Temple of Doom > Raiders of the Lost Ark > The Last Crusade >>>> Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Temple of Doom > Raiders of the Lost Ark > The Last Crusade >>>> Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

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Raiders>*power gap*>Crusade>*power gap*>Temple>Crystal Skull
that said

Retarded as fuck and I don't even dislike Temple of Doom. Raiders is just a masterpiece and ahead of the rest.

Nah it's:


I legitimately dislike Temple of Doom but it's a pulpier type of movie setup from the start. Like they weren't sure if they were going to trilogy or series and wanted not-world-impacting filler stories, too.

The fact that Raiders & Crusade are all about major world powers vaguely supporting/opposing Indy gives them some scale that Temple just didn't do.

At last, a man with taste and humour

>if you do think Raiders is better than Doom, you either hate fun or take a children's saga like Indiana Jones' too much seriously

>pulpier type of movie setup from the start
Exactly, that is why it's better

>omg Temple of Doom was sooo racist! that's why I love it!

My hatred for it is really just personal bias for being the only one of the three I had on VHS as a kid. I think Spielberg got his pulp-kicks from Amazing Stories before going back for more Indiana Jones and that was a good thing.

I don't understand how anybody can not put Last Crusade first, literally one of the comfiest movies of all time.

why is everyone all of a sudden recognizing raiders for the master piece it is? i'm sure if i looked on reddit i would find the answer. i'm at least glad people are acknowledging this fact

It was never not acclaimed, not sure what you're on about.

you know what i'm on about. i don't though. some eceleb faggot made a video, there was a post on reddit. it's one of these or both. i know it

If you mean people are dropping multiple threads on Sup Forums and shitting up the place then yeah probly reddit did it. I haven't seen that, sorry.

it was a crime that Short Round wasn't mentioned in LC or CS

Temple of Doom is the second worst my dude.

Because Raiders is literally the greatest adventure movie ever made. It's a masterpiece in every sense. Last Crusade is just the funniest.

I think it's Raiders > Temple >>> Last Crusade >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Crystal Skull

>short round

Doubt it m8. I've been calling Raiders a masterpiece for years here and so have others. Like that other user said, it's always been an acclaimed film. It was a best picture/best director nomination. Critics have always loved it.

Last Crusade had a bit of a handicap on it. They got the gang back together AND added Sean Connery, wins for fan service but losses in originality and depth.

If you look at how Temple introduced the new characters it was quick and easy and established their dynamic right off the bat anyway. Very seamless and everything was set up before the intro was over rather than being just callbacks to earlier films.

I mean I don't like any of the Temple characters but they were established and presented well.

I think it could have all been a little better if they just switched out the Nazis in Last Crusade for some fanatical religious order or something.

Raiders had Nazis, which was pretty cool. Then Temple of Doom comes along and changes the bad guys and the location. I think they could have kept everything for Last Cruisade, but switch it up a little. Europe and Turkey is a change, but lose the Nazis and bring on something new.

Then they should have immediately made Kingdom of the Crystal Skull right after that. New location, South America. Younger Indy, and you can bring in the Soviets. They're not Nazis, but it gives it the feel of fighting an old enemy.

>indy fights the soviets before the nazis

That's not what I said. I meant they should have MADE Kingdom of the Crystal skull sooner, not set it earlier. That way you don't have an 80 year old Indiana Jones.

>Raiders of the Lost Ark
Set in Northern Africa fighting Nazis

>Temple of Doom
Set in India fighting a cult

>Raiders of the Lost Ark
Set in Europe and Turkey fighting a fanatical religious order

Don't wait several decades and make
>Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Set in Jungles of South America fighting Nazis

I meant Crystal Skull should be Soviets, I accidentally said Nazis.


Crystal Skull is so shit, it legitimately makes me angry thinking about everything that's bad about it.