I am a Turk living in Germany and I love this country :3

I am a Turk living in Germany and I love this country :3

Attached: 20130321_german-turks-with-flag_LARGE.jpg (654x420, 241K)

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You must be one in a million, I know a few Turkish Germans and they see themselves as 100 per cent Turkish, laugh at Germans. no joke

That's great dude, I'm glad you're enjoying your time there.

not judging btw

1 dürum mit hähnchen und scharf bitte

Kein Kalb bitte. Schmeckt echt zum kotzen.

I know what you mean, it is a problem within all non european migrants. It has gotten better though imo. (except Arabs)

Ich kann dir was anderes bieten, was genauso saftig und lang ist. :)

>kein kalb

Was zum Fick?

>Ich kann dir was anderes bieten, was genauso saftig und lang ist.
Versteh ich nicht. Erklär mal bitte.

1 hähnchen döner ohne eisberg ohne zwiebeln

No, you don't, you don't love Germany because Germany is not Germany, it is a sham of a country, a sick joke, a shell of what it was and what it was supposed to be.

Just imagine the UK without England, France without Paris or Spain without Castile, this is what Germany is without Prussia. This is what Germany is after the allied powers turned it into a bad joke of a rootless country-for-everybody cosmopolitan a la American style shitshow that is dragging itself and the entirety of Europe into the abyss.

Germany is killed, you have a cosmopolitan hub instead, like a psycho who dresses the peeled skin of its victims, that's what German culture is to modern Germany, of course you feel like in home, you moved from your country to a neutral, sterilized region that doesn't threaten your identity because it has none of its own.


Attached: prussia-pro-57e4bd43d51b3.png (457x450, 154K)

Aber Döner Fleisch ist in kleine Lappen geschnitten und nicht lang :DDDD

1 dönerbox mit mayo + 1 uludag bitte


Attached: d90.png (644x800, 15K)

>Turks are lazy!!
>All post pretend he's working at a kebab shop

Le Ronny logic

this nigga waving the flag like its some fucking symphony to be HONEST

3 hähnchen döner zum mitnehmen ohne salat ohne zwiebel mehmet danke

What did Osmanli Karamandanoglügügliou mean by that?

what is this thread implying?

Attached: gerbal.jpg (438x425, 46K)

Wusste nicht, dass die Deutschen hier so sehr Döner mögen. :8 Bin nur ein Student

was studierst du denn so?

Kebabwissenschaft :3

Hünchendöner? Herst du Piefkengeburt i speib mi glei an du Sauhund. Kalb oder Schleich di.

Germanistische Linguistik

Also Germanistik? Magst leicht bleiben? Fänd nix lustigeres als wenn Almans von einem Türken in der Rechtschreibung korrigiert werden :DD

ja mach einen scharf bitte und markier bitte mit edding auf alufolie

toll, so Kebab ist typische Studentdiät in ganz Europa. Wie viel kostet Kebab in Deutschland?
In Polen es ist 12 PLN (~ 3 EUR)

Attached: duzy-kebab-na-cienkim.jpg (550x413, 37K)

4-4,5 eur

(War nur ein Scherz von mir :d Studiere Pharmazie)
Habe aber tatsächlich oft Deutsche korrigiert. :3

In Berlin it is 3.00-3.50 euro, in Munih and Schleswig Holstein you have to pay more than that like 4.00-4.50 euro.

are you muslamic?

Are you fat?

Attached: fat-america.jpg (261x320, 31K)


are you muslim

I am not religious 2bh

Im a turk, too and im here since 2009.
Back then nobody gave a shit, Sup Forums was a mistake.

>Back then nobody gave a shit

Attached: 1505087886410.jpg (540x540, 20K)

Turks tend to make other countries shitty

honestly no. Before Cambridge Analytics messing with everything and using Gamergate for profit, the last time Neonazism was a Problem was back in 1993.

It was improved in your country. :-D

Why do Turks always write :D or some variation?

you are Muslim shit

this is bait, right

because all Germans do

No Francisco, you are not a crusader.
No Francisco, you are not the “defender of EVROPA”
No Francisco, you do not have “moor killer blood”.

No CHI you are not Mexican

Biste auch ein Türke in Österreich? Kann ich dich mal besuchen kommen :3

>Turks tend to make other countries shitty
They're usually fine in most countries, but whenever they're accused of anything they always try to deflect it on arabs. It's pretty strange.

But I only see Turks do it
I've never seen any Turk do such a thing. Stop lying. Why are Arabs like this?

>Neonazism was a Problem
It never was, tbqh.
Compared to all the crime it is pretty much non existent.

>Cambridge Analytics messing with everything and using Gamergate for profit
le redpill me on this

>Cambridge Analytics

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You deserve to fucking die. Seriously.

We all die eventually

I am an Albanian living in United States and I love this country :3

And I am a brown skinned Muslim with a white german heritage gf :)

I'm an Austrian living in Austria and I'd rather be in a place without enrichment.

But in another place I'd be the enrichment.

Not sure what to do.

Attached: 1505818384922.jpg (3072x2304, 934K)

An Randgebieten vielleicht?

Go to a place where they love white people like Australia or something

white people hate other white people.

Go to south america, they worship white people there.

Ja stimmt schon. Andererseits ist es sehr schwer dort nen Job zu finden.
Australia is a Leb and Chinese country now.
Does "worship" mean they'll ritually murder me and grind my organs into voodoo medicine?

but turkey and middle easter don't love whites?

Australia is like 77% white, still
