Ford Yes!

Ford Yes!

Soon senpai, soon

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One step closer to the Jewish Machine Run world order. As more service jobs become mechanized the poor reject class will grow. It will get to the point where Jews will no longer need the goyim. At this point they will kill us.

wonder when they will start killing humans off who aren't needed to work. bet that's why that are trying to disarm us.

it's pretty inevitable tho, no? wait, why can't us goyim just kill the jews first?!?!?




>they still think capitalism won't collapse within their lifetimes

dat filename

Anyone who honestly believes there will ever be """"""""self driving"""""""" cars is an idiot. Stop living in science fiction dream land, no one will ever insure a self driving car nor will they ever be safe.

It pisses me off that companies are willing to throw money away investing in something pointless like this when they could be spending their money on practical things that will add value to the consumer.

Self driving cars will NEVER happen.

>this much delusion

Self-driving cars are an inevitability. Once programmed correctly, they will be much safer. Most people don't want to drive and don't like driving, it's a chore more than anything. They'd rather browse facebook or put on makeup than drive.

Increased automation would be perfect if it coincided with lower birthrates and more people in higher education(like most white countries would trending towards), leaving less "low skill" workers.

But the globalists have to instead flood these countries will poor, uneducated families who have a dozen children per couple.

Ford announced a deal with google a while back about developing self driving cars

Ford is @ $12.55 a share which is retarded cheap and it pays a 4% yield dividend. I think they're good for a long play

Test your reaction times:

This 2 tonne car can also durifto desu.

Anyone who honestly believes there will ever be a """""""flying""""""""" vehicle is an idiot. Stop living in science fiction dream land, no one will ever fly nor will it ever be safe.

It pisses me off that companies are willing to throw money away investing in something pointless like this when they could be spending their money on practical things that will add value to the consumer.

Flying will NEVER happen.


One day you'll be on your way to work, catching a few last minutes of sleep in your comfy autonomous car, then you'll wake, the landscape around you has shifted to a charred and burnt hell scape, over the horizon you see monstrous black plumes emanating from some horrifying black rusted facility, then you'll see the door, and the blinding light behind it, then you'll feel the heat.

The jews will have their final revenge on the goyim

what would replace it?
an utopic comradery, where everybody will be happy and sane?

Soon indeed.

In that top video the SUV gets on their brakes hard suddenly. Even if you can't see the object in the road you'd have to be retarded not to realize there's something in his lane and slow down so you're not right next to him when he has to swerve. I'm actually surprised the Tesla doesn't realize this and slow down. If there were barriers to his side there he'd have wrecked for no reason.

The bottom video is similar in that a little anticipation when you see someone nosing out of their lane to turn would have meant no hard braking when they did.

Not with current energy sources.

As someone with a visual impairment who can't legally drive, I find this interesting yet am skeptical because I don't want to trust my life with technology 100%.

I hope there's a program that could hook me up with one of these for cheap or for free though. It would be great to have my own transportation other than a bike.

I can't wait desu

Fuck your self sucking cars you fucking communist nigger.

They already started by importing millions of muslims who first blow us up, and later themselves, due to some stupid sectarian shit.

>I hope there's a program that could hook me up with one of these for cheap or for free though. It would be great to have my own transportation other than a bike.

It would be great for me not to be forced to buy you and hundreds of thousands of other people a fucking car

wtf what is this thread do u guys hate convienience or something

I will *never* drive a self-driving car. Why the FUCK do I get born into the generation that hates speed and loud engines blowing toxic fumes fucking everywhere?

"""Convenience"""" always comes with trade-offs. With email and computers we got more efficient with work, but now there is more of it and we are expected to take it home.

With the internet came access to more information, but it also allowed degeneracy to spread quicker. The self-driving car will be the same.

Everyone who has driven through Detroit has been forced to stop or swerve by aggressive jaywalkers who pretty much throw themselves in front of your car, possibly for unemployment money, possibly because they lack self-consciousness. BLM has deliberately stopped traffic in several cities. A few are aware of the charming black habit of brutally physically attacking a driver whom the nearby crowd blames for an accident, even if he is black.
Remind me how a self-driving car deals with blacks who will pull the driver out of the car and kill him if they can stop the car by standing in front of it? As far as I know, the only engineer response to this situation is to claim that I am making it up.

Please respond, self-driving car advocates. Red lights are already a terrifying ordeal for white drivers in South Africa so I guess Elon just wants to share the love.


Man Machine composite life forms can't come soon enough. I can't wait to be a grouchy 50 year old man stuck in a robot body.

because you can jerk off in the back seat on your way to work and sue losers for cracking the bumper of your a.i. driven vehicle for "emotional trauma"

it's like they've created a big pot for all the craziest of people to swarm to

Self driving cars are much safer and will be much cheaper to insure due to that fact. "Regular" driving will still exist, but most people will be priced out of the market.

They're not safer. They look safer in the aggregate because of how insurance companies calculate risk. Kindly explain how me stopping your car, pulling you out and killing you is safer than you hitting the gas and either getting away from me or injuring me while escaping.

Or will a self-driving car make the calculation and hit people? How long is that going to last in a country where cops cannot defend themselves without a scandal?

Thumbnail looked like some sick nigger-killing police cruiser.
Instead it is gay

if you're too dumb to foresee this shit happening, you're too dumb to keep around. sorry bucko, bullet for my goyimtime

Trenchant response. Engineers really are entitled to look down upon the educated.