I often quibble with Tolkien

>I often quibble with Tolkien

If I was about due to have my heart give out and was already rich as fuck and famous to boot why would I bother shitting out another novel for a bunch of entitled ungrateful nerds?

What do you think will happen to the little white walker babies in their little white walker cribs?

>the more she drank the more she shat

Where is the chapter describing the Night King's tax policy?

I am glad he gives death a finality that is lacking in Tolkien.


>and the more she shat the thirster she grew

>at least 4 characters brought back from the dead
>innumerable others have fakeout deaths

>Her cunt became the world

this is funny but fuck you

Why is he married to some fat old woman? Couldn't he get prime young puss if he wanted?

>The ship groaned and growled beneath him like a constipated fat man straining to shit

>The ship groaned and growled beneath him like a constipated fat man straining to shit

>The ship groaned and growled beneath him like a constipated fat man straining to shit

>misunderstanding the quote

Was it projection?

Tolkien isn't regarded as high literature

>whiteknighting for an arrogant old tub of lard who thinks his smut is superior to Tolkien's genre-creating work

I don't see groupies waiting outside of hotel for their beloved writers. If you're not complex intellectual that writes awful books about their 20-30 year long life full of pain ant contemplation there's no pussy in that career path

>If you're not complex intellectual that writes awful books about their 20-30 year long life full of pain ant contemplation there's no pussy in that career path

wtf, that's what i am and i'm still not getting any

>failing to further propagate a retarded misinterpretation is white knighting
>intentionally misreading somebody's intentions because you don't like threm

Do you pose for black and white photos with cigarette? If not gtfo, no pussy for you

He didn't misinterpret anything. GRRM criticises Tolkien for not being worldly enough in his descriptions of power and rule, while simultaneously having characters in his own story where that aspect isn't even touched upon.