Despite its degeneracy...

Despite its degeneracy, should recreational weed be legalised everywhere for the added tax money and more space in prisons?

i'm undecided on recreational legalization but industrial hemp should be given a chance

smart people can handle it, but it shouldn't be promoted to the masses (I'm including myself here, I'm no elite)
like in the Victorian Era
the elite got into degenerate shit, like opium dens, but they kept a public facade that was proper and traditional

Freedom is all anybody has.... make your own choices Rico

No drugs is subhuman monkey behavior.


Anyone on the right should be for it, as it infringes on individual freedom

I fucking hate weed culture too, but they can do that shit if it makes them happy

Decriminalize it and let states decide


Of course. No government has remit over what private citizens put into their own bodies.

this is the autism of the Anglos
you love freedom so much
you think you're just individuals roaming around
you have roots
you are a part of a society
we are not individial seeds floating in the weind
we are a fucking forest
if a branch is rotten from DUDEWEEDLMAO
then we need to cut it off to keep the tree healthy

Won't work in Canada.

They could regulate it all they want, but at the end of the day it can be grown in most areas of this great land, It would cost the government far more money trying to "regulate" it out of peoples hands just so it can make tax dollars off federal sales.

it's $10/gram almost anywhere in Canada, the Feds wouldn't be able to compete with "illegal" sellers, hell, 5 people on my street in the suburbs have pot plants at their homes/cottages.

It just wont fucking work

Stoners deserve prison


Should be taxed and regulated. I don't agree with 18 year olds getting enormous prison sentences because they possessed a plant. I also don't like sending tons of money to Mexican cartels if I can avoid it.

And I agree with . Industrial Hemp I'm pretty amazing capabilities. Just because the paper lobby says they shouldn't be available for purchase doesn't mean we should listen to them

I know it's you Ricky your up shits creek without a paddle

Weed is actually good if you don't do it constantly, if you don't partake in the "weed culture", and if you have an aggressive / dominant personality. If you are a beta and you do it constantly then you need to be more focused and more assertive, not smoking weed.


A country so close to the former USSR and Nazi Germany should know better.

Indoor growing is feasible at the prices they charge for legal growing.
A good portion of the legal US growers use indoor weed despite living in good growing conditions because it's easier to control contaminates, creates better bud, keeps out bugs and doesn't lower profits by much.

Weed is not degeneracy

Based bahamas. 242 to the memes

Actually, Goy.
The US prison population is only 4% for mere drug posession of any kind.
Drug offenses are often used to increase sentences for violent and property criminals.


A young lad so close to puberty should know better

>legalize recreational weed
>Doesn't start growing
>Pay taxes instead

It's like you've given up pussy.

Alcohol causes more problems than weed.

It should be decriminalized. Don't want to put people that are frying their brains into places that turn them into hardcore criminals if they make it out alive.

Alcohol causes more death and costs more to us in prison and health costs more than all illegal drugs combined.
If that factor influenced people it would've changed things long ago.

Actually I think I'm wrong on the prison costs, but I do know the health care costs from alcohol are more than all illegal drugs combined.

Give me one reason why is weed degeneracy. People usuallydon't throw up in public because of weed, don't chimp out, don't steal nor vandalize. If anything, alcohol is degeneracy, not weed. Oh wait, but men used to drink alcohol in hectolitres since the dawn of man, it's like a part of being manly. So being manly is degenerate?

That's why OP is a faggot and people claiming weed is degeneracy are retarded.

They just need to educate people on how marijuana kills your drive for success, if you're already successful you can indulge without fear, but if you're a teen struggling in highschool and don't have a life plan you're fucked.

Fucking this

I hate when people who claim to be for freedom and what not think the making drugs illegal is okay, especially when alcohol is legal

let people do what they wish, as long as it's done privately it does not affect me

Weed just makes people more acceptable of their life situation and less likely to try to improve any aspect of their life.
I say this as someone who's a heavy user as well.