How will the police force recover after this? This is what your average everyday person thinks of a cop...

How will the police force recover after this? This is what your average everyday person thinks of a cop, except Sup Forums tier police bootlickers

No wonder your country has the highest population of prison inmates.

I got all C's in High School, maybe I should become a police officer

most of the time you actually have to have a bachelors degree to get any real career in the pd

Cop - if ur so smart why u speedin den XD

Aww did you get pulled over with weed in the car?

>Do you know why I pulled you over?
>Because you got all C's in High School
>Wtf did you just say to me me
>haha I'm sorry it's just on my tumblr,
>Get the fuck out of the car mam
>Wait a sec offic..
>I'm not I just need my

No, it's because you were speeding. Enjoy your 175$ fine

Because I'll just tell the (((media))) you pulled me over because I'm a minority

I got majority Cs in high school, now I have a 4.0 at the hardest engineering school in my state. Took me 1.5 years at a community college to get there tho.

I am well aware that the average American is nothing more than a gaping asshole.

Did you really have to make this thread to rub it in?

If they want my respect they should start arresting migrants acting like chimps and they should stop pulling shit like this:

>calling us bootlickers
>voting for daddy government
pick one

>Your grades in High School have any effect on your life at all.

Lol do people really think this?

>Sorry Mr. Smith but you got a C in 10th grade Social Studies. We can't hire you for this position. Guess you will have to go be a cop.


Cops are losers though.

Anyone who has dealt with them knows they're not our country's best and brightest.

I got all Ds in hs and now I'm an airline pilot. It helps that I graduated from a prestigious school (in my field) with honors and was recognized by my states entire house of Representatives for my academic achievements

Laws are JUST

I've had to deal with my local PD a few times, and I have not once met someone that wasn't a pretty damn decent person. Most of them just sign on to get paid to help out in the community and put away bad guys family.

Why Americans hate Cops but love Uniformed Whores?

The same americans that love "the troops" also love cops.

Aww, did someone stop you for speeding but didn't believe your excuse for why you were in a hurry so it was okay?

but the girl in op's pic is white, bruh

>nebbish worker ant voiced by woody allen laments the crude ways of the soldier ant

only niggers and criminals hate cops

Cuz they don't be killinz us KANGZ plus thez not bez tellum us we kant smowk dem potz nigguh

No its what ghetto or city trash think of police. Normal working people who are not complete wastes of life still respect the nearly impossible job police do daily. Please kill yourself OP and next time you are the victim of a crime don't bother calling the police you don't deserve their help.

City cops in America are fucking awful. They genuinely harass people.
Small town cops are fine.

>t. Mr. got all his information from Media


Means she is more likely to get shot.

The problem isn't the police its that they pile all the shit up in the city.

>This is what your average everyday person thinks of a cop
No this is what stuck up liberal cunts think of cops.


And you'll be the retard that votes for the politicians that enable them

Kicked out of high school.

Didn't finish...

Few years later, entered community college, got a diploma.

Came to Japan. Married a rich lady. Now I work part time teaching. Either swim or play golf the days I don't work.

Students bring me gifts or do me lots of solids at their businesses - clothing, restaurants, take me to cultural events around the city etc.

Do a little importing and exporting.

Don't have to deal with cops, ever.

>they genuinely harass people.

How? I've seen a cop here break a skateboard on some kid's back and I still think they do a good job

cops are morons, their dumb because they do what their told like all tools.

Laws are arbitrary decrees one is obligated to follow to be a member of society. The problem is you aren't allowed to opt out.

You ever talked to a cop? It's like talking to a Marine. Intelligent as fuck.

Maybe don't skateboard in areas where you don't belong. If your being a nuisance then talk shit you deserve to get your shit pushed in. Next time he will act right.

>oofasar! Yall bein a bitch, cant pull ova a woke nigga ight?
>gets shot

Wow you mean they don't just let you speed and smoke weed 24/7 xd lmaos fuck rules and laws and shieet fuck da pooleece. keep it 100

>American police

You are projecting your 3rd world opinions on the entire globe.

Police force here had to enlist in the army, than become a bannermen first class (honorary, meaningless title for the best performing new recruits), than have 10 years experience of piece missions and undercover street patrols.
And in all of this time, you have to perform good, blood tests are regular, and they do not take in recruits who have more than 1 bad tooth (this can fuck your heart up lmao) or some other bullshit, like lack of iron in the blood (because not having iron in your blood sounds like you are a fucking pussy, probably has medical implications as well..).

Not everyone can be a surgeon. Otherwise people might die. Unless you are a 3rd world shithole.
Same with the state's police.

Pic related. They carry batons, they are police. Zero shootings, zero killings, zero mistakes where civilians lose lives. Zero teenagers killed.

Being fat on duty is a high crime. You can be fat in your own free time. But being fat on duty is a criminal negligence of duty.

We are a society of laws if people were allowed to opt out then how could we punish them for victimizing others. If you don't like the laws move to Africa where there are no laws that can be enforced you don't belong in the first world.

I've had the opposite experience most of the time. Many city cops are just glad you're not a nigger, and that you talk to them like human beings. The really pissed off ones usually work nigger neighborhoods, so they're always in fight or flight mode.

Small town cops depend on the town, some are fucking awful and want every penny they can get through any corrupt means, others are polite and way more laid back than even teenagers.

Suburban cops are the worst, though. They don't see enough action the city cops do, so they're bored as fuck, but they deal with some of the shit heads with city attitudes, so they act like everything is a SWAT raid when something does happens. They're the worst of bad small town cops and angry city cops from my experience.

But i cant say that to a finnish police because we dont use that retarded A-F system. We use the superior 10-4 system

Lol look at these pussies, american cops would have shot this nigger dead

>The problem is you aren't allowed to opt out.

fuck thats hilarious

This is why Muslims are taking over the EU.

>Lol do people really think this?
just retarded high school teachers that have never had a real job

My point is, American police is physically and mentally unfit. There are no cops in this world of lower quality than Americans, and maybe... Somalia or I dont even fucking know.

American police is VISIBLY unfit for the job.
It is impossible to pretend that this lack in quality and standards, is somehow a good thing.

American police is a loosely organized uniformed STREET GANG. They dont know what's lawful, and they have been recorded on camera shooting each other.

If you want a legit police, send them on peace missions for 10 years in the army first......

>All of these baseless assumptions in defense of the police
You know police officers are people too and just like all people, there are giant dicks among them, right?

Don't defend them just because they wear a badge, some of their colleagues most likely don't even like people like that, and defending them just gives the police a bad reputation.

Bending the rules without breaking them to put some piece of shit away, is not the same as generally being a dick to everyone you encounter. Ones in the latter category escalate situations with their shit and usually piss the other cops off that are trying to keep everything calm and composed, so everyone can go home safe.

this is fucking shameful.

>their dumb
nice try, you fucking moron

This. There's a reason there aren't more nig police officers. Anyone who would say or think that is someone desperate who doesn't care that they'll soon have a warrant for their arrest since they cannot afford to pay the ticket. One thing Sup Forums has done for me is to take more care into what people say and what they actually mean. I've started to spot a lot of desperation out there. People are desperate to have control over their lives, desperate to matter, desperate to be someone they're not...someone better.

What's that sucking sound in this thread?

I wish for a week, police officers say "nope" and not come to work. Then YOU will have to protect yourself. You passive-aggressive fucking liberal shit stain. I hope Jamal and Tyrone fucking rob, rape, and kill your fucking ass.

Canada had a cop strike back in the day. For entire day, cops didnt show for work.

5 banks were robbed, few people killed, and pretty much only businesses that still worked were ones where people had guns on them.

Still doesnt explain why America has such low standards when it comes to police officers. Why are cops allowed to be fat on duty?

For the "Law & Order" morons, you need to answer these questions:

1) Is there any means by which an individual can delegate to someone else the moral right to do something which the individual himself does not have the moral right to do?

2) Is there any means by which ten, or ten thousand, or any number of individuals can delegate to someone else the moral right to do something which none of the individuals have the moral right to do themselves?

3) Do those who wield political power (presidents, congresses, parliaments, etc.) have the moral right to do anything which members of the general public do not have the moral right to do? If so, from whom and how did those in government acquire such rights?

4) Is there any document, ritual, or other process (e.g., "legislation"), by which human beings can transform an immoral act into a moral act, or vice versa (without changing the act itself)?

5) Should the actions of agents of political authority--whether "law-makers" or "law-enforcers"--be judged by the same standards as the actions of anyone else, or does legislation and political power create an exemption from basic morality, absolving individuals from personally responsibility for any "legal" acts they commit in the name of "authority"?

6) When there is a conflict between an individual's own moral conscience, and the commands of a political authority, should the individual feel a moral obligation to do what he personally views as wrong, in order to be "law-abiding"?

All that means is it won't make national headlines.

>hold pigs accountable

When will this meme end?

The standards vary from area to area, some areas pretty much are the loser assholes of the area, (usually they grew up there or have connections there to get the job). Others do try to keep a certain standard up, especially if they have had IAD on their ass in the past.

>If you want a legit police, send them on peace missions for 10 years in the army first......

I have heard that many good cops in the past were ones who went through horrible wars, it helped keep things in perspective when doing their jobs. Of course, as corrupt as people think the police are now, they were worse in many cases in the 70's and back.

>Don't defend them just because they wear a badge
I would side with them any day and always before siding with assholes who are borderline criminals.
>Bending the rules without breaking them to put some piece of shit away,
99% of all people who think this are pieces of shit.

almost no one is the best or brightest

so.... thats any job


Are you the same guy from the DUI thread yesterday?


You're really letting that propaganda set in aren't you.
Fuck off tripfag.

"You got all D's, Here's one for dead, Bang"

I still think that having fat cops or affirmative action is a sign of imploding society that simply cant survive the reality. It's just in opposite of common sense. And no force in the universe beat common sense.


>I would side with them any day and always before siding with assholes who are borderline criminals.

You talk as if everyone who is not a cop are criminals or "borderline criminals". This is not true, people are people, look at New Orleans during Katrina for example, some people stayed to help and others stayed to commit crime, some cops stayed to do their job and others stayed to shoot random people for shits and giggles. They're people like you an I, even the power tripping shit heads, but you can find those outside of the police force too.

>99% of all people who think this are pieces of shit.

You would be surprised how common this is then. Do-gooder cops, (and sometimes the truly honest, good people) usually stay in a low rank and out of the way, the pieces of shit operate until they are caught, (sometimes to the relief of their colleagues) and the majority do their job just like everyone else does their job, which is sometimes slightly different than the books say. It's not to say they break the law left and right, but sometimes not everything can be done by the book to a 'T'. Reality vs rules, every job has certain tasks that operate this way, the key is to not transition into allowing outright corruption and corrupt shit heads to run free.

>le class warfare meme

I've never seen a more worthless thread in my life

I agree completely, but I was saying that some areas in the US have cops that would obviously not pass another department's physical fitness test. There are many standards that need to be raised on departments in many areas, and affirmative action is bullshit for the most part in most cases.

>Do you know why I pulled you over?

>Because you got all C's in High School?

>No. I've been watching you poop.

Unions. Nuff said.

C's are average. She probably got C's too.
The only people who think getting a 4.0 GPA is easy are either geniuses or people who went to shitty schools, and in most cases it's the latter

this, an average person in a shitty school gets 4.0s easily

I was in New Orleans during Katrina had to spend weeks with no police defending what little of my home was left from looters. Criminals deserve no sympothy or respect They chose to be criminals. Police chose to help protect people. Are some cops bad yes but the number of bad cops is far fewer than the number of ghetto trash infesting this nation. I stand behind the police every time. Its people like you who are morally ambiguous that are the problem.

That's why I laugh when I see people saying it's easy. Education isn't meant to be easy, it's meant to be effective. If it's easy, it's probably not effective

>"If you don't like the laws move to Africa where there are no laws that can be enforced"
Try it and you'll end up in an African prison. You have no idea what you are talking about. Further evidenced by your retarded opinion
>"you don't belong in the first world."
Which is funny since the founding fathers would have likely shoot your redcoat ass. They saw government at it's very best as only being capable of being a "necessary evil" and made laws restricting it's power over citizens that our current dictatorship does not honor.
There is a time and place for any and all laws to be broken, whether you acknowledge that or not.
Alas, suicide is not opting out of society, but out of life. I still have to pay my fucking taxes to support niggers who are too important to work.

i got all c's and d's in high school

not a cop tho

do u really think high school matters?

even college is just a liberal cesspool made to brainwash peasants

The hardest lessons learned are remembered the longest my gramps used to say.

We are at an impasse I recommend you kill yourself and save the nation the welfare money we waste on people like you. That or go fuck yourself you commie liberal pussy.

OR quite a bit more people are smarter than you than you realize

even good schools have incredibly low standards these days. the standards have been declining for 50 years straight.

if anything was hard for you, you might be average or worse.

1. Vigilantism. Police have standards, accountability, training, and were granted that privilege by us for a reason. You would NOT, want anybody flying your passenger jet just because, "hurr I can."

2.Yes. By establishing organizations of standards, training, accountability, and transparency. Also known as the legal system.

3-6 Fuck off you anarco-libertarian.

not really, high school was piss "easy", and I went to a fairly good school. (not that it matters now, it's importing spics and niggers rapidly from what I've seen)
You would be astounded at the amount of dipshits that still have trouble doing simple shit like reading in the 12th grade.

>fuk tha popo
>guns are evil
So how are you supposed to stop crime without guns or police?

What? How am I being morally ambiguous? The entire time, you've pretty much spoken in:
Badge= Right, good
No Badge=Wrong, most likely a piece of shit
No exceptions.

I'm saying that cops are just people and you shouldn't be licking their badge like you did here I'm talking about people being people, and you keep assuming "criminals" when we're not talking about cops.

There are cops who are massive pieces of shit just like people in any job, stop licking badges just because they have a badge, that's how corrupt cops are able to flourish, just as much as how criminal niggers are able to because people automatically scream "he a gud boi!" just because the suspect is black.

this is i lie i know about 6 cops and none have degrees

I'm studying law school, speak 3 languages and I'm learning German atm.
I'm going to be a cop
Fuck you OP

I remember reading somewhere the police actively look for people with all Cs and avoid anyone that looks like they could move up quickly.

Something about how the As would take all that police training and go make real money elsewhere.

oh boy. a job is not a career. sorry no one told you sooner.

user said only geniuses get 4.0s. if he thinks that, he's retarded. like you said, it's piss easy

not sure why you disagree with me

>"commie liberal pussy"
Literally your political position on this subject as a worshiper of the government. I'm not on welfare, I just complained about welfare in the post you replied to and you have no reason to think or accuse me of costing you anything in welfare, but I think it's funny that you are using 4/5 of the "pillars" in your own post to attack me.

This is a Sarah Silverman joke. Just FYI.

you going to shoot some monkeys?

No matter what job you're in if someone's an asshole to you chances are you're going to be an asshole back.

Is that when he fucked you up the ass? Just asking, because you seem damaged.

That is to be a cop in majority white areas where the most serious "crimes" are drug possession and noise complaints.

Want to get a six figure per year compensation package to cruise around some suburb breaking up house parties and writing traffic tickets then yea sure, you need a four year degree in criminal justice and at least as many years experience as an officer.

Want to have a job corralling super predators in the west side of Chicago? Can you write your own name? We'll never mind that then, just make your mark on this line and have at it....