/bb/ Big Brother 19

miss me yet?

HOH: xmas
Veto: TBD
Nominations: alex/jason

previously on /bb/

Other urls found in this thread:


>alex throws HoH
>alex volunteers to go on the block
>alex gets evicted sitting next to kevin

cant wait desu senpai

panda is qt


שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל יְהוָה אֱלֹהֵינוּ יְהוָה אֶחָד׃ וְאָהַבְתָּ אֵת יְהוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ בְּכָל־לְבָבְךָ וּבְכָל־נַפְשְׁךָ וּבְכָל־מְאֹדֶךָ׃ וְהָיוּ הַדְּבָרִים הָאֵלֶּה אֲשֶׁר אָנֹכִי מְצַוְּךָ הַיֹּום עַל־לְבָבֶךָ׃ וְשִׁנַּנְתָּם לְבָנֶיךָ וְדִבַּרְתָּ בָּם בְּשִׁבְתְּךָ בְּבֵיתֶךָ וּבְלֶכְתְּךָ בַדֶּרֶךְ וּבְשָׁכְבְּךָ וּבְקוּמֶךָ׃ וּקְשַׁרְתָּם לְאֹות עַל־יָדֶךָ וְהָיוּ לְטֹטָפֹת בֵּין עֵינֶיךָ׃ וּכְתַבְתָּם עַל־מְזוּזֹת בֵּיתֶךָ וּבִשְׁעָרֶיךָ׃


>jason wins the veto and takes alex off

its not going to happen. if they want to break them up they both have to go up so only one of them can have the chance to pull themselves down

watch it be facemorph
no fucking way jason wins that

muhhh dick

Paul talking more shit about Frank, fuckin' fag!

doesnt matter jason and alex are both going up

xmas is not going to nominate kevin

paul will tell xmas to put both of them up and pretend that it was completely her own idea
she will do it

>not going to modify any competitions
>everyone has to use a scooter, something christmas is actually used to by now

So not only did they change one, but they fucking rigged on too? bravo cbs


She didn't throw it everyone got DQ'd.
pandahaters still desperate.

and Alex will blame Jason since he didn't use the veto last week

>Paul still being a faggot over Cody

they all DQ'd on purpose except kevin. or so he claims but pretty sure he did too and is just doing the kevin thing

Jason will go before Alex



Nope. Jason is a bigger target than paul in raven's eyes. That;s enough for him.

Joshmas and Paul already agreed that Jalex are both going up.


>slip n slide becomes a veto comp
>track comp now includes a scooter because xmas
season keeps getting worse
lets see what changes they do for the final hoh

"Jason literally looks like the type of guy who fucks cows. I am sure that his wife isn't real and is just a cow and that he never tried to have sex with me because he's just a cow fucking cunt." -- Alex 5 minutes after nominations.


who the fuck cares if its an insult to past BB players? fuck em

jason will win the veto though

not like it matters its DE and they are both gone next thursday. LITERALLY all you have to look forward too for this week is xmas and paul sucking each other off over their masterplan

unless he wins pov, and hes the only legit comp beast left so he might.

Paul better win this disgrace of a season

the irony is that panda looks like a cow now.

Depending on the comp though. Jason might even use it on Alex depending on if shes a cunt to him and some how guilts him into using it on her for ruining her game.

TFW Paul gets evicted and its Josh and Kevin in Final 2.

bet then again twitter and friends are really going hard at jason for his comments. grodner ill make sure he gets grodner'd

good, fuck jalex.

Jason has been starting to think for himself slightly though. He also has a wife and kids to think about. He will not use it on alex.

yfw Josh and Raven are Final 2

>Fucking up like a dumbass is better than doing it intentionally
Pandafag is an idiot

the only way they survive the DE is if neither of them goes out on the first one

This is what I want. I really stupid final two that goes well with this stupid season. I want Raven to win so bad because of the massive post-season blow back.

He still might use it on her it depends on how the week goes.

Sperg more lol

this show has been scripted completely since season 9

only if he's off the block
he's not Alex-tier stupid

She has misted a lot of people she could do it again.

so you are saying CBS wrote jasons joke about having sex with kevins wife while he makes his daughters watch?

thats pretty cutting edge

Why am I on Jaime Kennedy's "Top Comedian" list?

There is zero chance its happening Panda fag. And Alex has misted nobody. She's been Paul's minion all game.

damn even andy retweeted my tweet lol

She has misted almost everyone this year. She is also living in paul josh and xmas's head from last night.

anyone know what alex gave to matt after his eviction?

a (you)

i guarantee is a cereal meme
glad julie didnt ask

>Thu 9:15 PM BBT Raven: Matthew's going to crush Cody. He was telling me last night in bed he was going to eat Cody alive for what he said to me. About what he said about me not having kids, and it never would've worked out (between him and Raven). It stuck in Matthew's crawl ever since then, so Matthew said he's about to rip him a new a**hole.


Matts a bitch, he ant gona say shit to Cody

Jason talking about all the rodeos he gona have lined up when he comes out. Poor bastard

>Matt sperges out like the little bitch he is
>Cody just ignores him entirely like he does everyone who isn't Jessica
Wow so entertaining. Such quality television

>Thu 9:15 PM BBT Paul tells Cmas that Kevin didnt want to lose that comp to a girl. Calls Kevin a "piece of sh*t". Cmas says wait till its mental.

>Thu 9:15 PM BBT Paul tells Cmas that he threatened Kevin if Kevin didnt drop in first round, Paul would win HOH and put up Kevin so Kevin quit

yes master

That sounds hilarious

i love cody but he ain't fun to watch on feeds. i can't think of a single comfy moment he had in the entire house, with or without jessica

no, Im referring to who gets nommed , the throwing of comps, and shit like that
the heavy handed way production controls the game, whether with DR manipulation or temptations/pandoras box/3 week immunities, etc

do you girls think matt will have to jerk off tonight

I had a comfy moment with him on his last week when he was up with Jason and Alex just shooting the shit

DR manipulations and temptations i agree with 100%, they definitely try to steer the narrative but i dont think they rig comps outright nor do they write any dialogue for them except what they say on the cards and what they want them to say in the DR

and they dont have orders on who to nom. the DR definitely tries to persuade them and ask them about situations that gives them a reason to put a target on who they want to be nominated though

He was comfy at the very start when everyone liked him. That only lasted a few days before the Paul nomination though and then he was ostracized

i want to get Alex pregnant so bad

Can one of the girls itt tell me what that abomination that Julie was wearing tonight is called?

watching Cody drink coffee and banter with the cameramen was the definition of comfy

ole is male. jason is a gay

You are now realizing Cody is just a Caleb whose Amber liked him back.

Reminder that panda has misted everyone this year. She had paul misted but paul remembered that he wants to win 500k. Josh and Xmas were misted hard until paul woke up their low IQ's.


i want to creampie alex

So, who is Paul? What was his greatest gameplay move?

X-mas is looking less muscley and looking hotter than ever.

they casted sheep

Bro his best move was when he told me to be a team player and suck his dick. Core values bro

the harsh reality is that matt leaving helps ravens game

she wont be nearly as annoying without someone to hang all over all day


paul has already brought her into a supposed foursome with him josh and xmas

She is switching her showmance to Jason

agreed her losses are working for me but unfortunately when she gets out she will overcompensate and end up looking like julia vins

meant for


he is just trying to get jury votes, she is getting clipped before kevin if she doesnt win an hoh.. which she wont

if jason and kevin leave, i will be rooting for raven win

what was the hoh and how did kwanzaa win it?

when alex is on the feeds i slow fap while staring at her tits

If you were paul who would you take /bb/. I would take xmas and kevin then evict xmas

I need kevin to go this week, gives cody the best chance at AFP

you don't want to know

ready set woah race

they all intentionally DQ'd and let xmas win

ginamarie gofundme is down

It was a competition in who could suck Paul's dick the hardest. It was close she Almost lost to Paul and Josh


when she spreads her legs I usually instantly nut


You're the weird one not being able to appreciate her beauty.

>paul thinks production will let him ruin the F3 hoh comps

cody winning AFP is a pyrrhic victory

>everybody throws HOH to xmas in first round
>nobody picks an apple
>xmas agrees to put up jason and alex and just lies to them that she might backdoor kevin

Sunday episode will be complete filler again