Here's an incredibly hard redpill for Sup Forums to swallow:

Here's an incredibly hard redpill for Sup Forums to swallow:

You are reactionaries, no different from the Luddites in the past that resisted industrial revolution, or the reactionaries that resisted democratization of Europe. You are a dying breed, and on the wrong side of history, for one reason alone - globalism and the annihilation of national boundaries is the only way for us to transition to a space-faring society. The tribalistic mentality of the past will not last, future generations will look back on it as a curiosity, much as we look back on ancient civilizations. Tell me, who weeps for the Hittites? Who truly laments the fall of Egypt's kemitic rulers? French, German, American, Japanese; these will soon enough become descriptors of people who lived millennia in the past.

Sure, blacks are on average less intelligent, and more aggressive than other races. And yes, Jews tend to be very close-knit and shun the goyim. None of this matters, as globalism is an unstoppable phenomenon, much as monotheism was in the 4th century, and industrialization was in the 19th. Because the reality of the matter is that there will be no Western genocides, there will be no end to consumerism, no end to race mixing and no end to the destruction of national identity. Because if we want any hope of getting off this rock, we must be a united race.

History will look back on people like Soros as the heroes, for speeding up a phenomenon that was inevitable in any case. You Luddites, you reactionaries will resist - perhaps even cause minor rebellions - but it's futile. The most powerful states and people around the world have already set a course for globalization, and even if they hadn't, the nature of the increasingly globalized economy, and mankind's infinite appetite for materialism guarantee a transitioning towards a globalized system.

It's a bitter pill to swallow. I, myself, even have a tough time coming to terms with the fact that my race will go extinct - or rather, be melded with other races into a mixed-race humanity. I have trouble admitting my nationality will perish, perhaps not for hundreds of years, but eventually. I have trouble accepting that globalism is already too entrenched to change, especially with things like the TPP and TTIP, but it's a fact that globalism cannot be reversed - any states that resist it will perish, like those that resisted industrialization.

I don't want my race to die, but I recognize that the only way for our species to persevere in a cold and unforgiving universe is to unite - even if that means breeding with the lesser races.

The good news? Islam will perish, gone the way of Christianity, it'll have its teeth ripped out and then lose adherents altogether. Social justice idealism will perish, neoconservatism will perish, and other ideologies I'm sure many of you have come to despise; they'll all be swept up by the sands of time.

Come now, Sup Forums, you know what's I'm saying to be true. The battle for tribalism is already lost, as is the battle for white supremacy - the defeat of fascism saw to that.

So, the most difficult redpill of all to swallow? Globalism is inevitable. Race mixing is inevitable. A united humanity is the only path forward for our species - and to resist it, when the forces of change are already in full gear, is futile. Will you swallow this pill, Sup Forums? Or will you slink away into the comforting shadows of tribalism and racial supremacy?

>huge paragraphs
Nothing to see here guys

Did you even attempt to read them? I realize that reading is difficult if one has had an American education, but if I merely wanted to shitpost, I wouldn't have typed all this out on my phone

Dubs of truth? Maybe.
Globalism is inevitable . This I agree. Racemixing on the other hand is a forced thing. If you don't let thing run their natural course you end up messing things up badly, e.g. diseases, social and cultural differences

a fucking leaf

>literally has no idea that these people think they own the planet and don't want to share it with 90% of us
>they write books talking about culling most of the human population when they get control
>he really thinks it's going ot be some star trek future if globalist bankers take over the world through fraud

>its another leaf posting episode

this triggered me. its to early to be triggered

Waring nations brought us the biggest advances to society the world has seen.

Once nations are gone and no one has a will to compete society will halt.

-sincerely, someone who knows history.

First i would say that "wrong side of history" it's a falacy, that phrase is being used to disclaim those who doesn't follow the mainstream narrative.

But the difference with being against democracy, which's just a political ideology this globalism is not happening "naturally" is not a big group traying to be more than slave workers it's being pushed by a minor elite who doesn't give a fuck about anything but power and controll.

The future should be a world of nations with big differences between them, just like nature and different habitats, in that case, the diversity is good.

One goverment and one race is just evil and if you think this is somewhat good, or "inevitable" you're or a dumb or a merchant.

Fucking leaf.

All your memes tell me is that you haven't the intellectual capacity to consider and respond to anything I wrote

I think it's an unfortunate side-effect of globalism. Differences in race will always serve to divide people, and so will be (mostly) eliminated in a united human society.

I'm not talking about the bankers and the oligarchs, they'll all die in time. I'm talking about the macro forces of change that shape human civilization.

Why would you think only nations create competition? Competition existed before the concept of nationalism, competition exists within ethnically homogenous modern nation. It seems your understanding of history is lacking

That's nice and all but these people want us dead so they can reform boundaries of their own. The people are stopping them

War will never cease to exist. Men are absolutely violent by nature. It is in our blood, the world has, and will always be, played by the rules of 'might is right'. War has always been popular within our species, and will continue to be. Without war, there is no progression.

>The future should be a world of nations with big differences between them, just like nature and different habitats, in that case, the diversity is good.
Redpilling at its finest.
We need you to wake up Americans and stop this globalist nonsense.

lmao looks like we have a prophet here boys.

this is the most blue pilled bullshit ive ever read. the future is not decided. nationalism is on the rise in every western nation for the first time since the end of ww2. globalism is literally the most unnatural concept possible to humanity, it is a system based on subjugation and deception. it is doomed to fail.

>First i would say that "wrong side of history" it's a falacy, that phrase is being used to disclaim those who doesn't follow the mainstream narrative.

Well, the common usage of it is stupid, I'd agree, and it was perhaps unwise for me to associate my serious post with it. By "wrong side of history" I liken it to those who opposed the industrial revolution. They had valid reasons to oppose it, but it was inevitable.

>But the difference with being against democracy, which's just a political ideology this globalism is not happening "naturally" is not a big group traying to be more than slave workers it's being pushed by a minor elite who doesn't give a fuck about anything but power and controll.

That's where you're wrong. Globalism is not happening in a vacuum, or because of a select few individuals - it's happening because humanity demands access to commodities and experiences which only a globally-linked economy can fulfill.

>The future should be a world of nations with big differences between them, just like nature and different habitats, in that case, the diversity is good.

And then we would never escape this planet.

>One goverment and one race is just evil and if you think this is somewhat good, or "inevitable" you're or a dumb or a merchant.

The first step is global currency. The next step is a loose political union, and then an actual, albeit decentralized, political union. This is completely inevitable, just as state formation was in Europe and the rest of the world.

No U

Alright, here we go.

Appeal to novelty! Band wagon! False cause! Strawman! Begging the question! Composition fallacy! Appeal to authority! Genetic fallacy!

What do you mean, "the people are stopping them"? If the people truly wished to stop them, they'd stop buying consumer goods. They'd stop using fiat currency. They'd stop using the Internet. I don't see any of this happening, do you?

Of course it will, but it will transition into a war against nature, a war against the universe - to strive and conquer and leave our mark.

And mother fucking kettle logic!

>And then we would never escape this planet.
but we already have lmao recked.

figures its a canadian making these posts. canada may be the only western nation without a nationalist movement.

ye cause when globalists have their dream of a one world government their top priority will be space travel. mmhmm

I think history will mostly look back on Soros as a famous investor and currency speculator who had a lot of antisemitic conspiracy theorists making up nonsense about him

>a fucking leaf
The future will either be ruled by asia or a new cold war between russia + the west vs asia

All tribes throughout history have coalesced into larger states. This pattern will not cease suddenly in the modern day

>nationalism is on the rise all over the West

True, and yet it's not enough. Unless these nations unlink themselves from the global economy and return to self-sufficience, globalism is assured. Can't you understand that? The people are bringing this on, if you truly hated globalism and wished to defeat it, you would not buy a single thing made offshore.

Here's a harder redpill (for you at least) to take down. You need to realize that we are animals, we need to be comfortable to welcome change. Is anyone comfortable, the black single mom, the broke white guy trying to take care of a family, the Mexican living 12 to a house? Are they comfortable?

The fact that you think any type of "globalization" or forced idea of "we're all the same" is going to be able to pass anyone's pallets without violent rejection... you need to think twice. People are starving, the middle class is shrinking, and the rich are only getting richer. When you realize that globalization is a euphemism for work harder, then you might understand our movement. Those who aren't very top of the pyramid, are cleaning our guns in some sort of way. Everyone, black, white, yellow, brown, and all the colors in between ARE FED UP. The change you calling for is never going to come in the way you expect. Only when we all have a common enemy will we come together, the enemy is starting to become clear and clear, then once "they" are out of the way maybe we can get some shit done. Paradoxically, you're the Luddite.


>american flag
Nice proxy, chicom. The US will remain dominant for decades.

>Differences in race will always serve to divide people, and so will be (mostly) eliminated in a united human society

not likely. just like in history, new races will emerge, new differences caused by relative geographic isolation. In an interconnected world globalism might be inevitable, but I don't think it will look like what you think it will. The problem is trying to force it will lead to nothing but totalitarianism. The other anons are right though, soros and his ilk don't give a flying fuck about the well being of humanity. They crave power and slaves

Want to associate those fallacies with specific bits of my argument, so I can respond?

t. Merkel

>And then we would never escape this planet.
In a global government, we would never escape the government in the first place. What makes you think we would escape earth? Oh wait, too much Star Trek, right?
Second, all relevant progress in the space race was caused by competition in a multipolar world. Nowadays, with cooperation, we only have science fiction fantasies. Globalism destroys innovation.

Oh look, this pasta again.

>You are reactionaries
I don't feel offended OP

Nevertheless SAGE for /qst/ content, don't let your board die leaf

trade between nations does not have to equate to a one world government though. there has been trade between different nations since the beginning of recorded history.

this is it right here OP

You are fucking retarded.

Competition among nations is what brought us the greatest technological advances.

The cold war put us on the moon. Have we been back or strived for something greater since?

Go suck off a dog you fruit cake.

Your lofty dreams will collapse in your face. TTIP has failed already. TPP is next on the block. When those are gone they will try again, but people are waking up to who they are.

It is more likely that a second holocaust will happen than for globalization to be successful.

>That's where you're wrong. Globalism is not happening in a vacuum, or because of a select few individuals - it's happening because humanity demands access to commodities and experiences which only a globally-linked economy can fulfill.

What is the silk road? This has always been and it doesn't mean nations have to dissolve

> You are a dying breed, and on the wrong side of history, for one reason alone - globalism and the annihilation of national boundaries is the only way for us to transition to a space-faring society.

Actually, thats probably a huge miscalculation anyone who believes that is making.
No national boundries? Globalism? Good luck being a space faring society when most of your now not divided by national boundries society doesn't give a shit about going to space because it literally lives in shit and wants your $$$ to be used for gibs to them rather than silly first worlder stuff. Space programs? Sure, after all the social programs miraculously make all the people act and be rich like first worlders.
Oh, wait, that will never happen. You are stuck with social programs then, no space faring society for you.
The globalist project will go into stagnation, someone will break off, and it will end up in world war 3. Maybye a space faring society will emerge from the ashes some decades or centuries later.

>globalism and the annihilation of national boundaries is the only way for us to transition to a space-faring society.

And yet globalism is literally the only thing holding us back. Instead of funding NASA we're funding welfare and unending wars in the Middle East.

>it's a bitter pill to swallow

Remember this phrase for the next time this Eskimo faggot makes this stupid thread

Saged like the trash it is

>globalism is the only way to transform into a space faring society

competition between the US and USSR was the #1 biggest driver in space flight development.

if the US equalizes in prosperity and culture through globalization with the 3rd world expect to see a space program similar to Kenya's.

Ok, let's say all of what you are saying is true.
Who cares?
I read that the universe is getting cooler by the second as it expands into the infinite. Even if you """""get off this rock""""" and reach the limit of the universe... It's not worth it in the end.
who the fuck cares?

>there will be no end to consumerism
what a fucking moron. dont talk about "consumerism" as if it was bad. most jobs involve industries we dont need to survive but need for people to be employed

that hippie shit isnt going to work without communism and communism hasnt worked out very well for many. the companies will fight back and they got all the money. did you know big banks at any 1 point in time may be handling trillions of dollars. there are not even 20 trillion american dollars in money globally (all currencies converted to 1 type aka M0)

what do you have to fund this war against the established economic system? a few thousand in the bank? if you try to fight them they will erase wealth. they have a gun to your head and your talking shit

Are you implying that living conditions in the West aren't the best Humanity's ever had? It'll be a very slow process, don't get me wrong about that. 300 years at the earliest, probably more like a millennia. But it will happen. As people grow more and more comfortable, as they grow more and more sated by consumerism, they leave the ideals of national spirit and us-against-them behind. Western civilization is the perfect example of this.

This is true, I can't be sure what it'll look like. I just know that economic forces are propelling us towards global interconnectedness.

You're implying advances in technology won't make it easier to explore space?

Also, SpaceX would seem to prove you wrong on the point that there's no more innovation in the realm of space exploration

Praise Kek, let's get those rockets back up and running.

Of monotheism is unstoppable, why are there a billion plus Hindu who don't go along with it.

>globalist bankers take over the world through fraud and create a giant sex slave orgy like the wolf of wall street

Yeah this whole space utopia only happens if the government serves the people.

The elite just want to rule over slaves and be degenerates.

>first 3 sentences
>3 buzzwords

are you trying to leaf me again?

oh look another bland canadian thread


This is completely OC, friend.

Not to this extent. Economies have never been as interconnected as they are now.

>he cold war put us on the moon. Have we been back or strived for something greater since?

We just landed a probe on a moving asteroid, and are on track to have a person on Mars in a decade, you mongoloid





Nations can trade without globalism

Globalism is when trade companies control nations

Oh Goddammit, not like that.

>From this day forward, I pledge my loyalty and allegiance to Canada and Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada.

What did you mean by this?

>le linear progress meme

I'm implying that the "rungs of the societal ladder" are slowing being removed while people are becoming more and more connected. Satiation will come only after a major disaster (nuclear war) or a single person purging the world. Other than that, there will be no democratically induced satiation, because democracy revolved around capitalism, at least for any country that matters. They, you, won't be able to legislate any single world society into being. It goes against human nature.

Alexander the great was a globalist, the Romans were globalists, Ghengis Khan, Napolean, Hitler, all wanted a world united under their control. Where are they now?

>we are le progress XDDDD

You merely seem to be proving my point

The elite of today will not be the elite of tomorrow. Think beyond 50, or 100 years, friend.

the only innovative thing about SpaceX is its business model, a private company instead of an agency funded by a government.
TEDx meetings and Powerpoints won't put a man on Mars.

We can save the uniting for when we have face-to-face contact with Aliens. When we are truly ready to confront the unknown.

Until then, any attempt at Globalism is an elite conspiracy to control the population in the form of a One World Government. I know it, you know it, and it's something that cannot succeed no matter what.

thanks a lot LEAF, now the other anons will judge me for being associated with such an autistic

their an elitist clique they decide who gets in and therefore who gets power
also this
>We can save the uniting for when we have face-to-face contact with Aliens. When we are truly ready to confront the unknown


Here's a tougher red-pill to swallow, there is no real reason to explore space and even if there was, we are nowhere near close enough technologically to reach anything significant. That's assuming we ever invent things able to explore distant galaxies.

How about we wait until we have faster than light speed travel capabilities before we start doing your degenerate race mixing kike shit.

You're only scared because no one will follow you. They follow your money.

I have the entire White race behind me, and I offer nothing.

Fear me.

yes indeed my friendly leaf friend, we will be space-faring in just a jiffy if we stop being such luddites and abolish boundaries that were established to stop us mass-killing each other


What a fucking stupid term. Who the fuck doesn't react? Oh right. Dead people.

>I'm not talking about the bankers and the oligarchs

You are though, as these are the creators, financiers and prime power brokers that are pushing globalism.

>One of them was a 9/11 too.

Kek why??

You're right that globalisation will continue but I don't share your optimism. The west is crumbling under it's own debt and the politicians know there is no fix. China might drag us all to space or we might drag them down our debt hole. The rest of the world is getting bleaker with shit like climate change and overpopulation sucking up these resources that could get us to space. Tribalism might not be a long term solution but it's looking pretty nice for the 21st century.

I am predicting that. If you had read my posts, you would understand I do not expect this united future to take place in any short expanse of time. Perhaps a millennia, maybe more.

communist is reactionary
fascism is reactionary
liberalism is reactionary
conservatism is reactionary
all political ideologies are reacting to something

at the current rate things are going if they don't change which means toppling the current globalist system we might not have a centaury

The only humans capable of serious space-faring will be CRISPR enhanced.

The globalists, who already have a leg up as they perch atop the corrupt monetary system, will be the first to afford it.

Do you really think they themselves are free of tribalism now?

Do you really think they will edit their GMO offspring to be magically free of tribalism and see the rest of us, mixed or not, as equal?

Your defeatism isn't working on my JIDF. There are men like me who would rather die than hand this world over to a bunch of fucking niggers. We will rebel, and we will take this entire planet with it rather than watch it become bastardized and pathetic.

Civilizations collapse, and are reborn. The Romans collapsed, and the Romans were no more - but more than a millennium later, there were still those attempting to emulate them

You are actually retarded.

The vast majority of people and societies on this planet are not able to become space-faring societies. Globalization is mixing the few truly successful examples of human society at large with the dregs of humanity and just hoping everything works out in the end (you).

Which is why the globalist societies aren't going to be the spacefaring societies of the future. The societies that are going to globalize themselves out of existence (Europe, the US, (You)) are going to wallow in mediocrity as their demographics change; while the most imperialist and protectionist societies on the planet (China, Japan, Russia) are going to be in a race against one another for the next big space innovation which will allow them to leave the solar system.

Enjoy your globalization. Maybe when they look back on the 'Luddites' like the Chinese and the Russians who resisted the globalists and dominated the space-race; there will be a little footnote at the bottom about how hopeful and tolerant you were before the tolerance police put two in the back of your head.

>oy vey you must give up your identity to the globalist marxist suicide cult so that we can mine asteroids to feed rare earth metals to the automated factories of the super wealthy

what space faring do you imagine will happen, given technological and biological constraints? it will never be like one of your video games user.

Of course it's a fucking leaf.

Let me guess, you're one of those people that believes history is a constant progression?

Listen, you fucking leaf, the white race is the only race smart and bold enough to go into space, and the motivation to do so came from competition from 2 different nations, usa and ussr.

Leaves like you are going to plunge mankind into a new dark age if you dilute the only innovative race, the white race, with nigger blood. All innovation will stop if there is no competition between nations. And that, leaf, is why globalism will fail.

buddy I'm talking about environmental collapse the kind we might not be able to recover from

>globalism and the annihilation of national boundaries is the only way for us to transition to a space-faring society.

fuck off with space there ain't shit up there but deadly garbage we left there anyway,

let's fuck off with space and explore the ocean floor

We can unite the world by eliminating all races but white and perhaps those asians which we deem worthy of being spared our wrath

>mixed-race humanity

all the humans are going to die in the next 15 years

fallacy of historical recurrence

also, this leaf keeps pretending that globalism isn't a system of subjugation, but then uses the example of nations subsuming tribes by the sword as an example of the supposed inevitability of globalism

no, globalism is entirely an artificial construct by greedy, vindictive, and power crazed (((wealthy and powerful people)))

Both ladders of USA's biggest major parties have denounced the Globalist trade deals that have you salivating, though only one of whome means it. But it shows where the power is shifting, Trump even denounces Globalism by name and creed.

Brexit happened. The EU could very well be dismantled in twenty years. Right wing parties and sentiment are rising rapidly across the globe. The Overton window is being stretched and the religion of peace is humiliating its apologists every time they act up.

China has 200 million Roman Catholics, growing at a rate which is a threat to its communist government.

A fucking leaf.

>the CRISPR meme
wow you watch In A Nutshell. what an intellectual
inb4 "no i found out about it on my own"

nah my estimates put the major death toll being in Africa and possibly china india with a good chunk also being possible in a west vs Islam conflict

Leaf etc etc

who wouldn't want to live in crushing uniformity with the odd token manmade flora-bed thrown into the deal?

Actual Based

Now this is true. That could be devastating if we don't tackle it soon

>Because if we want any hope of getting off this rock, we must be a united race.

History clearly proves your entire premise nonsense. Mankind did not conquer space -- White people did.

Best shill shit i have seen a long time, you only get weak minded cucks with this manipulative shitshow, gtfo and suck Soros dick when some blacks are raping your ass leaf

>all tribes throughout history have coalesced into larger states

Yes, but that only occurred through two processes:
>tribes of similar values, cultures, and goals voluntarily came together in pursuit of loftier aims
>a stronger tribe subjugated a weaker one, razed their systems, and forced them and their offspring to assimilate

That is the only way a one world government is coming about, and I'm telling you right now that option A ain't happening.

Nice shit post.