Hillary Clinton Piles Up Research in Bid to Stump Trump at First Debate

Hillary Clinton’s advisers are talking to Donald J. Trump’s ghostwriter of “The Art of the Deal,” seeking insights about Mr. Trump’s deepest insecurities as they devise strategies to needle and undermine him in four weeks at the first presidential debate, the most anticipated in a generation.

Her team is also getting advice from psychology experts to help create a personality profile of Mr. Trump to gauge how he may respond to attacks and deal with a woman as his sole adversary on the debate stage.

They are undertaking a forensic-style analysis of Mr. Trump’s performances in the Republican primary debates, cataloging strengths and weaknesses as well as trigger points that caused him to lash out in less-than-presidential ways.


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Oh cool. She's preparing for the debates and her plan is to "get under his skin and his ego" surely she will win!

Oh wait, Trump is preparing too, I can promise you that. I wonder which of her 95 scandals he will mention during the first debate, and which he will save for later?

none of this research will help, all the stress and anxiety and I 100% guarantee hillary wont hold it together

they wouldn't have scheduled it on a football night if they were confident

Can Killary finally talk about something you know, worthwhile instead of race-bating and pointless shit like this.

Even with the ghostwriters help the God-Emperor will still win the debates.

Meanwhile she is not campaigning at all and Trump continues to rise in the polls and getting close to overtaking her in many key locations.

Great strategy bitch keep it up.

Literally all he has to do is say things like "Hey Hillary, didn't you refer to blacks as violent super predators that need to be brought to heel?"

Hey Hillary, didn't you advocate openly building a border wall only 10 years ago?

She can't lie when faced with questions like this because it'll be all over social media and even MSM within minutes.

Will she be ok to stand during the debates, or has she succeeded in her demand to have them sitting down?


>Politicians gather information on their opponents


How is this a new thing?

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Hillary practically promised a pay-to-play State Department


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Wow, preparing for the debate? who would have thought of that? really gets your noggin jogging.

>Trump knows Hillary's art of the deal against him
>He holds all the cards
>Trump is playing 20th dimensional chess

All the money in the world can't create ideas. They'll write her talking points, but they'll be the same thing

Trump looked like a total fool in all of the GOP debates. He's absolutely fucking terrible on the debate stage. IIRC his numbers took a dip after every debate except for one.

He can do well if he comes out, hits Hillary hard on her malfeasance, and otherwise just tries to keep his mouth shut as much as he can. Stick and move. If he tries to go toe to toe with her she'll destroy him.

>get under his skin and his ego

>a woman not running a campaign of deflection and annoyance

I actually think the opposite.

If he keeps his mouth shut too much that will be letting her walk all over him.

He should go toe to toe. I know she will be the first to get flustered.

Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.

She should do that dog barking thing again.

Oh yeah, talk to one of Trumps people thinking they will turn on him. That worked out SO well for the CNN shills didn't it.

This. Been there, done that numerous times. The best laid plans can easily crumble into shit. With Mr. Trumps experience, he will be able to withstand anything the Hillary team can dream up. The real test will be "Can Hillary withstand the onslaught Mr. Trump has prepared for her?

MFW Trump strolls through the debates like a boss, BTFOing Hillary like she's a red headed step child, with LITERALLY no prep at all.

"You're barking up the wrong tree, Hillary."

mfw hillary just straight up clowns donald trump, treats him like a little petulant child, and all of america laughs at him

>mfw Trump knew he was gonna run against hillary, who will try using the book against him
>mfw trump wrote the book to in a way to give hillary a false sense of security
>mfw trump has been playing 88 dimensional chess for multiple decades already

>He has been especially resistant to his advisers’ suggestions that he take part in mock debates with a Clinton stand-in. At their first session devoted to the debate, on Aug. 21 at Mr. Trump’s club in Bedminster, N.J., the conservative radio host Laura Ingraham was on hand to offer counsel and, if Mr. Trump was game, to play Mrs. Clinton, said Trump advisers who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the debate preparations were supposed to be kept private. He declined.

He doesn't need to study or prep for the final, he's gonna ace it!

Meanwhile, Hillary is hitting the books and cramming.

I think we all know how that turns out.

More fake, calculated bullshit designed to destroy opposition instead of discussing what she can actually do for the people.

Christ, these people are so out of touch with what people want today. She's going to come off as a psychopath and totally get detailed, flopping around like a flounder when Trump purposefully makes moves out of character.

5D chess. He wants Hillary to prepare for classic Trump, and get herself stumped when he comes out in his final form with a new move-set.

>spend months studying psychological profiles on trump
>spend hundreds of thousands on forensic analysis on his primary debates
>forget all your talking points in the first ten minutes of the debate
>seize up
>shit your pants

>I wonder which of her 95 scandals he will mention during the first debate, and which he will save for later?
So... how are the bettings odds?

All Trump has to do to win the debates is stand there.
Hillary can't even do that.

Exactly, trying to cram so much information into an elderly woman with brain damage is just going to confuse her. The moment Trump hits back her depends will fill and she'll have to leave the stage and change the diaper


But seriously, all Trump needs to do is bring his POLICIES (not rally banter) and be ready for whatever Clinton flings at him

If Trump can do those AND keep his head cool, Clinton will look bad by comparision

she'll agree and blow it off.

'yes I did donald, how observant, (((someting racist))) you donald'

Come off as a sassy strong womyn

>seeking insights about Mr. Trump’s deepest insecurities

Progressives have genuinely internalized hackneyed TV morality play tropes -- bullies are all secretly insecure and have low self-esteem, aggression is weakness, true courage lies in running away, etc, etc.

Actually, everything you know about bullies is wrong:

"Forget the stereotype of the dumb, insecure hulk who resorts to bullying because other kids don't like him (or her). Bullies tend to be popular with their peers and with adults, and studies have consistently demonstrated that they have a healthy, if not inflated, self-regard. Olweus noted that bullies 'had unusually little anxiety or insecurity'; for boys especially, bullying is associated with being popular. Bullies do appear to have a strong need to control other people coupled with an impaired sense of empathy.

" 'If you give bullies self-esteem training,' noted Mullin-Rindler, 'all you'll get are better bullies.' "


In reality, standing on the defensive indicates insufficient strength; attacking, a superabundance of strength.

>hillary is calculating and crafting her message
>trump is going to speak his mind and be himself

gee i wonder who people will relate with more...

Every answer, no matter what the question is, should be "someone please explain how the Clinton Foundation wasn't a bribery scheme."

And when they say it's getting repetitive, respond "yes, it is, isn't it? And yet no one can explain how it is not bribery."


>the general problem with political parties
The moment you're no longer in to solve a particular problem, you get to be the problem.

The sad thing is that political parties never just cease to exist, once they've reached their goals (see virtually all left parties in europe). No, they became an entity of their own, and strive to survive now. Where can we get most votes? It's fucking disgusting.

Fuck the political machine.

I just want Trump to scream over Hillary the entire time yelling SHE LIED TO CONGRESS, SHE SHOULD HE IN JAIL

>trigger points that caused him to lash out in less-than-presidential ways.
falling for this meme that he isn't completely in control of himself

Trump would probably choose to stand anyways, lording over her


Looks like you made a spelling error


>She should he in jail



"Donald Trump is taking a different approach. He summons his informal band of counselors — including former New York mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, talk-radio host Laura Ingraham and ousted Fox News Channel chairman Roger Ailes — to his New Jersey golf course for Sunday chats. Over bacon cheeseburgers, hot dogs and glasses of Coca-Cola, they test out zingers and chew over ways to refine the Republican nominee’s pitch.

Trump’s aides have put together briefing books, not that the candidate is devoting much time to reading them. Trump is not holding any mock debates, proudly boasting that a performer with his talents does not need that sort of prepping. Should Trump submit to traditional rehearsals, some associates are talking about casting Ingraham, an adversarial chronicler of Clinton scandals, to play the Democratic nominee."

Just epic, Donald. Just epic.

>Trump looked like a total fool in all of the GOP debates.
there were 25 volumes of Can't Stump The Trump
have you been living under a rock?

Trump always says he keeps his cards close to his chest and likes being unpredictable.

Why do you think he would telegraph how he's preparing in -any- way?

Much better to have the enemy at least entertaining the idea he's going in dry.

Something like

>"Mr. Trump, something you said didn't quite line up with something else you said, how do you respond?"

>"Well I don't know, I thought lying was fair game."

Sure they are.


This is smoke and mirrors.

>So scary! All those nerds with black glasses making long drawn out analysis will RUIN TRUMP!

Yeah right.

>I wonder which of her 95 scandals he will mention during the first debate
Hopefully one of the few that are legitimate?

Incidentally, anyone actually attending the debate?

I have a sneaking suspicion we're going to see more MSM manipulation - throwing in fake cheers and roars of applause for Clinton and damping it out for Trump.

In which case having someone there to record the debate in person would give us the chance to provide hard evidence of media manipulation.

Which ones are not legitimate?

That article was surprisingly even-handed for the NYT. An unbiased reader, which I am not, might think that they favor Trump in the debates.

The only typical bullshit was a quote from someone in Hillary's camp who seems to think that all the scandals and shit are all hoaxes.

hilarious that the debate hasnt even happened yet and children like you are already on damage control patrol

The media's already been caught doing shit like this in the past - on both sides of the aisle.

Editing audio during debates, editing clips of candidates responses to remove context or important parts to change the appearance of what they're saying.

Is it really that far-fetched?

NYT has been doing weird things lately.

I hope she mentions the lie that "Trump only cared about rebuilding Manhattan after 9/11 so that he could profit from it". Last time someone said that Trump went fucking nuclear at his next rally. Won't be good for Hillary if she's starting Donald in the face as she says it.

Oh my god, can you even imagine? Jesus Christ, if someone said that to me I think I would be able to hear the blood in my ears I would be so fucking mad.

Bannon knows that the debates don't really matter at this point unless someone completely lays an egg on stage.

After every debate, the GOP supporters always think the GOP candidate won and vice versa with the Dems--even where Obama did a poor performance in his first debate last cycle, it moved the needle only within the margin of error and the reaction of most Dems wasn't "I should consider voting for Romney" but "why didn't Obama get more aggressive?"

So chances are, we'll be hearing from the left how great and poised Hillary was (and what a fighter!) and from the right about how Trump beat expectations and hit her hard.

How can Bannon and Trump trump debate watchers' confirmation bias?Bannon knows that the debates don't really matter at this point unless someone completely lays an egg on stage.

After every debate, the GOP supporters always think the GOP candidate won and vice versa with the Dems--even where Obama did a poor performance in his first debate last cycle, it moved the needle only within the margin of error and the reaction of most Dems wasn't "I should consider voting for Romney" but "why didn't Obama get more aggressive?"

So chances are, we'll be hearing from the left how great and poised Hillary was (and what a fighter!) and from the right about how Trump beat expectations and hit her hard.

How can Bannon and Trump trump debate watchers' confirmation bias?

Which debate was this anticipated a generation ago?

I feel like politics is reaching a point of over-preparation, which can even be detrimental to your campaign

It was 10 minutes before the first presidential debate in which would undoubtedly make or break the election. Trump was already on stage exchanging some light banter between the moderators for the night. Hard to believe this was a man who vilified the media and received that same treatment from them as well. The audience was captivated by his charisma and even the coldest liberal could have been warmed by Trump’s smile.

However, absent from the stage was Hillary…

“Ms. Clinton?” Huma Knocked, “Ms. Clinton we’re running behind.”

Huma stuck by Hillary’s side even in her most intimate moments but there were times when Huma felt she could leave her alone for a few minutes at a time. Huma finally lost her patience and opened the door. There was Hillary lying on the couch kicking her feet. Her pantsuit for the night was completely soiled in feces and strewn across the room. Liquid fecal matter dripped down her leg and as Hillary kicked splattered on the walls and ceiling.

“Hilly made boom boom!” As Hillary stuck her tongue out…

Jesus fucking Christ, Huma thought to herself. Luckily, spare pantsuits were also carried around when Hillary went as she was prone to soiling herself. Unfortunately for tonight, they opted not to put the diaper on Hillary as they thought it would be too visible.

“Aaron, Get the fuck in here you stupid fat nigger!” Huma Yelled. Aaron was Hillary’s personal doctor posing as a Secret Service Agent. Aaron rushed to the room to an overpowering stench and to find the Hillary covered in feces. “Why weren’t you watching her, you lazy nigger?”

“I’m sorry Huma I-“ Aaron stammered.

“Just get another suit for her and don’t stop for fried chicken or something.” Huma curtly replied.

Huma stared at this mess while Hillary coyly rolled around covered in feces. Huma’s patience was almost wearing thin with Hillary. With no faucet nearby the best Huma could do is wipe her down with baby wipes. “Fucking Hell Hillary. If you weren’t so loaded with painkillers I’d slap you around.”

I have a feeling that will be one of her attacking points. Just look at the primaries when Trump went off on Jeb! for his brother not keeping us safe during 9/11 and El Rato for the "NY values" comment. Not to mention that Clinton was a NY state senator for many years - finally add in how she'll undoubtedly bring up the civil lawsuits against Trump from NY contractors and I'm sure we'll see something of the sort happen.

Two minutes before the debates were to start Hillary still wasn’t present. Huma had just finished wiping her down. A three foot high mound of poopy baby wipe laid next to Hillary. It was too late for the catheter so she was going to have to hope Hillary wouldn’t soil herself in two hours.

Aaron came back with a pantsuit. Out of breath, he presented it to Huma. “Took you long enough, you fucking nigger. Now, get the fuck out of my sight.”

Hillary kicked and squirmed as she objected to be dressed but it was nothing new for Huma. Childish tantrums and behaviors were the norm ever since she had that stroke. Hillary was so loaded on a myriad of drugs she was longer power hungry woman that ran in 2008. She was in complete control of her corporate handlers.

>Hillary Clinton Piles Up Research in Bid to Stump Trump at First Debate

Assuming there will be a debate. 260+ days since the last press conference. A debate would short circuit her.

> researched by a jew who was probably bullied whole his life

Insults and jibes run off Trump like water off a duck's back. As long as he sticks to plan Hillary is going to come out of the debates looking extremely bad.

Hillary is going to tear Donald Trump's ass like swiss cheese.

You know one thing that has crystalized that there is indeed a rampant and vicious media bias is the fact that no one is calling out Hillary for not having a press conference in over a year.
If a Republican candidate tried that they would be crucified by the press.

kek, continue

>implying they won't replace Trump with Rubot and make Trump and his team supervise it from distance

Oh god can you imagine if she says "New York Values"? She would lose immediately. NYT likes to talk about "dog whistles", "New York XYZ" is the biggest fucking dog whistle in existence. It's codeword for "Jewish values" and the moment she said it every single Jewish organization in the country would fucking destroy her.

The more Hillary exposes herself - the more she is hated the public. She's reserving the hits she'll take in public opinion for the debates where the liberal panel will give her softball questions while trying to browbeat Trump. Even fucking Mika Bryzenski said she can't cover Trump fairly - I'm sure some moderators feel the same but won't say it.

Except Bernouts did this at the DNC to prove for sure that it's rigged. They put whitenoise boxes over the Bernie-heavy sides of the stadium and kicked out the Bernie delegates for day 3.

>Support really shifted for Hillary!

Unlicensed Bus Driver in Crash That Killed 2 in U.S. Illegally


Watching this disgusting fossil get her teeth pulled out one at a time is going to be a pleasure unrivaled.

This, her strategy so far has been burying all her scandals with the help of the media, but it's not like the media can push people to ignore the debates. I hope so, at least.

kek, Tony Schwartz sounds like a psycho butthurt ex-girlfriend.

Look at his fucking tweets, if that's the kind of "insights" he has to offer there's not much to fear.


In short, she's fucking terrified

All praise be to Kek that if there is a debate, Clinton dies of short circuit brain aneurysm on stage in front of everyone.

No matter what she will lose the debates. The reason is simple


They need much more debates to lay out all of her scandals.

How about a press conference? This bitch can't even take questions from the press corp that already begs to eat her shit.

Seriously, 270+ days without a press conference!! There is soo much shit against her that if she is elected she will be the most compromised president before even taking the oath of office.

These debates will be nothing but the two of them trolling each other while the moderators read questions that never get answered.

Nobody said you could go into a fight without getting hurt. Sure, Trump may have gotten some dirt thrown at him in the debates, but that's be cause he was actively and aggressively picking off his enemies one by one by one. If he took a hit in the polls, the person he was going after took an even bigger one (Jeb, Rand, etc.). And when there were only two remaining, it wasn't even a contest.

if she gets advice from this buttflustered old kike then a) she'll be setup to underestimate him and expect him to be ignorant (which he isn't, for instance on foreign policy he clearly has a good sense of what's going on and what he can do) and b) a lot of it will be just misguidance (like, "Trump is evil, only cares about himself", which is clearly not true).

So he won't give her anything that will help her and only sink her by making him underestimate him and misjudge him.

Hillary has never experienced anything like Trump. She will short circuit and die on stage.
It's going to be hilarious.

The amount of IRL shitposting from both sides will be glorious.

He's impressed by a CEO tweeting about baking? Does he really think they waste their time with that? I'd be surprised if Elon even wrote the message

his twitter is pure concentrated asspain

ah, for a minute I thought he meant that Musk was pathetic for tweeting about baking shit

I imagine the debates to look something like pic related.

classic democrat debate/general strategy.

all the focus is on how to discredit the opponent by attacking his dimeanor or character or whatever and zero attention paid to actual policy and debate topics. the debate will be a slugfest with no actual substance as usual.

Nothing behind the wall? What about mexicans?

Is that why he is delaying his immigration policies?

I won't be shocked if one of them eventually punches the other on stage.

>give me a raise twige my current salary

>debate is over see you tomorrow on the next one

>all this research and preparation

Trump just has to bring up:

Anti-semitism (fucking kikes)
Racism (super predators)

And she's finished

>hillary begins spouting platitudes in gradma voice while waving her finger around
>liberals clench their butt cheeks
>Trump is surely going to crumble now! they murmur to themselves
>Trump laughs and calmly brings up actually criminal corruption from leaks revealed night before
>loud reverberating fart noise echoes throughout auditorium
>rancid odor permeates almost instantaneously
>liberal audience and media look around uncomfortably worried it might be them
>thud heard on stage
>eyes return to hillary flopping around uncontrollably on the floor
>shit begins to seep from her now defunct diaper
>SS rushes onto stage
>slips in shit

>weeks of preparation
>in-depth psychological analysis of opponent
>endless rehearsals
>hours in makeup chair
>a stack of notecards thick enough to stop a bullet
>She finally steps up to the podium
>"Mr. Trump, let me start by saying-"
>she stops short as a loud gurgle erupts from her abdomen
>Trump's grin stretches to Joker-like proportions
>"Is there a problem, Senator?"
>She suddenly recalls the oddly blonde and charismatic waiter that served her grilled salmon this afternoon
>she desperately attempts to dash offstage but it is too late
>and explosion of liquefied shit launches itself in a concentrated stream from her anus
>its force completely penetrates her bright white pantsuit
>the audience immediately clears the front row and pit, vomiting from the stench
>Trump stands, his $5,000 loafers drenched in the fecal matter of his enemy
>she collapses in a heap on her own excrement while secret service stands by helpless
>"Well, I think your ass said it better than your mouth ever could have, Senator."
>the auditorium erupts into laughter
>He goes on to win a historic 60% of the vote