The finale to Metalocalypse: The Army Of The Doomstar's plot has been released

In Brendon's new album the entirety of the plot of Army of the Doomstar is present. Lyrics in it confirm.

Other urls found in this thread:

Some Days Are For Dying - The true Metalocalypse begins as Salacia begins Project Falconback releasing demons unto the earth as Dethklok watches from Mordhaus. Salacia’s Project Falconback uses the literal metals in the galaxy to magnetize it starting a slow destruction.

Nightmare - Murderface has a nightmare as Salacia begins to tempt him to turn on his friends in his dream.

The Ocean Galactic - The band and Offedenson travel to the deep ocean looking for answers. Eventually they meet the sea god which Nathan earlier had a vision of in earlier seasons. The sea god reveals what must be done to stop the Metalocalypse and warns of the prophecy.

The Agenda - Salacia reveals his true intentions to Murderface and along with his prior infection from Doomstar Requiem, Murderface becomes the carrier to converting Mordhaus to Salacia’s army.

My Name Is Murder - Murderface turns against Dethklok and begins infecting the Gears to start attacking Toki, Nathan, Swissgar, Pickles, and Offdenson.

Exitus - Dethklok flees but subdued Murderface and the church of the black kook begins a ritual to return Murderface to his normal state and succeed. Otherwise leaving Mordhaus completely fallen as Salacia’s controlled men occupy it.

Icarus Six Sixty Six - Triton, the intergalactic superhero from Galaktikon I is informed of the situation on the planet earth and is tasked with stopping the impending destruction of Earth’s entire galaxy.

Become The Storm - Dethklok and Triton meet and unite to stop Salacia, combining their power as they begin powering up for the final battle against Salacia.

To Kill A God - Salacia prepares to fight as Dethklok nears his location. He gives a speech to his army of demons as they descend onto the earth, tearing the planet apart.

Could This Be The End - Dethklok fights Salacia using their Doomstar power, though has trouble. Triton presumably destroys Project Falconback stopping the magnetization of the galaxy. The band eventually overcome their problems and choose to sacrifice themselves using the Pentagram of Power to finally kill Salacia, though they survive in a way, becoming something else from their human forms. The demons on earth are destroyed entirely with the pentagram of power, saving the entire earth’s inhabitants.

This would've been awesome to see

Fuck Adult Swim

Rebuilding A Planet - Earth rebuilds after the final battle, Triton departs, and Dethklok watch as they become the true gods of metal.

And so ends the story of Metalocalypse. Though the story of Triton may continue in a Galaktikon III.

You can check out the lyrics online from what's been deciphered. It's been confirmed that this IS Metalocalypse, just by the lyrics alone.

"My name is murder, straight to your face"

"The five choose to sacrifice themself"

tfw no mde world peace

tfw no xavier renegade angel

tfw no aqua teen

tfw no metalocalypse

what even is the point left with adultswim?

I'm trying to find lyrics online, but i'm having trouble. Link?

They haven't been released, perhaps due to adult swim legal concerns. Metalocalypse fan forums have deciphered most of it.

They're not even included with the CD? That's the worst.

I'm guessing Brendon wanted to finish the story the best way he could that wouldn't be lame like a webcomic or script leak. Didnt want to get sued

Fuck Adult Swim for canning Metalocalypse. Let Brendon Small finish his work.

Man I miss this show, the animation was shit, but it was decent and the songs were fucking amazing.

I don't understand how you could ever like metal where 100 percent of the lyrics are incomprehensible? HIORWAHAEN FJADIOFHAWOUI A DAWWWWWWWWWWWW REEEEEEEEEEEE

>the impending destruction of Earth’s entire galaxy.

reading that sentence caused me physical pain, as much as i like Brendan Small's work.

it's entirely a matter of imprints.

if someone sends you a link for a song and you listen to it, most likely you'll think "huh. boring. whatever."

if you first hear that song in the company of friends who are enthusiastic about it, and if you feel you are part of the group, the song acquires more significance. i wasn't much of a metal fan until i worked in a factory with a bunch of guys who were into Dethklok, and we all imagined ourselves as gears being oppressed by management. we bonded over that shit. i love that music now.

as for incomprehensible lyrics - how many opera fans speak italian or german, but they love it?

Rick and Morty, anime, KotH/FG reruns. Too bad those aren't any good.

It just takes me once or twice reading along with the music to start to understand what is being said. Never been an issue for me.

>Watching this for the firs time.

I literally get chills.

>Song about a cult of people worshiping a giant meteor that is coming to destroy the earth so they sacrifice disable people for it.

I don't understand Rammstein at all yet I find them fantastic. Metal where the lyrics are HDGUIOSAHRNFGUI DERRRRRRRRR HERRRRRRRRP AAAAAA FSSSSSY BYYYY YAAAA SYYYYYYYYD fucking suck

Did anyone else like Galaktikon 1 more? I liked the singing in it more than the Nathan Explosion lyrics that make up most of II.

the lyrics/vocals are pretty fucking clear m8 it's not ldoh or wormed or whatnot

>comparing the clear (foreign sure) vocals of opera to the guttural noises of what you're defending

Is fine


yeah, sure, whatever, e di pensiero

The occasional season of The Venture Bros.

Mike Tyson Mysteries


VB s6 coming 2030


Definitely gonna watch!
Don't have time to view the videos now, though.

People who need to understand the lyrics to enjoy music are biggest kind of plebs. If words are so important to you, go read poetry.

You need to think of vocals as just another instrument. The instruments are not just there to prop up the vocals, but rather, the vocals are just one of the pieces that make up the whole. Start listening to vocals as if they are just another instrument and you will start enjoying all different kinds of music more, and music as a whole more.

>I don't understand how you could ever like metal where 100 percent of the lyrics are incomprehensible?
Ask the millions who listen to Despacito first

the art direction was really good though

Nigga S6 is already out. S7 will be out in 2030

ive always really liked brendan small. i even have some of his music including metalocalypse and the album from home movies.

but this show is shit and unfunny

>tfw no mde world peace

Deserved to be cancelled. Switch it out for >tfw no minoriteam

not all metal is like that cuck