He spends most of his days staring at a computer monitor

>He spends most of his days staring at a computer monitor

>He spends most of his time shitposting

>instead of a mirror you mean?

How is reading a classic novel or textbook on a computer monitor any different from reading it in physical book form? You learn the exact same knowledge. But reading a book in the park is more socially desirable than sitting in front of a computer, because on the surface it appears both sociable AND smart, and that's what matters to shallow, ignorant people.

Smart people don't read books in the park, and reading is not a sociable activity at all, it's not meant to be.

haha nerd

>reading to appear smart
I'd rather be a "nerd" than a moron.

I can honestly say without hyperbole that this applies to 90% of the population

wtf are you me?

but than again I do not pollute planet and I save energy

just nuke us all, this would be great savings in the time of crisis

or turn off the fucking internet, it was meant to spread information but turned into shitposting weapon

Yea I gave a job you dumb cunt.

she spends most of her days starting at Facebook on her Iphone

>tfw job is spending most of his days staring at a computer monitor

What did you say to my british friend you cuck ?

ok, expected, not meant

t. naive stupid clueless numb lazy polack

>he spends most of his days worshiping kek

>most of his days
Try every day.
>Wake up
>Go to work
>Stare at a monitor
>Go home
>Stare at a monitor
>Go to bed

>Art of War
Why is this the go-to choice for vapid white women to read in public?
What are they trying to prove?

I'm sorry my guy. whats your job?

>spend most of my time working
Sup Forums is for mornings

I think its pretty obvious what they feel the need to try and prove to morons who'll be impressed.

No idea. It's not even all that interesting, there are no huge revelations that you couldn't come up with on your own if you thought about it.

I'm working on my monitor tan.

exactly this.

By the way - when you see a woman reading in public, like in a coffee shop or a park, go PICK HER UP. I learned this when I was 20. A woman reading in public is a giant, flashing, green light. She wants attention and she wants it bad. It's probably the brightest green light I can think of.

>he spends most of his days staring at the black widow that's about to descend on him

>This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

I use my iPhone faggot and switch over to text hot girls and my friends. I've been doing this for years. Occasionally I'll use my notebook but I usually use that to watch Reviewbrah and Jason Genova videos.

>the art of war
>in a book that big
Its like 50 pages long in big print.

Of mostly single sentences and then a three-line long """paragraph""" break

Probably translator notes, analysis, blah blah blah. Its mostly fluff. The book was made to look good obviously.

I don't own a home computer, all laptop baby