Is Norse paganism the manliest religion? It's main theme is being the best, strongest...

Is Norse paganism the manliest religion? It's main theme is being the best, strongest, wisest warrior you can so when Ragnarok comes you can fight along side the gods against the forces of evil.

I mean, their belief is that when you die you join Odin's army in Valhalla and train where you die and revive everyday. If that's not based I don't know what is.

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i prefer the ancient semitic cosmogeny

I prefer my god to be Jewish and always be watching in case I get my feelings hurt and need a shoulder to cry on

>Is Norse paganism the manliest religion?

You've vastly oversimplified the theology, but are heading in the right direction by recognizing the basic values of personal strength and independence in the religion, among others. Definitely something to approach slowly so as to avoid any misconceptions as you tease out clues as to what (and how) the Germanic pagans really thought.

Most "pagans" today are liberal hippies.

>Is Norse paganism the manliest religion?
Sure, if you are 13yr old


If the Norsemen were so tough why didn't their religion survive the arrival of Christianity

>gets destroyed by christcucks



jesus fucking christ
i bet that cunt has never prepared his own meals

Where do I go to read about the Norse faith? There's no 'Bible' variant is there, what is a good place to start? Translated in English too would be necessary for me

what an absurd stretch of a comparative literature exercise

I've just begun looking into this stuff a week ago, but from what I've seen the "Peptic Edda" is a good place. Ordered mine online already

Poetic Edda
Saga of the Volsungs
Njal's Saga

Confucianism is the manliest religion. Based on rational thinking, hard work, and family structure.
It also heavily influenced the Bushido code of the Samurai.

chinky stinky shoo shoo

There is not much. Christians destroyed the culture. Some of it survives in the Poetic Edda, but I was told by that these were written by Christian monks, whom would have a warped view of pagan religions.

Fear not, many of our traditions survive within Christian traditions (such as Christmas/Saturnalia, etc.) There are also the fairy tales and other literature.

You know that you aren't supposed to take Loki's shit talking seriously, right?

At any rate, the idea that some men felt feminized by practicing seithr has little bearing on the allfather himself and the feminine stigma seems to be much more of a simple taboo, as explored in this video:

Pretending to be a Viking is far less manly than just admitting you're a deracinated millennial.

does the actual Norse system of worship still properly exist? Like a full set of holy texts from 1000+ years ago similar to the Bible?
Hell does the full Roman/Greek Theology still exist in a proper codified form?

I'm a big ass white dude. Confucianism is based as fuck though.

The 5 Constants of Confucianism:
Rén (仁, benevolence, humaneness);
Yì (義/义, righteousness or justice);
Lǐ (禮/礼, proper rite);
Zhì (智, knowledge);
Xìn (信, integrity).

There are actual "temples?" Dedicated to it so it has that going for it

Most Sup Forums pagans don't realise this, but mainstream paganism actively encourages degeneracy and has absolutely no support for white nationalism. Folks like Varg are a rarity within the religion.

It's definitely manly, but there have been many hard as fuck religions out there. Warrior clans and hunting societies had to have beliefs that made tough, tough men.

I prefer Germanic/Norse religion but I study it because a.) it is the religion of my ancestors and b.) it holds honor, strength, independence, and duty in high regard.

Also the pantheon is fascinating, especially Odin.

Yeah but without proper knowledge of how the religion worked aren't you just LARPing as a pagan or mythologist or Norse or whatever?

Only cucks follow that diluted form of false paganism

>Making too many white babies with your wives is degeneracy

of course we realize this, but we know that it is not an organized religion and that it is the only option (or some form of neo paganism) to create an imperium from this civilization

Pffft, if the "god" isn't omnipotent, it isn't worth worshiping. For crying out loud, norse mythology predicts the norse gods dying! Utterly worthless.

But you do remember that the strongest,Thor, gets constantly tricked and loses.
Or that Loki turns into a female horse to get fucked and give birth to Sleipnir.

>what is the eternal recurrence

Loki is a trickster
Thor is protector of farmers, Odin is the god of the warriors, aristocrats, elitists

Well that fits in with the whole "god's view us as their kin" thing

Not only are the Norse gods fated to die just as we are, but Odin was given visions of the future and knows perfectly well that Ragnarok will result in death for him and his family. Odin carries on anyway. That is the whole point of the story.

> gets buttfucked
"hurr durr I'm the best trickster"

So? If they aren't omnipotent, why worship them?




And? Mainstream Christianity has the same problems. The point of this thread is trying to get a first blush at Germanic religion to see if it is right for op and others posting.

I don't know why you would say that things have to be codified or given a book of dogma to be proper. That simply wasn't the case for Greco-Roman, Germanic, Celtic, Slavic, Finnish, or what have you variety of Europeans. They practiced a folk-religion. Faith for them branched out from the individual and family to the village, then tribe, and they recognized but did not enforce similarities with related tribes. A modem neopagan needs to come to terms with the basic philosophies of the ancients and follow from there, taking a scholarly, critical look at surviving sources, references, and customs (you'd be surprised at how many there are), until arriving at a workable way of living that is in accord with the age-old philosophy and way of relating with the world that the ancestors would be able to make sense of. Hope this is of interest for you.

Unfortunately this is true.

If there is anyone here who really wants to go back to their heathen roots, the best thing you can do is study your history and read your ancestors literature. These stories and myths are your lost birthright. Don't just jump into rune magic and mystical practice and ritual right off the bat. You will learn that stuff in time.

Read your Jung too. It will help you understand.

Hail Odin. He will find you and guide your path.

Thor isn't what hes made out to be in western media. He is a symbol of strength, but hes also a damned fool and utter man child.

Nothing is as romaticized as media makes it out to be.

Respecting the tradition. No one worships them as real beings. Virtually everything written about them are random folk stories, old school fan fiction. A lot of it is very new in fact.
If you wanted an Orthodox view you'd stick to The Words of the High One, Odin's wisdom given to man. It is guidance on how to live. As a man.

The old gods personify the best qualities of humanity.

Any truly omnipotent god, given the nature of our world, would have to be evil.

Havamal is the orginal 'based'

bradze Obin xDD

>having mass orgies outside is the same as reproducing healthily to create a family

>skinny bitch gets crucified

hurr durr I am stronk

one worships Fate, and the gods are a part of Fate

Some of us actually were vikings, whereas no niggers were pharaohs. Why is bad to want to be great instead of accepting the utter depravity of modernity

To shorten the story, Loki's schemes had gotten him into so much trouble that he was willing to do anything to get out of being killed horribly. Moral: if you act like a dishonorable, mischievous little trickster (loki is responsible for a lot of problems--but also some solutions and boons to the gods and men), don't be surprised if you get fucked in the end.

I know we wuz vikangz. I just think those were funny and I don't get a chance to post those spurdos that much.


Too much magic, mystery, wizardry, cultism, superstition, silly childish bullshit that doesnt work....
Stoicism just makes much more sense to me. It's the manliest philosophy that made Rome great, decline started after they shut Stoicism down and started turning the other cheek.

Paganism doesn't really require worshiping gods though.

If you follow the code you still get the payout. That's why it fell to Christianity so easily, you could convert and still go to Valhalla as long as you followed the rulebook

Theme :

>paganism is the manliest religion?

people like op are not the outliers, they are pretty common. Except from /m/:
>Listen to me OP.
>The last thing you need to worry about is the science, most people including /m/ are not interested in it. I saw a post where only robot fights and cute girls make a show interesting. You said you have most of the characters done, and I would advice strongly to having characters /m/ would relate to like emos/goths. Going back to the robots, make sure you put emphasis in their design. And remember, if you can't explain it, add an obscure element in the series; it's the reason Evangelion is the best anime. If your story takes place around our times, make sure you put Trump in it. Maybe Texas breaks away because the kikes from the whole world cheated him from the election, make sure Trump becomes an important part of the main pilot's life. The main character needs to be a red pilled white.
>Now, after you've done all that, you need to end everything in a nostalgic way. Maybe the main character marries a girl and becomes a president. An example would be he marries Trump's redpilled daughter and becomes part of the American-European monarchy. People like happy endings, life is simple.

Wait, are you saying a Christian can got Valhalla there soon? Wut?

What is this code you speak of?

>the manliest religion

How old are you? Somewhere between 19 and 24 holy shit kid

What do you guys think of this book?

Anyone here read it?

The Norse faith doesn't require belief in the gods to get into Valhalla.

Damn DeTyrone, are you illiterate? Having troubles reading?

What are requirements?

How many of the "neopagans" on Sup Forums even have one wife?

>to see if it is right for op and others posting
>right for

That's what leftists say. The true right-wing position is not to add "for" or any other dilution on "right"; THE truth.

>I don't know why you would say that things have to be codified or given a book of dogma to be proper.

Without it, the majority of neopagans who are regular old non-racist pseudo-fedora degenerates are no less "right" than the people who think their modern mishmash ideology covered with insincere mysticism is "right". In all honesty, both are certainly doing it wrong, because it is not the organic development of the superstitions and legends of a self-contained, living nation.

>has to be "evil"
>"evil" is "evil" even if it's what everything, including "good" springs from


Weeaboos are more in touch with reality.

Have to look into this. If true then I can start going to church to find my virgin non degenerate wifey

burrs are always of interest

I guess my issue is whether or not these are primary sources, if they are then I guess I'm wrong here, but without actual accounts that didn't go through a Christian monastery filter or any other revision by people later in time how do you know you're actually following their real philosophy and not one that was attached to them falsely? I get that its largely folk stuff that may not have been properly compiled during its time, but how can anyone ever know what's real and what's fake, or even from a completely different pagan religion.


Oh and I suppose christfaggery is?

>literally a Jewish cuck story

>paganism is the manliest religion?

people like op are not the outliers, they are pretty common. Except from /m/:
>Listen to me OP.
>The last thing you need to worry about is the science, most people including /m/ are not interested in it. I saw a post where only robot fights and cute girls make a show interesting. You said you have most of the characters done, and I would advice strongly to having characters /m/ would relate to like emos/goths. Going back to the robots, make sure you put emphasis in their design. And remember, if you can't explain it, add an obscure element in the series; it's the reason Evangelion is the best anime. If your story takes place around our times, make sure you put Trump in it. Maybe Texas breaks away because the kikes from the whole world cheated him from the election, make sure Trump becomes an important part of the main pilot's life. The main character needs to be a red pilled white.
>Now, after you've done all that, you need to end everything in a nostalgic way. Maybe the main character marries a girl and becomes a president. An example would be he marries Trump's redpilled daughter and becomes part of the American-European monarchy. People like happy endings, life is simple.

unsure my post went through

Nords were savage illiterate snowniggers

Not really sure where he's getting that from. Pagan European religion was fairly loose with incorporating different images or conceptions of the divinities, which made it easy to absorb different myth that fit the worldview into one's personal spirituality. They usually told the Germanic pagans that Jesus was a spear-toting warrior who overcame death because of incredible inner strength.

Die in battle heroically. Literally that's it. The gods want the greatest of warriors for the final battle. Otherwise you were pretty much in Hel.

I can't get over the lack of passion and fire that Stoicism demands. I want to be consumed with desire to accomplish great deeds that will give me a place in Valhalla. I'd rather be Achilles than Marcus Aurelius.

> supporting kiddy diddlers
Nazi or gtfo

He's saying that Christianity changed the rules to where you can earn 'Valhalla' (Heaven) by faith alone rather than deeds.

>be a pagan for 100 or 200 years
>completely isolate yourself
>start pissing yourself when you see lighting, start worshiping inanimate stone objects, and dont make it past 60 because you cant come to conclusion that germs are a thing because of your """culture"""
>get nuked from outer space

Dont wanna sound like nerd but science is clearly the best thing in life.
I dont want if God exists, but for some reason whether he exists or not, he rewards scientific peoples the most.

Fuck off muhammed you can't even speak proper English.


You do realize early Christianity was more hardcore anti-Jewish than paganism ever was right? The church back in the day called the Jews Christ killers. Martin Luther basically said they should be worked like slaves and have their synagogues burned. Christianity only started warming up to Jews after World War 2 when churches bought the Holocaust story hook line and sinker and even then many Christians still consider the Jews murderers.

>Christianity only started warming up to Jews after World War 2


No more than your average Christian peasant.
And look at us now. We don't savagely defend our people or lands, and we're walked all over by people who only understand force.

Half of the WORTHY dead supposedly go to Valhalla with Odin, though Freya gets the first pick.

There were many ideas about the afterlife in Germanic religion and there are many ways to interpret the stories. The general point is that if you strive toward virtue and excellence in this life, the afterlife will take care of itself one way or another.

This is a good lecture series, but skip to 29:40 of this link for a section I think appropriate for this post.



Regardless faith in the gods isn't required for access to Valhalla. I would imagine really if the Norse myths are true you would easily see many Christian warriors in Valhalla who fought in things like the Crusades sitting side by side with the vikings and shit.

Christianity is literally the mix of Non-degeneracy and paganism, not sure why anyone would feel the need to convert

Because why would you want to worship a jew and read stories of ancient jewish people?

It's pretty cucked up.

The universe rewards science and engineering oriented people the most. If the universe has a deity, it should be worshiped trough mathematics, science, engineering and technology.

Cult of the Machine is the only true cult.
Path of the tech priest is the only true path.
Lingua Technica is the official language, but binary and other machine languages are also popular.

You realize there's more to the story of Christianity than just the Bible right?


Kali is the most red pilled diety. Look at this magnificent blue bastard.

What's your point?

Gimme dat sweet sweet Jera

The Old Testament is the story of the ancient Israelites. The New Testament is how they lose their special status with God, how Jesus blows them out so hard they hate him 2000 years later, and how the faith spread. After this though you have a rich tradition of many saints and heroes from all across the world living and dying for the faith that had zero Jewish blood. Christianity is a universal religion. And if you think the Norse faith would've been racial you're silly because if a Somali traveled up to Scandinavia and believed the Norse myths in those days the pagans of the land wouldn't have cared. Not to mention types of paganism was often spread to people outside of the racial group as well.

>Christianity is a universal religion. And if you think the Norse faith would've been racial you're silly because if a Somali traveled up to Scandinavia...

Lol it's a tribal religion and still is. No globalism for me, thanks.

Why do you think most Jews are anti-Christian? Same reason as Bolsheviks.


I respect Norse mythology as far as cultural heritage goes, but it's still just a fragmented mythology.
In some versions, Thor is the son of Odin, other times he isn't, and so on.
I don't think there is much to learn from, in terms of personal growth or outlook on life. After all, they're just a bunch of fantasy sagas.
Stop frothing over it just because you think it's cool.

>muh saints

Yep, they definitely didn't just slap a name on this well hoping people would forget the original spirit associated with it.

I'm not particularly anti-Christian, but damn, they really went out of their way to destroy things and replace them with their doctrine. Reminds of of Islam.

Jews are anti-white. Doesn't matter what religion you are.

If you want a religion based around your race you're better off being part of the Creativity Movement or just treating National Socialism itself as a religion like the Nazis. The ancient pagans wouldn't have seen the Norse myths as exclusive to them any more than the Greeks and Romans saw their myths being exclusive to them.

It's not a matter of "cool" it's a matter of how a religion makes you feel. Most converters to any religion will say they converted because the religion gave them strength. If Norse give people strength for whatever reason then why is it any less valid than Christianity?

You should check this out. It's got a huge bibliography. I think it's easy to think it's small until you dig a little deeper and find out just how much we know.

Yeah it's very unfortunate people like Joan of Arc didn't exist and no one can model themselves after her.

You prove my next point though. Whatever religion one inherits, it needs to include all whites.

Strength will come through unity.

>what is entertainment, history, and art?

>why would you ever try to teach something by telling a story?

>why would something that worked for my ancestors all the way back to prehistory hold any value for me?

And for the billionth time in this thread:

>what is folk religion?

You know better than this.