Old guard Neets and scat fetishist 4channers make up vaguely self deriding humor

>Old guard Neets and scat fetishist 4channers make up vaguely self deriding humor
>Reddit turns it into a meme
>Back on Sup Forums impressionable teenagers unironically turn it into a religion

What led to the influx of underage users on Sup Forums? Things weren't as bad in 2011.

Stormfront invaded (no really, look it up). Then gamergate happened.

Bostalakwa chalem us calo bopa en sorreni flagastoff uklim. Lol jest cypa

the "edge"ening
All the nasty disgusting hardcore goodstuff, all the hate got labeled under edgy, in order to stand out you had to be "anti-degenerate"

Suddenly stormfront now lives here because trump

Praise Him.

if I ever find a stormfag in real life I will break his fucking jaw. I hate them more than black people hate niggers. They ruin everying

I don't know, but I'm getting tired of kek shitters in every thread.

>le gud black people

kill yourself faggot retard

This. I was on Stormfront years ago when I was a racist fourteen or so year old, and the inability to take jokes or understand humor except simplistic stereotypes from a perspective of realtough! True! White! masculinity that almost inevitably is unlike their true day to day existence is the stamp of the website and it's base. It's recently reached a tipping point on here where most replies are of that type and I can tell there is no sarcasm or irony involved

Thank you for Correcting The Record

>unironically turn it into a religion
Kek was an Ancient Egyptian god, mate.

have you ever wondered if your mother has ever engaged in butt play? you are now

get fucked summerfag. If you would stop memeing for 5 fucking seconds you might have a rational thought pass through your head

I don't know about that. I put some hard work into trolling here, and I do find that at least two or three responding posters understand irony. The leafs add much to Sup Forums's charm: I've come to respect their subtle wit.

so much projection almost made me cringe

>I was on Stormfront years ago when I was a racist fourteen or so year old
What were you even doing there? When I was 14 I was out enjoying life or posting on MSN. What kind of teenager just happens on stormfront and starts secluding himself there?


excuse me? I would appreciate some respect here sir. As a veteran shitposter I feel I'm entitled to original responses. Cliched troll (yous) are simply not acceptable for a shitposter of my calibler. Can you think of something original please?


>the current year is worse than this other year
summer's over pool's closed pizza boy

>Stormfront invaded

/new/ got shut down because of stormfags, they were always here there was no invasion you newfag cuck



ITS JUST A MEME! lmao :)

/Pol is satire leaf, no one here is serious in their hate. The faggot Alt-right leader Milo confirmed this in interviews, we're just trollish late gen y and gen z individuals 'avin a giggle.


You guys were joking the whole time?!?!?! WTF am I supposed to do with all my dead niggers and jews?!!!!!