Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think about sexual liberation?

Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think about sexual liberation?

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Chastity used to be viewed as a virtue for a reason.

>sexual "liberation"
another kike created mental prison

In a perfect world it would bring equality for men and women, but the world is hardly fair and women are much incompetent than we anticipated. Like giving a young child a loaded gun women don't know that with new freedoms and choices come responsibilities; right now we're just witnessing women running amok with their new found "powers". It is degeneracy, but a necessary degeneracy to weed out the weak and foolish.

It's like watching a child grow up, they'll rebel and yell but in the end your wisdom and ideas will shine through.

Is it really so wrong?

what reason(s)?

Couldn't have said it better myself.

A very Semitic in its origins reason I should add

>doing whatever the fuck you want without feeling bad about it
>"mental prison"

There's a reason almost every society is monogamous Igor.


So that's what they look like up close
basically it's gg no re for society

>a leaf
>incapable of thinking beyond basic platitudes

golly gee willikers I'm so shocked
Here's a video from one of your expats that shows just how retarded your line of reasoning is:

awful but basically at this point we can't stop it

it all started with the birth pill

>my lust allows me to do whatever I want! like fuck skanks.

such freedom

Yeah, Jewish cuckold pawns spread their anti-European foreign Semitic desert bullshit to our Ancestral Homelands.

>validating sluts and further adding to the degeneracy of western society

not much activities are more redpilled than a homogenous orgy around nature

It's called being a slave to short term happiness, leaf.

>doing anything you enjoy makes you a slave to short term happiness

And this is why you don't even try to reason with a leaf. They just repeat their autism.

>no regard for larger societal consequences
Wow, no wonder you fags voted for that Trudeau queer.

Is that Caitlyn Jenner?

It allows women to go rampart with carefree descisions, and they now get to have even higher standards, creating places like r9k and anime conventions in their wake

>>no regard for larger societal consequences
>what I do in the privacy of my own home affects society as a whole

How can it be sexual liberation if not all of us are having sex?

I bet most people for sexual liberation are liberal commies, how can they live with a society that allows chads to have an unfair monopoly of all the hot chicks?

Its not very progressive

Where is the equal distribution of hot grills?

>it's women's fault men are betas who turn to anime and


>if not all of us are having sex
you're just choosing not to by choosing to not git gud and git game (or just see a prostitute)

>Where is the equal distribution of hot grills?
how can you say you have gun freedom if not everyone can afford a gun? where is the equal distribution of guns?

Jesus, Wendy, I paid good money for those curtains.

I shouldn't have to pay for a prostitute in a fair and socialist/gommunist society, you're oppressing all the uggos and fatties who cant get any grills

>a fair and socialist/gommunist society
sexual liberation is anarchist, not communist

If your said betas would get a little more validation, maybe they wouldn't be like they are now, now we are sitting here with a shit ton of useless welfare leeches like NEETs and single moms.

So you're saying I should just take it then

why should they get validation they don't deserve? we already give them neetbux

when the majority of a society is doing useless, degenerate shit, what does that make the society?

do the math-- er, sorry... forgot you're a leaf

>8 hour work day
>8 hours sleep
thats a whole 8 hours of "me time", thats plenty of time to bang dogs and draw furry porn while still being able to be productive at my job