of women in tech but don't give a shit about the lack of women in plumping, welding or electricians


Look what happens when you give affirmative acyion to women. Everything becomes "muh vagina" because that's the only asset they have. Absolutely incapable of elevating to universal themes and selflesness.