He genuinely has a good point, you know


the word slave dose not appear in the constitution

the constitution doesn't say you can own people. someone should teach that nigger to read

What's wrong with owning people again?

kinda sad if this is real, people would eat this shit up and agree because they dont take the time to google the constitution. Dont know the source because i dont watch tv

Slaves is not guaranteed in the constitution.

7/10 bait. Subtle with guaranteed replies

Its just another "comedy" show pretending to comment on politics. When they get called out they just say its a comedy show to avoid criticism.

Doesn't the constitution actually forbid slavery?
I'm pretty sure slavery's not in the Articles, Bill of Rights, or the 11th or 12th amendment, and last I checked it was forbidden except in cases of court-issued punishment by the 13th?

Am I misreading this or something?

>Its just another "comedy" show pretending to comment on politics
Better than a political show pretending to comment on politics, desuu

try and make grandpa irrelevant nigger i'll blow ur freaking head off

Where does the constitution allow you to own slaves you fucking smegma

I know the forefathers said you have the right to freedom of speech, but they also said you could own people. Back in the 1700's all they had was the printing press, when they said "freedom of press" that's what they meant, the printing press. Do you seriously think our forefathers could've predicted the existence of twitter and the internet and instant messaging? We need to have a conversation about the epidemic of assault messaging. Nobody but the newspapers should have the ability to send out text at more than 100 wpm (Writer's note: WPM is alt-right slang for "words per minute" as only these neo-nazis want to have the freedom of speech.)

Gas all SNL members

No idea companies do it all the time.

>Be here this time to this time
>Heres some scraps of food even though I have plenty
>Listen to everything I say and do everything I tell you or find a new slave master

You know damn well if companies could whip us they would.

I like how they forget that the Fathers wanted to make slavery illegal in the BoRights during the throwing out of the other useless document whose name eludes me. The Fathers had massive debates but the South wouldn't join the Union if slavery was outlawed

Che looks like hes as bad at pucking cotton as he ua comedy....then again he is on lame ass SNL

he's literally telling us to overlook the most fundamental laws in existence. that is sedition

What was the emancipation proclamation then?

Inb4 rap group

So you want to get your politics from a comedy show like every other liberal moron?

exactly which "forefathers" said you should own people? should be pretty easy to cite since you based your whole argument on this point

Well, technically that quote from the OP doesn't mention that as well. It says "forefathers" said you could own people. So technically, if you can find 2 people who qualify as "forefathers" that were in favor of slavery, that part of the quote would still be correct. The real idiocy is in comparing the constitution to a grandfather, pretending that grandfather means the same as forefather.

Technically there is nothing wrong with that quote, it's just a disgusting game of semantics.

Come on, it's at least an 8/10
No American has ever read the constitution.
I'm a certified bait connoisseur. The "X was written in the constitution" kind of bait has a special purpose. If anyone disagrees with you, you can counter it by saying that they don't know the constitution. Nobody's going to check so you win.

When I was in school we had to read the constitution. I remember having to summarize each article.

lmao nigger can't read


I'll gladly hand over muh guns if this gaboon can point to where it says i can keep and bear slaves.

Fuckin weak bait

And the only reason slavery was abolished was because of the "enlightenment".... And here you Liberal fags are, shitting all over Christianity, Greek/Roman philosophy, and Liberty for faggotry, PC safe spaces, and domestication.

>the constitution doesn't say you can own people. someone should teach that nigger to read
>I know the Forefathers said you had a right to own a gun, but they also said you could own people

He did not say the Constitution said you could own people. He said the Forefathers did. Learn to read.

>I know noting about the constitution
Just show me ONE nigger who isn't dumb as a box of rocks

Actually he doesn't have a point because the constitution stipulates that all states must abolish slavery by 1800.

Slavery is.

Shit, he's right we better get back to owning niggers again.

comedy is immune from criticism, infact I think anyone can be a critic of comedy, take south park, people break down and understand the meaning behind the satire all the time. But there is a wide gap between satire and this, I dont know the set up to give context but from this standpoint it is ment to be fact based. That's a problem with a meme vs a video, as the context of a meme is based off either an inside joke or some other set up while a video usually will take the time for the set up and build up and delivery

>isn't immune

Then it's a false equivalency, what the forefathers said has less authority than what the constitution says.

That paragraph is a pathetic mess and you know it, my litte britimbecile

This is a zero-effort baitpost, and every newfag posting in this thread is cancer.


Meanwhile, niggers commit most gun crime.

>He did not say the Constitution said you could own people. He said the Forefathers did. Learn to read.

Britcuck doesn't understand the forefathers wrote the Constitution.

So Mohamed can I get a source on a quote by the founders of the US where they promoted owning people?


The irony is that the 14th Amendment is the only thing that gives niggers rights in the first place.

nice viral marketing posting this same image in every active thread

too bad only alt right believes out of context infographics and they re childless losers masturbating to anime

>viral marketing

You don't actually know what that means, do you?

if you detach the forefather part of the statement, then the criticism of the constitution doesnt make sense as the constitution wasn't making the claim. The intention was most likely to infer the same thing, tho it's a mess.

Maybe we should leave the room and discuss what to do about niggers.

wow look at this JIDF shill. As if Niggers could be the best at anything. you're fucking cucked or retarded, most likely both. Niggers are framed for white crimes all the time because cops are white and wont arrest other whites. Whites are the best at everything, even crime.

>so you want to get rid of constitution because it doesnt say you can own people.

Okay Tyrone.

constitution forbids slavery, but allows servitude.
also get hid of the freedon of press.

Eventually some libtard puts a stop to it, then they plague your country for 200 years with crime and general indecency

>I know the forefathers said you have the right to own a gun, but they also said you could own people.
>Look, pretty soon you wont be able to own anything.

Fixed it

im white as they come you dumb kike shill. You must really love niggers if you think they are the best at anything. almost as much as a libcuck does. hmm, i wonder why.

this is the problem, and why if we actually did adress the constitution in any way and the bill of rights is that we have become so jaded, that buissness are now citizens with rights. We are not required to hunt and die for a cause we believe in, if we make changes it would be for the worst to be honest no matter how old it is. There will be someone looking for a way to exploit the rules, and an island can't prosper if we are all thieves.

No he doesn't, and what's more, you know he doesn't

>guns is a inalienable right
>ok ok but dese same rayciss ass crackas wuz also rayciss an sheeit
>really make yawl cogimitate nah, don it?

The same could be said about separation of church and state.
>yeah, the founding fathers said we should have separation of church and state, but they also said we could own people.
>so I say we start stoning sodomites to death and burning jews at the stake becuz da consitooshun b rayciss an sheeit!

>so I say we start stoning sodomites to death and burning jews at the stake
nothing wrong with this you libtard.

>Nigger without family values
Color me surprised.

Fuck off back to plebbit kid, you need to spend some more time reading up on your meme handbooks before you can properly shill here.

That said, we are better at crime than niggers, a successful robbery, for example, is one in which no one gets arrested and no one gets hurt (because the latter aids the former)

Niggers, being dumb apes, usually violate both of those principles

This makes me angrier than anything else. This glorified beast of burden is toying with things his species was never meant to be part of.

Can one of you find an aids faggot to rape this nigger?

Is this an actual SNL weekend update joke nowadays? Long way from Norm Macdonald.

hurting people is the sign of a true alpha male you fucking cuck. I do it for fun. Only pussy "muh feels" liberakls dont enjoy hurting others.

i think we can seperate successful crimes from non successful if it is:
-has co-operation

the more violent crimes would most likely be crimes of impulse, lacking these aspects, and to be honest, people of color will act upon feelings more than cognition. To keep yourself ignorant of biology and your own social patterns, and for everyone else to ignore it is ignorance at it's highest level. We all are to be accountable for our impulses, desires, and anger.

>everyone thinks it's time to get rid of the second amendment because current year
Then pass an amendment to the Constitution to get rid of it instead of complaining about it. It wouldn't be the first time we did it

> Niggers
> people
