It Comes At Night

Never before have i seen a film getting shittalked this much by plebs. If you go to the YouTube comment section of the official trailer there are literally maybe 3 or 4 comments total out of 3000 that actually think this is a good film. The rest are a bunch of fucking retards who are extremely upset that there are no zombies or monsters or jumpscares. What the fuck? Like, it's not even that people are saying it's not good, they're actually saying it's the worst movie they have ever seen etc.

I thought this film was tense as fuck and tragic as shit.

What did you think of this film, Sup Forums?

That's because horror as a genre has come to such shit that it is considered as a separate thing from film by the general audience.

Like when you go to see a horror, the majority of the audience judges the movies completely different from than an action/thriller/drama with hard preconcieved expectations of what it should be. It's like all the movie elements dissapear and the only measurement of quality of the movie is how many times you got "spooked". It's almost like a rollercoaster ride, not a movie for them.
Same thing happens with every movie that get's the "horror" tag but isn't the usual jumpscare fest. The studio had to market It Comes at Night (just like The Witch) as a "scare" horror movie so more people would see it, and when they actually watch it they don't care about the family relations and character development and the general sense of suspense and tension etc, they just want to get some loud noises after a few seconds of silence every now and then and go home happy "hehe that was spooky"

It's quite sad really.

No it's uninspired and rehashes the same scenario gone over a million times in the last decade. Joel edgerton did nothing wrong.

What do your bullshit points of it being "uninspired" and "a rehash" have anything to do with it being tense/tragic or not?

title and marketing is misleading, but other than that a solid, tense watch

Yeah maybe i guess. Though there is something that comes at night in the end, which is the fear.

Because it's the same exact story we've seen a million times before in doomsday movies about zombies or viruses or nuclear fallout or collapse of civilization etc.
>small family
>alpha male hardass executioner
>second guessing female lead
>weak stupid children
>can't trust anyone
>test strangers for trustworthiness
>execute random people who are a threat
>friendly gets sick with super contagion
>they resist
>they fight back
>kill all who resist
>so tragic
>one of the lead characters gets sick
>kill him too
>so tragic
>the end
It plays the same stupid fucking tropes as the rest with no new twist or interesting choices by the characters. How is that tense or tragic?

The only tragic thing is I felt like I got ripped off and I never spent a dime on the movie.

But the execution is what matters for something to be tense/tragic, not the plot points.
You've seen countless of ww2 films also, but Dunkirk is a pretty different ww2 film while the setting and the plot points are pretty much the usual.

A film like The Thing is not just good because of it's concept, it's good because of it's execution.

> comparing a historic fact portrayed in movies to make up believe scenarios about spoopy monster in the woods where you can come with any scenario and situation but decides to rehash cloverfield lane, 28 days later, the road and even zombieland cause you're lazy hack

damn, you're dumb


It really was. I wasn't expecting to feel as much as I did during that end sequence and everything that followed.

Also, poor doggo ;_;

I you are the one who liked the garbage movie so

You completely missed the point and went ahead and got hung up on the fact that this isn't based on a historic event. I bet you post frogs too, Frogposter.

not him but its garbage by your standards
you do see the logic fuckening here right?
>you're a retard because you like a movie i think is garbage

I agree. This movie was great. It's probably the best (unofficial) Cormac McCarthy adaptation we'll ever see. Made the Road movie look like shit.

I'm not discussing with plebs who liked this garbage
Watch the movies I listed then come back, filthy

you make me puke

Trash. The title and trailer were clearly meant to bring in stupid people like me who were expecting a harrowing creature feature/blair witch type thing, but instead we get WHOOOOOA MAN IS THE REAL MONSTER DUUUUUUUUDE FEAR IS THE THING THAT COMES AT NIGHT.

Get outta my face with that.

people need to stop labeling movies like this and The Witch as 'horror'. They are suspense thrillers. you should blame the studio looking to make a fast buck by false marketing instead of people who are pissy because they're sold one thing and get another. if someone goes in expecting a comedy but gets drama, you shouldn't be surprised by comments like 'that was the worst comedy ever!', even if it makes for a passable drama.

>Indie horror
>everyone thinks says it's the best shit ever
>scariest movie of all time
>legitimately terrifying
>It Follows, Don't Breathe and It Comes At Night are all shit

I'm beginning to think people think horror films are supposed to be boring shit where nothing happens.

>Hating ICAN
>Not pleb

Did anyone else catch changing aspect ratio?

This. I just read a description on a Russian IMDB clone and it literally has the phrase "abominable monsters". Holy fuck, it could not be more misleading at all.

It had a good mood at times, but it just didn't amount to anything, it just played with the zombie stuff a little, and in the end it was really underwhelming.

dont forget babadookie

its just kids being pretentious

I miss the old horror comedies from the 80s at least those where entertaining