What are the best action movies of all time and why are they T2, First Blood, and Die Hard?

What are the best action movies of all time and why are they T2, First Blood, and Die Hard?

first blood is not even close to goat action maybe first blood part 2 or rambo 3 not first blood

it's actually t2, mad max fury road and saving private ryan

>T2, First Blood, and Die Hard?
Ya dingus, it's The Terminater, Predator and Aliens.

>mad max fury road
fucking kek

The Terminator? For real? T1 is shit compared to T2.

keep trying to impress your little anonymous friends on Sup Forums user but you know i'm right. a multitude of critics agree

fuck off man the first mad max is way better than that fucking garbage


while i respect your opinion, i disagree. fury road was a lot more ambitious due to miller's allowance for a bigger budget and that's exactly what mad max needed. mad max 2 is better than the first one as well.

Fury Road was such a fucking snooze fest.

>T2 over T1
>First Blood over First Blood 2
>no John Woo movies
shit list


what about takashi miike, is he any good? idk never seen any of his flics

yeah I've only seen his horror stuff like Audition and Ichi the Killer I can't speak for his action

>critic opinions meaning anything
When someone has to bring critics into movie discussion, you know they're reaching up their ass

i see. you mustn't trust any professionals in any industry then?

What the hell makes you a professional movie reviewer? It's one of the most subjective things on the planet.

>best action movies
This is a tricky genre.
Wuxia/Jackie Chan/Donnie Yen films could be "best action movies" by physical combat standards.
Transformers and every cape CG shitfest could be "best action movies" by cut counting standards.
Now watch your pic OP, and try to grasp why I'll call you on being an amerifat. What do the pics have in common, even in the god damn movie posters?.

Correct choice, although I could happily swap the terminator for die hard.

i'm not a professional, i was referring to your reluctance in taking any creed in a critic's opinion/review. i'll rephrase the question: do you not trust critics or other appraisers in any industry that is not the movie industry? if not, then you musn't trust when they correctly review a shit movie poorly (which there are a lot of), unless you're a contrarian type like armond white.

That's not Conan the Barbarian, Road Warrior and, okay well it is Die Hard.

Confirmed for underage

My top 3:


my nigga


>mad max fury road and saving private ryan
nah man

Whoa! I agree with you.

Spotted the millennial.

Terminator 1
Demolition Man
Die Hard

Die Hard, Terminator 2, and Predator are probably accurate answers. John McTiernan is GOAT