Hillary Clinton is rehearsing nonstop for the first debate

Hillary Clinton is rehearsing nonstop for the first debate.
Donald Trump is going to wing it.
Is he trying to blow it? Or is confidence the key?


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I think she is busy to not die and rehearsal is postponed

>Is he trying to blow it?
It seems that way, doesn't it? Unless he's got some nuclear ace in the hole.

Trump is confident and authentic. Clinton is rehearsed and fake.

Ya, that's the way I'm feeling too

>tfw the both the Rothschild AMA guy and the other family one said Trump was a plant and part of the game
>tfw they said Hillary Clinton wins even if she only gets 6% of the vote

Now imagine that Flash is Donald Trump while Batman and Batman are the Dems and the GOP.


So Hillary has the script ingrained to her brain. She will have a bigger loop error than Rubio Bot (god rest his soul) when Trump gets her off track.

During the debates all Trump has to do is keep talking until Hillary soils herself live on National TV

Why do you believe LARPers on a Mongolian basket weaving forum?


They're still going to lob her softball questions.

Saw some kike article, Clinton claiming Trump was willing to say anything... after Clinton went on a buzzword vomiting tirade for her recent speech of the "internet nazi frogs"

sadly, this

By rehearsing nonstop do mean she is going over her talking point answers to the softball questions she'll receive? She probably has advanced questions from Cooper & Kelly.

>Donald Trump is going to wing it.

That's a very nice source you have there, leafy.

always wanted one of those

CNN Alters Trump Tweet By Scrubbing ‘Crooked’ Moniker to Describe Hillary


HuffPo Terminates Contributor, Deletes Articles After He Questions Hillary’s Health


Donald Trump Currently Holds 32% of National Hispanic Vote…



An online newspaper here published an article about how not saying no doesn't mean yes
Basically, if a boy and a girl gets funky, and the boy takes the initiative, she has to verbally say yes. In reality she can claim that she didn't.
Now I want a sex doll even tho it's degenerate as fuck.

What makes you think he isn't rehearsing?

And don't you think the contrast between the genuine and free flowing trump vs hillary's rehearsed robot responses will be jarring?

Why are you saging an open discussion? I'm a die hard Trump supporter, just curious about his debate strategy

>"policies literally don't matter at all" - the article

Kek, good point
I never noticed that the first read through

Bye bye CTR™. Your mother is going to vote Trump.


I think Hillary is a crooked Washington insider who engages in pay to play politics to advance her own personal interests. I'm not CTR senpai

Bullshit - unless by "preparing" you mean granny napping and getting medical injections

>I will be respectful towards Hillary

So how does he plan to win? I've assumed his strategy would involve triggering her so hard she collapses.

Wtf I hate certificates now

Honestly, having to rehearse a debate like that just shows how fucking fake Hillary is and that she doesn't actually believe what she will be saying.
I mean, they are essentially just supposed to present their opinions on a topic. If they actually spent an appropriate amount of time (so, not just the 15 minutes it takes to read the wikipedia article, considering that they are running for the white house) reading into it and forming their own opinion they don't need to learn the answers by heart to avoid accidentally contradicting themselves or getting confronted with a question they never even considered before.

What you definitely should do is freshen up your memory with regard to some statistics so you can give hard numbers in case you are asked for them, or think about in which order you should best present your arguments so you can lessen the impact of points where your solution isn't optimal and has to make concessions to reality. But that is pretty much it. Because you don't need to convince some jury that follows (((arguing semantics)))-rules, you need to convince the every day Joe.

You're asking the right questions!

Nobody knows the future, not even Rothschild/Warburg 6th cousins, thrice/quince removed LARPs.

Don't let anybody tell you the future is fixed. We are Sup Forums!
Our autistic memetica forges the fucking future!
We are writing the new Gospel in real time, 1 user shit post at a time!

Nope, it's over

She'll embarass him like she did at the Benghazi hearings just by rolling her eyes at the dumb things Trump says

I knew that guy that co-wrote "The art of the deal", who criticized Trump recently, gets paid by the Shillary campaign. It's always the same with these shills.

Me too. Wheelchairs are chill AF.

Why would somebody that powerful even come on some Burmese mahjong discussion place?

Go on. He's being paid to figure out the 70s & 80s dirt thats gonna trigger him?
His father Fred, his early deceased brother Fred, his dog Fred, his 1st wife Fredvanka.
Meanwhile he's outhustling the shit out her, out social networking her, out meming her, out analyzing her (NATO, vote fraud, DNC/RNC rigged,law&order) plus he probably knows the wikileaks goods.
Relax and let daddy rain his September hell fire.
But man the meme stations in case of slight turbulence.


True. But I have to say I find it astonishing how many paid Shillary shills there are in the media.

Came here to say that. Trump may be able to think on his feet, but there's no way he won't be preparing what he's going to say

its obvious to all that every that is going to vote is already decided on who they will vote for. nothing can change a die hillary drone or a trump drone, nothing. if hillary came out and transformed into the devil in front of the world and farted fire on the camera you leftist cucks would still vote for it. if trump went on tv and if they actually showed it....and pulled his cock out and fucked a 7 year old in the ass, live with blood for lube you trumpets would still vote for it. hillshill has every single female vote. at least 75% of the niggers if not more, 110% of the spik vote because MUH WALL. and if he does pull a miracle outa his asshole guess what. SHE WILL CHEAT. and guess what else my fellow ameriutards that still wanna believe in DA DREAM YO, MY FREEDUMS YO, the cunt is gonna push for that retarded third party loser to get in. just to take away more votes from the god emperor.
its time to wake up and smell the ashes faggots.
jewmurica is a lie. we haven't had a real president in a long time, Eisenhower was the last one. every one after that guy has gotten worse and worse. and now we get to pick from a corrupt career politician that is in fact the worst of them all other than her scumbag hubby, and a tv personality that means well but is a fucking moron. there was no better choice than these two shitbags i know.


What is going on in that picture?

>believing the mega jew
Even if they were real this was your first mistake. The best lies are filled with truth

>rehearse a lot for a particular type of Trump
>He's completely different
Literally pointless because he's 100% unpredictable.



And then the next night a new faggot shows up.

>Hillary Clinton is rehearsing nonstop for the first debate.

This woman is pathetic. It's no wonder she doesn't want to hold a press conference. She's scared someone might ask a question that her lackeys haven't formulated a perfect answer to.

look at it this way: how did rehearsing work out for Marco Rubio?

Remember when Krispy Creme single handedly ended Marco Rubio's campaign?

Now Imagine that on a grander scale of Trump vs Hillary. Hillary is going to stick to her stump speeches and try and "gotcha" Trump and it will come off as fake and rehearsed, while Trump is a wildcard who can say anything, and will say anything.

mind you, he knows how to put on a show. He's been in reality TV for a long time. Much like Reagan was good at playing the part of the reasonable, level headed politician, Trump knows how to give the audience a spectacle. After all, thats the reason people tune into the debates. to see Trump's antics. So he can play to the audience while still laying out rational ideas.