I enjoyed it

I enjoyed it

Overrated yes it was good but wouldn't watch again it's not Fargo level kino

Holy shit i just realized that doplorose was a host

Stopped at episode 3/4. Disgusting.

So how did the robots get into westworld?

Was westworld like an continent like africa where they put a giant dome on like Truman Show?

Or was it more like a small thing and they used shrink rays to be small enough to go in?

the robots got in because they were built there

And how did the humans visit them?

My theory is that they're on mars or something. With the sheer size of that whole operation theres really no place on earth that it would fit on, it would just take up too much space. (probably a whole continent or something)

Westworld is as big as a small region, it's not a continent. Hosts just take a train to get there.

so is it in a dome like the truman show?

Shrink rays obviously, why else have the lockdown procedure for what could only be some digital maproom in any other scenario.

Some people say its on mars, but the fact that they come with train, and that there are other worlds, probably means its in the middle of bumfuck america, its not that big that you cant just wall it off and the robots have limiter to never leave it anyway.

why need a dome probably just a fence

then idiots would just hop over o

That's retarded, you retarded

This. The train acts as a miniaturizer so everyone can fit in that tiny map.


no if its guarded, why dont idiots jump over the area 51 fence ?

no you didn't

even if this were the case robots would still see airplanes in the sky

it does not matter you just delete the memory or add a random explanation like its failing star etc. or make them ignore the sky, there are tons of options for that.