Anyone else seeing that banner ad advertising Trump voodoo dolls?

Anyone else seeing that banner ad advertising Trump voodoo dolls?

Seems like a weird place to advertise.

Other urls found in this thread:


In case you actually don't:

where does the link lead?

firstladybill.cum /collections/tuck-frump


Website where you can buy voodoo dolls. And badges that say tuck frump. Do liberals really stick pins in candidates they hate?

They are evil AND hypocritical, if we did this to Hillary they would collectively gasp in disgust from such oppression.

We should do it to Hillary.

Not the tuck frump meme again. They probably think they're so clever for buying ad space on "the bastion of the alt-right"

Instead of sticking hers with pins, it might be more beneficial to give it a good dicking with a miniature dildo.

>torture and kill someone in effigy because you wrongly think theyre a bad person and youre a good person

.. or your tiny doll sized cock


Was going to say that was rude but I guess you're more the expert on American dick than anyone else here.

If you want trump to win the black vote just tell blacks they'll be able to land white chicks with ease if they vote trump. Watch all black males then proceed to vote trump.


haha, I already bought two of these.

Im happy as long as Hiro is lining them pockets, B.

More revenue for him from useful idiots means more leeway for Sup Forums to continue going ape shit. Hell maybe he will even get rid of that shitstain mod who has no clue of Sup Forumss culture.

I relish in the continued acknowledgement from these cock juggling thunder cunts.

>not blocking all ads

fuck off idiot

Kek. NZ has the bantz today.

>telling others they have a small dick
Pick one

>I'm going to burn the doll and post a video of it online because I'm an informed adult who is very smart

>The nice way to be naughty XDDD

Lib's, everyone.

>these people are helping keep Sup Forums running so I can block their ads and shitpost about nazi frogs

Give me a ad block on phone that is reliable and doesn't sell your data.


I don't think I care does it, or at least not enough to be horrified. It's just idle scoffing at people who would do something so pointless.

Everyone knows you have to make a voodoo doll yourself for it to work. And you need a part of the person.

>I cant stop these people so I will just shit post about shit posting. I Probably wont even use a meme like some sort of faggot.

Imagine if we did this to Hillary dolls. I can see the headlines in the MSM now:

Trump Supporters Want to Torture and Kill Hillary

Trump's Hate Speech Breeds Violence as Alt Right Practices Hillary Assasination

Racist Alt Right Appropriates Haitian Vodou Ritual To Sexually Torture Hillary

Trump BTFO. How will he recover?

Well, if that's something that interests you, here you go: