
Trump has repeatedly said he wants to get rid of Dodd-Frank.

Clinton's policies regarding the regulation of financial institutions would instead build upon positive reforms like the Dodd-Frank legislation that President Obama signed into law. She would, for example, try to close loopholes like the one in the Volcker Rule that allows banks to gamble billions in trading bets through hedge funds. By closing this loophole in the Volcker Rule she'd strengthen the law and reduce the chance for a future financial crisis.

Hillary also pledged to spend $275 billion on a infrastructure plan that would generate millions of jobs and modernize US infrastructure ensuring competitiveness in a global interconnected 21st century economy

She's a fighter

>Arkansas education reform of 1983
>CHIP providing healthcare to 8 million children
>Provide full health benefits to the National Guard
>Lay out the plan for sanctions on Iran that led to the P5+1 negotiations and the eventual Iran deal
>Help restore America's soft power prestige overseas after the Bush years
>Implemented the Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review which reviews the State department ever four years to allow for institutional reforms
>Pushed for the raid on bin Laden (while Trump was concerned with some birth certificate)
>Was instrumental at resolving some hang-ups during the negotiations for the Zurich Protocols (normalizing ties between Turkey and Armenia, that's called breaking down walls instead of building them)


More evidence that Germanics are the worst group of whites, she's the most corrupt politician in the world today


Not really

Trump was proven to be more corrupt than Hillary, you are just not hearing about it because you are in an echo chamber of a mostly pro-trump board

if that were true the (((media))) would have used that months ago
At least you tried to Correct the Record.

trump = recession

I literally gave you a large variety of source to prove my claims.

The media could have been MUCH MUCH MORE anti-trump than what they are right now if they would reveal his extensive criminal past.

>The media could have been MUCH MUCH MORE anti-trump than what they are right now

So why aren't they? Answer: because none of that bullshit you're spouting is true.

t. Achmed
t. Schlomo Shekelberg

> WaPo

Nice """"""""""""""$0urces""""""""""""""""""

Only Huffington Post revealed some of his criminal past.

It's just that the rest of the media are either very moderately biased against trump, or pro-trump (fox news).

Also CNN literally gave trump free propaganda in the past week or so, so really, stop complaining

Were you conditioned to only view sources that don't expose trump's flaws?

Because it looks like you are.

>It's just that the rest of the media are either very moderately biased against trump, or pro-trump (fox news).

I wonder whether you're just a piss-poor troll or legitimately schizophrenic.

>pro Trump

Who is Megyn Kelly and who does she work for, (((Mason)))?

I merely say things the way they are.

In fact, trump's growth is directly related to the media covering his campaign, without the media he wouldn't get so far in the first place, so its hypocritical of him to complain about them so much

>civil suits are the same as criminal case

keep 'em coming

>Hillary also pledged to spend $275 billion on a infrastructure plan that would generate millions of jobs and modernize US infrastructure ensuring competitiveness in a global interconnected 21st century economy

Yeah, guess which Nigger-In-Chief also promised this, and did jack shit?

Fuck off, CTR shills, some of us weren't born yesterday and remember all the wonderful "promises" made by Bill Clinton and Obama that never came to be. So, please slit wrists vertically to ensure success, your type is walking human cancer.

trusting Hillary to get tough on banks.....oh, please....I'm peeing myself

and Israel clown poster.....why do Dem leaders have muslim pets?...Obama/Jarrett and Clinton/Abeden? You must be a fool

You fuck off, trump shill. this is a pro-hillary thread.

>Trump was proven to be more corrupt than Hillary

Please gas/oven yourself, fucking shill jew cunt.

I literally provided you a picture with multiple sources of cases where he was found guilty for corruption.

My sides are nonexistent now

I've seen more pro trump articles there than anti-trump

Your sources prove nothing

You fail to understand the US court system and what a civil suit is

Well then you're blind or unable to read English

Or maybe you are the one who is failing to see the obvious glaring flaws of trump

This whole thread is trolling.
There are only 3 types of voters in US:
> Pro Trump
> Anti Trump
> Anti Hillary

Pro Hillary voters are a complete myth

Roger Ailes is working for Trump now