Chuck Norris once thew a grenade and killed 50 people

Chuck Norris once thew a grenade and killed 50 people

then it exploded

Other urls found in this thread:

Chuck Norris once visited the Virgin Islands
Once he left it was no longer Virgin called

Jesus could walk on water.
Chuck Norris can swim on land.

This thread feels like home



Chuck Norris does not sleep

he waits

>not Westfall chat

Chuck Norris once owned a Fuck & Suck convenience store.
It now belongs to Sneed.

Chuck Norris once fucked some guy's ass. Because he's a half-retarded republican

awww are you upset, sweetie? wittle honey bunny got his booty blistered? so precious

Chuck Norris can swallow semen and shit out a baby

Get off the internet and go back to runescape grandpa

>8 posts before someone brings up politics in a Chuck Norris jokes thread

Umm sweetie no, oh honey you silly booboo

>a meme has become so mainstream and old that it has done a full loop and gone back to being used by the hipsters on this site

Westfall chat was nothing but Brotherhood jokes and HUH. They also tried turning the Scout into a Mankirk's wife joke but that never caught on

You can be talking about a subject like yellow carpets and there will be always some sort of subhuman like that.

deepest lore

It didn't become mainstream, it's been mainstream for about 10 years. Probably not what you meant but could have worded it better

Don't ever reply to me again.

Chuck Norris is so strong he can get fisted up the ass without coming for a good 5 minutes

chuck norris is 5' 8

I heard Chuck Norris can do backflips under his bed

He has trouble filling out online forms, because he never submits

Who the fuck is Chuck Norris?

Why do people get triggered when ancient memes are dug up? It's funny in an eternally recurrent sort of way.

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I too remember when internet humor did not need to be steeped in cynicism

>being used by the hipsters

What did you just say?

I remember a time when everything was not ironic and edgy.

wow how'd you do that??? Lemme try

▲ ▲

I confirm this.

I still remember that episode when he got shot, then he fell from the slope inside the ice cold river

It was different time when I still had hope, much simple time