I miss Tim. Can Tim come back? It can be easy

I miss Tim. Can Tim come back? It can be easy.

I love this show and cannot convince anyone else I know to enjoy it. What is wrong with me?

If nothing else, the final line of every show is often the best joke.

>I vacuumed
>It's not meals on wheels
>When the priest admonishes Tim for confessing to have masturbated in a Church to his girlfriend's female family

I showed a couple episodes to my brother and he really liked it. I think you just have to show it to people cold.

I recommend the one where Tim beats the guy's high score.

Not sure if you're a guy, but if so, do you feel this show captures well the tensions and comedy of errors that surround a guy interacting with his gf's family? Amy and her mom have such golden moments.

I've personally never been in a serious enough relationship to meet the woman's family, but I must say Tim and Amy have one of the best relationships in a comedy show I've ever seen,. I put them on the same level as Larry and Cheryl in Curb Your Enthusiasm

Stan is the best character

Even Rodney is better than Stan

How does this show have no fanart

Because nobody has seen it

Well shit I'm gonna go watch it again

I think we've had more than enough shitty comebacks of things to prove it's a bad idea. Just let good things keep their good reputation and hope for the making of a new good thing.

Holy hell, he hates Tim's milquetoast guts

Do you think Tim is a Titsguy or an Axilla adept?

name four shitty comebacks

What about the Bostonian bike messenger who cannot wait any longer for Tim's condolence message?

I prefer the blackjack dealer who nearly gets in a fistfight with the Amy stripper.

I loved this show how has netflix not brought it back!?

Not just your gf's family user. Society at large



From Steve Dildarian or whatever?

Probably the best animated comedy ever. The fact there's not a great deal to look at means the show had to rely extra hard on the dialogue. Also amazed me how The Boss was in every single episode yet wasn't burnt out like a character of similar vein like Krieger of Archer (who got criminally overused later on).

made me wanna name a dog Keith


love this shit

This is a great show, i love it when voice actors laugh while delivering a joke. Frisky Dingo and Home Movies done it too.

I love the show, but yeah many people don't want to watch it just because of the artstyle. Gonna watch it again now.