The Chess Queen of Africa

>I first met Phiona Mutesi in September 2010 sitting on the mud stoop of her family’s shack in one of the most challenging places on earth: Uganda’s Katwe slum. I had been told about Phiona; how at the age of nine she could neither read nor write and had dropped out of school, when she met a Ugandan missionary, Robert Katende, who offered to teach her the game of chess – a sport so foreign in Uganda that there is no word for it in Phiona’s native language.

>and how in just four years she had become an international chess champion
>just four years she had become an international chess champion
>international chess champion

A black woman from Africa is going to get a (((Hollywood))) movie made about her.

She has a FIDE rating of 1622

For those of you who don't know anything about chess, and its comparative rating system, that would be roughly the rating of a gifted, but not extraordinary 8-9 year old. And as a point of reference, the current world champion had a FIDE rating of over 2000 by the time he was 11.

Here's her FIDE profile:

I've seen some bad "WE WUZ KANGS" shit, but this just takes the fucking cake for me. There are plenty of amazing chess masters, with extremely interesting stories/lives. Mikhail Tal was probably one of the most eccentric and interesting geniuses to ever live. Alexander Alekhine was held in prison and reportedly played a game against Trotsky for his life. Emanuel Lasker was roommates with fucking Albert Einstein.

All of the great men they could have made movies about, and they choose this fucking nigress.

Kill me.

we wuz chess and shieeeeeeeeeeeet


But wait! We get plenty of movies about this guy!

All in some bullshit attempt to vilify antisemitism as the product of mental instability.

>Black knows how to play chess
Leftists really are the biggest racists.

Bobby was too redpilled for his own good.

I was 1500 in highschool

Whats the big deal


This is more racist than just ignoring nigger achievements.

>1622 after 4 years
>anything but retarded

The Jew uses the black genetic outliers to promote the idea that this is the normal behavior of the negroid, to trick whites into not seeing the deranged savages in the ghettos are not the normal black people. They have always done this to justify african immigration.


I like your flag.

>rating 1600
>after 4 years
>WCM title, literally the lowest of the low titles

kek i was 1600ish when i was in the equivalent of middle school (played since 8). I haven't played competitively in a decade, but I'm sure, like any other rating system, chess ratings have inflated since then. I played plenty of kids in regional championships who were titled and had like 1700-1900s, but none of them even remotely considered themselves "prodigies", just genuinely gifted kids who were living and breathing the game.

Idk if any other chessfags want to call this bullshit out, but for comparison, pic related is rated 1935 and plays Dota 2 for a living.

Oh shit, cool fact about Winter.

Sadly, not many chessfags on Sup Forums, but it shouldn't take a genius to figure out that this is completely idiotic.

It would be like making a hollywood movie about a guy who gets a high-score in a video game. Not even a world-record, or even a national record... just like... a personal best.

damn didn't know Winter is so smart


I had more as kid in chess club. Where's my movie

no fucking white males allowed

these fucking tabs and bookmarks

jesus christ, stop complaing about people who actually do something and get your shit together.

>ITT: People offended by a silly feelgood story because MUH LIBERAL AGENDA

It's just Rudy for Africans, it's not for you.

dem tabs

Really made me think,OP

>Caring about a video game player


>a sport so foreign in Uganda that there is no word for it in Phiona’s native language.

So they're incapable of having loanwords in her native language?

every time

>a gifted 8-9 year old has a FIDE of 1600

You have never played chess, have you?

>comparing magnus to some random negress

And if you compared Poglar she's been pushed into chess by her dad since she could read.

Your home computer probably ties with a grandmaster. Modern chess AIs absolutely rekt humans.

Is all Hollywood can produce these days sequels nobody asked for and """inspirational""" films about literally who's?

Can a gifted white 11 year old become an international success in Africa?

A chessplaying monkey. Something for the circus, not for the cinema.

I feel sick, I can't believe this actually inspired some jew fuck to create a fucking movie about some nigger playing chess

Burn Hollywood to the fucking ground

Tal would be an infinitely more interesting movie. Dude is fascinating